Allergies, Hay Fever & Sinus Relief Fast Solutions with Homeopathy

An estimated 35 million people in the U.S. have sinus problems or sinusitis. Sinusitis refers to any kind of inflammation or irritation of the sinuses. Acute sinusitis commonly follows a cold or allergies and can last for up to three weeks, at which time it becomes defined as chronic.

Homeopathy helps naturally overcome the underlying causes of sinus and allergy symptoms, with no side effects, while the patient stays fresh and alert. It can provide fast and easy results for both acute and chronic sinusitis.

Homeopathy activates our inner healing resources as it works bio-energetically upon the nervous system to quickly correct nerve interferences where the hands of the chiropractor cannot. Results can commonly occur as quickly as thirty seconds to three minutes. More resistant cases may take a few days, particularly if the symptoms have been present for months or years. The time it takes to naturally overcome symptoms may vary according to the overall health picture of an individual.

The most common symptoms of sinusitis are:

• pain in only one area, especially in the face or behind the eyes

• the sudden start of pain

• mucus-congestion in the nose

• indigestion due to mucus overload

• frequent and sometimes severe headaches

• pressure in the head that may be intense

• runny nose and inflamed nasal passages

• post-nasal drip with discharge

• sore throat

• loss of smell and taste

• bad breath from low grade infection


There are many official homeopathic remedies that are regularly used to activate the body’s ability to overcome the debilitating symptoms of sinusitis and allergies. Some of the most universal homeopathic remedies used for relief of sinus congestion, headaches and sinus pressure associated with sinusitis, hay fever or upper respiratory allergies include (but are not limited to) the following:

Apis Bellifica (Honey Bee) acts on mucous membranes and relieves heavy sensations in the back of the head as well as red, swollen, and burning, puffy eyelids. It helps with swelling in the nose and face, as well as with the pain. As you might imagine, this will also help clear the brain and raise energy levels.

Baptisia Tinctoria (Wild Indigo) is useful for foreheads that feel tight along with eyeballs and brains that feel sore. It helps when eyelids feel heavy and sleepy or when there is confusion, a swimming feeling, vertigo and stupor. It helps alleviate pressure at the root of the nose.  

Coloeyathis (Bitter Cucumber) is great for frontal headaches, pain in eyeballs and facial pressure. It relieves the sharp, boring pressure in the eyes. It also relieves tearing, shooting pain and swelling of face.

Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum (Calcium Sulphide) centers its action on sore nostrils, sneezing and running nose, inflamed and painful eyes and eyelids, pain in right temple and root of nose, and throbbing in the ears. It is good for sinuses that have pus forming, as well as for pain in bones of the face.

Histaminum is for dryness in the mucus membranes. It is also helpful for “heavy” headaches that spread down the front and back of the head into the temples and the nape of the neck.

Hydrastis Canadensis (Golden Seal) centers its action on mucous membranes. It is excellent for relief of profuse nasal discharge and hawking up mucous. It relieves muscle pain in scalp and neck, as well as dull, pressing frontal head pain.

Ignatis Amara (St. Ignatius Bean) is a powerful remedy for pounding headaches and congestive headaches, and relieves the cramp-like pain over the root of the nose and pain about the eyes and eyelids. It relieves sore throats, stitches between swallowing, and tonsils that are inflamed and swollen, as well as dry, spasmodic coughs.

Kali Bichromicum (Bichromate of Potash) is useful for vertigo with nausea when rising, for headaches over eyebrows preceded by blurred vision, frontal pain over one eye and soreness of scalp. It also relieves pressure and pain at root of nose, sticking pain in nose, thick and profuse discharge, inflammation extending to frontal sinuses, hawking, inability to breathe through the nose, violent sneezing, and chronic inflammation of frontal sinus with a stopped-up sensation.  

Lemna Minor (Duckweed) is effective for inflammation of the air passages of the head and throat, post-nasal dripping and pain from nostrils to ear. It also reduces nasal obstruction and dryness and helps restore the sense of smell.

Mercurius Vivus (Quicksilver) is a great remedy for every organ and tissue of the body. It provides relief from “band-feeling” around the head, one-sided tearing pains, scalp tension, much heat in the head, swollen and red eyelids, sticking pains in ears and much sneezing. It relieves aching in facial bones, nosebleed at night, vertigo and congestive headaches.

Pulsatilla (Wind Flower) relieves stitching about head and pains extending to face and teeth; itching, burning eyes; loss of smell and taste. It is helpful for nasal congestion and pressing pain at the root of the nose, as well as hearing difficulty and facial pain.

Rhus Toxicodendron (Poison Ivy) relieves heavy head, sensitive scalp, headache that is painful to touch, irritated or red and swollen eyes and painful ears, sneezing, sore nose, mucus discharge, bones sensitive to touch, facial pain, sore throat with swollen glands, and sticking pains in throat while swallowing.

Sabadilla (Cevadilla Seed) acts on the mucous membrane of the nose and hay fever symptoms. It relieves red and burning eyes, spasmodic sneezing, running nose, inflammation of the nasal mucous membranes and profuse discharge from the nostrils. It is also good for the relief of sore throat and phlegm, vertigo, oversensitivity to odors, heat in head and face, and hands and feet that feel icy cold with chill.

Thuja Occidentalis (Arbor Vitae) is a great remedy for inflammation of the ear marked by pain, fever, difficult hearing, tinnitus and vertigo. It is for chronic mucus discharge and dryness of nasal cavities, as well as painful pressure at the root of the nose.

Other homeopathic formulas may be necessary to address all the underlying causes. Homeopathy is based on the law of similars. Look for formulas that relate to your patients’ symptomatic patterns. In addition, there are homeopathic detox formulas that can be involved in chronic cases. Homeopathy can be safely and effectively combined with chiropractic, nutritional and herbal products and conventional drugs and procedures.

After 30 years of clinical practice and research in homeopathy, I have shifted away from the classical single remedy approach and become more a believer in properly formulated combinations and multi-potency homeopathic products.

Many new homeopathic formulas include multiple ingredients in a variety of strengths so that the user experiences a synergistic effect of the total formula. Use is far easier as well; traditional alcohol tinctures or sugar-based tablets do not afford the versatility of sprays and highly therapeutic value of both the oral and topical application. With a spray application, there is no opening or closing, spillage, measuring, or contamination, not to mention the ease of one-handed administration. Newer formulations take advantage of a pure, water base, making possible topical application, providing a more individualized protocol for patients. They may use the exact method of application (topical, oral, or both) to maximize therapeutic value.

Homeopathy works to activate the body’s natural innate ability to heal and maintain vibrant health within our bodies. Without the valuable components of homeopathy, other treatments (whether nutritional or conventional) may not correct the malfunctions within the energetic and metabolic control systems of our bodies. Homeopathy equips us to go beyond the parameters of the biochemical realm of life and correct interferences within the bioenergetic control systems of our body. It gives us the opportunity to experience unprecedented high levels of health and wellness.


Frank J. King Jr., ND, DC, is a nationally recognized researcher, author and lecturer on homeopathy. In addition, Dr. King is the founder and director of King Bio, an FDA registered homeopathic manufacturing company dedicated to completing chiropractic destiny with the marriage of homeopathy. These procedures can be used with any homeopathic company’s product line and are so easy you can apply them in one day. Call King Bio, Asheville, NC, 1-800-543-3245 or email [email protected].

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