Arlington, Va. – The American Chiropractic Association (ACA) encourages doctors of chiropractic (DCs) to take advantage of new resources to help them understand and comply with recent significant changes to the way providers are paid under Medicare. The changes went into effect on Jan. 1 and are the result of the Medicare and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA), which requires eligible providers to participate in a Quality Payment Program (QPP).
“The new resources – three training videos – will help DCs better understand the MACRA rule, how to participate in a QPP and the incentives that come with participation,” says ACA President David Herd, DC. “Most importantly, participation in a QPP will help ensure that the chiropractic profession is delivering value-based, high-quality, efficient patient care.”
MACRA was designed to offer providers two new Medicare payment model pathways, collectively known as a QPP. Eligible DCs can participate in the QPP by implementing the first model pathway, the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS), into their practice. DCs are not currently eligible for participation in the second model pathway, the Advanced Alternative Payment Models.
To better understand the MACRA law, DCs are encouraged to take part in the introductory training titled “MACRA and the Quality Payment Program: Implications and Opportunities for Chiropractic.” ACA and Best Practices Academy have collaborated to offer two additional in-depth webinars: “Quality Payment Program” and “MACRA, MIPS and Chiropractic: Medicare’s New Quality Payment System.” All the videos are available on ACA website’s at
ACA encourages DCs to review its MACRA and Quality Payment Program webpage to get more background information on these important changes.
About ACA
The American Chiropractic Association (ACA) is the largest professional association in the United States representing doctors of chiropractic. ACA promotes the highest standards of ethics and patient care, contributing to the health and well-being of millions of chiropractic patients. Visit us at