The Financial Stability of Family Practice

Promote Family Spine Health & Care

Chiropractic Family Practice is extremely profitable. Rather than working harder and harder for their money, chasing insurance companies only to be denied payment, losing patients because their insurance doesn’t cover the care anymore, and dealing with the incredibly stressful, high overhead that comes with other types of practices, thousands of chiropractors are becoming the family wellness providers for their communities.

The foundation of family practice that makes it work is scientifically and wellness based. We all know that a healthy spine is necessary for people to be healthy. We’ve all seen the patient with severe spinal deterioration who did not have pain until their body couldn’t handle the pressure anymore.

According to the medical journal Spine, “Nerve root compression can exist without pain.”  E.J. Wall reported in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery that stretching a nerve as little as six degrees can decrease the strength of the nerve impulse by as much as 70%.


Promote Family Spine Health & Care

Every member of the family should have his/her spine examined during every stage of growth and development, regardless of whether there are symptoms.

Spinal injuries that are left uncorrected can:

· alter spine and nerve development,
· lead to immediate and long term health problems that cause pain, or
· disguise themselves as other types of sicknesses and health problems.

For all these reasons, patients should bring in their family members for chiropractic examination within the first two weeks of beginning care.

Left uncorrected, spinal injuries can alter spine and nerve development and lead to immediate and long term health problems that cause pain, or disguise u themselves as other types of sicknesses and health problems.

For all these reasons, every member of the family should have his/her spine examined during every stage of growth and development, regardless of whether there are symptoms present or not. People should have their spines checked regularly, even after their initial care is complete and all their symptoms are gone. Patients should bring in their family members for chiropractic examination within the first two weeks of beginning care.

The economic impact of this strategy will be both immediate and long term. The immediate impact is that you will double, triple and even quadruple the number of new patients you get every month, because you turn every new patient into a new family. With congruent patient education in place, you will become the family doctor for these families and they will pay you for their immediate care and long-term care.

I have seen chiropractors who are new in practice build a half-million-dollar practice within three years practicing this way from day one. I have also seen practice veterans of ten, twenty and even thirty years, add this wellness base to their current practices, increasing their profit, and taking the stress out of their lives.

Promote Family Spine Health & CareAt the end of next year, rather than wondering where all of your new patients have disappeared to, wouldn’t it be nice to see that you are building your practice with the stability of lifetime chiropractic families. Most chiropractors are sitting on a goldmine and they don’t even know it. It’s time to capitalize and mine the gold by turning every new patient into a chiropractic family for life.

Whether you want a family practice exclusively, or you want to add this solid financial base to your practice, master the economics of family practice and make your practice dreams come true. TAC

Dr. Eric Plasker is the founder and CEO of The Family Practice, where chiropractors are uniting to lead family health care. The Family Practice provides all the tools, resources, practice management and personal coaching necessary to help chiropractors build first-class family practices. He can be reached at 866-532-3327, Ext. 118, or online at

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