Are You Storing Credit Cards in a Compliant Manner?

Are You Storing Credit Cards in a Compliant Manner?

by Dr. Miles Bodzin, D.C.


When it comes to processing auto-debits, we’ve found that the most common breach made by chiropractors has been in the storing of credit card numbers improperly. We’ve seen examples of chiropractic offices storing card holder data (credit card numbers) in log books, file cabinets, tickler reminder systems, spreadsheets, etc., with the purpose of then physically entering them into a credit card machine every month.

This activity is a clear violation of the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) regulations and must be stopped immediately. If you can retrieve the account number in full from the system you use, then it is NOT PCI DSS compliant and subjects your company to security breaches.

The PCI DSS spells out security guidelines to help businesses minimize the possibility of a data security breach in their card processing systems and to help ensure the integrity of the card system.


What is PCI DSS and why should I care?

You may have heard from recent headlines that stolen credit and debit card data, due to security breaches at businesses—both large and small ones—has negatively impacted millions of consumers. The theft of this data happens from many sources, such as hackers and employees.

You may not be aware that merchants (like yourself) can be financially responsible for fraudulent use of this card data. The fines can be as high at $25,000 per incident. In fact, Visa® has fined merchants millions of dollars in the past few years.


PCI DSS is to the credit card industry what HIPPA is to the health care industry. It’s all about protecting the consumer.

You may not be aware of the fact that, since June 2005, you are required to follow PCI DSS or face considerable fines in the event of a security breach.

The following are actual companies who have had a breach in their credit card securities:

• CardSystems Solutions, Tucson, Az—40 million cards stolen.

• Bank of America—loses 1.2 million customer records from stolen backup tapes.

• BJ’s Wholesale Club stores—8 million members; it is unknown how many credit card numbers were stolen.

• T.J. Max—45 million credit card and debit card numbers.

You don’t have to be a large company to have a security breach. In fact, hackers and thieves know that small businesses, like yours, are more likely to be unaware of PCI and are easy targets.

Where are you vulnerable to theft and hacks? The way you process, transmit or store cardholder data could result in breaches of cardholder data security without your knowledge, resulting in financial losses to your business and customers.

All chiropractors should protect themselves from compromising dangerous data that threaten cardholder’s confidential information.

To ensure safe and secure auto-debiting, it’s important the system you use has gone through rigorous testing to ensure PCI DSS regulations are followed. (See Addendum A)

On October 9, 2007, Visa released a mandated timeline for merchants to eliminate vulnerable applications and use only validated versions. This is a reflection of the heightened risk involved in applications that store credit card information.

It is your responsibility to ensure that you are protecting your business from potentially dangerous security breaches.

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Accurate Standards in Documentation

Accurate Standards in Documentation

by Dr. Mark Studin DC, FASBE, DAAPM, DAAMLP


It’s 4 pm and I have just completed critiquing my fifth narrative created by a chiropractor for both a lawyer and an insurance company. After many years and hundreds of reports, I know within a minute what pattern this particular doctor will fall into and what they will omit. My role is to critique reports and make recommendations to the doctor about how to communicate the truth in an admissible format. The problem I continually face is that doctors are not factual. They are misinterpreting the facts or lying, synonymous terms, in their reports that can’t be fixed by another party. It is the doctor’s responsibility to tell the truth.

Integrity is one of the basic foundations for success and is non-negotiable. That is an innate law.

Lying comes in many forms and slinging bull at the professional level is the quickest way to destroy your career. In fact, it would be easier to take the proverbial gun and shoot yourself between the eyes; forget the feet.


Scenario #1:

Narrative language:


“Mrs. Jones suffered from a rear end collision that resulted in a broad based disc bulge as evidenced by MRI 2 weeks post trauma. This disc bulge compressed the spinal nerve root and is the competent producing cause of her symptoms.”

This makes most lawyers smile because you causally related the bulge to the accident. What does a lawyer now do with this information? They call the carrier to make a large settlement demand and file motions and a lawsuit.

Many lawyers do not have the funds required for litigation, so they borrow the money and are directly responsible for the loan. However, the lawyer is secure in the knowledge that their expert, you, has rendered a “slam dunk” case.

During the trial, the opposition has its expert, a board certified neuroradiologist who heads the spinal research program at Harvard and correctly states that disc bulges are degenerative in nature and not from the trauma. Afterwards, you realize you were wrong and the case was lost. You feel bad, yet you cash your check for expert testimony and life is not all that bad…so you think!

The lawyer is now stuck with a debt that he has to repay.

The following week, the lawyer goes to a Bar Association function and with a $25,000 to $50,000 debt, begins the process of trashing your reputation to everyone that will listen, as his story grows along with his anger.

And you wonder why it is so difficult to have a PI practice in your community?

The insurance company, will also understand that you are not the expert your license says you are and now start to question all of your claims, causing delays and, in many cases, no payment.


Scenario #2:

Narrative language:

Based upon the 6th Edition AMA Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment, I conclude that:

(The formulas are the new 6th Edition Guidelines)Functional Assessment: PDQ score is 30/150. [GMFH-CDX= 2-1=1]

Physical Exam: Slight decrease in cervical range of motion with normal neurological exam. [GMPE-CDX= 1-1= 0]

Clinical Tests: X-rays done 1-31-08 and 1-15-09. [GMCS-CDX= 0-1=-1]

Diagnosis: Cervicalgia (723.1), headache (784.0), cervicocranial syndrome (723.2.)

Impairment Rating: Class diagnosis 1 = 2%; grade modifier for functional history = 1; grade modifier for physical exam= 0; grade modifier for clinical studies = -1; net adjustment = 0.

Whole body impairment rating: 2%.

Here are the problems. The 6th Edition does not allow for range of motion studies, thereby invalidating the physical examination. Symptoms have no bearing on the rating, functional assessment cannot be used unless there are 2 spinal regions that have ratable diagnosis and none of the diagnoses are ratable, thereby invalidating this entire section.

This lawyer will learn from the carrier that the doctor’s rationale is fabricated and will never work with this doctor again, as his work proves he is not expert.


Scenario #3:

Narrative language:728.84, cervical ligament laxity and hypermobility C3-C4, C4-C5, and C5-C6.

NOTE: 728.84 is diastasis of muscle. This description does not match the ICD-9 code, thereby giving written proof of your lack of clinical knowledge and accuracy.The insurance company or lawyer in a PI case will look at the list of diagnoses and realize that you went into creation.

The lawyer, in the future, will look for a real expert who knows what they are doing, and you are not it.


Scenario Story #4:

Narrative language:”Palpation showed fibrosis was evident at C1, C5-C6 and the right S-I joint. In addition, there was a positive foraminal compression test revealing ligamentous damage.”

You can palpate tenderness, rigidity and abnormal tissue response upon deep palpate, but diagnose fibrosis? This is virtually impossible with palpation.

Furthermore, a foraminal compression test is used to reveal nerve root compression or entrapment, not ligamentous damage. This single statement will invalidate a doctor as a specialist. The lawyer lives in the world of these tests and will know if the doctor is being factual or not. You do not get 2 chances to be the cause of a lawyer losing a case because of your incompetence.

In each of the 4 scenarios, the doctors made an error or miscalculated. These doctors have earned the title of “King of BS,” as they held themselves out to be experts at the expense of everyone else. If you are an expert, be one.

Craig Castanet, DC, from Georgia challenged me on my use of disc nomenclature, citing additional references that made mine outdated.

Due to the fact that this doctor stood his ground and repeatedly kept telling me my references were outdated, I spent 3 months checking current references, communicating with leaders in the neuroradiology community and acquired the most current research to find out he was accurate. It, therefore, made me the “King of BS,” as my understanding was outdated and, henceforth, incorrect.

To rectify the situation, I have spent the last 4 months creating an MRI certification course (soon to be released, created specifically for chiropractors) in collaboration with a world renowned medical neuroradiologist, medical physicist and neurosurgeon because, as a profession, we are entitled to be taught by the brightest minds in the world.

The message is simple: Tell the truth, the real truth. This often requires hard work and you need to work at your facts, which are a by-product of research, continuing education and asking more questions than answers often exist.

You need to challenge the experts and, if they are truly expert, they, too, will pause and seek additional research, continuing education and start to ask additional questions where answers do not yet exist.

If an expert will not pause to consider a dissenting opinion, they are not truly expert; they are simply pompous and, too often, wrong.

In the end, together we will find the truth and be able to report the same in a factual way “as a true expert.” It is that reputation that will enable you to win, not just in your practice, but in every part of your life.

If you would like to take a quiz on clinical competency, please type the following in your web address line and the results will be confidential and sent back to you:

How the Successful Practice Manages the Five Key Areas of Compliance

How the Successful Practice Manages the Five Key Areas of Compliance

by Dr. Steven J. Kraus, D.C., D.I.B.C.N., C.C.S.P., F.A.S.A.


Compliance affects every aspect of a practice, from who should have access to patient records to whether an X-ray machine is properly calibrated. Regulations exist at all levels of government—federal, state and local—and in the business sector. We shouldn’t assume that our current practices comply with regulations simply because we’ve been trained. We have to be diligent about updating our policies and refreshing our knowledge.

Continue reading “How the Successful Practice Manages the Five Key Areas of Compliance”

College Presidents Mini-Interviews

College Presidents Mini-Interviews

by Dr. Daniel J. Murphy D.C., D.A.B.C.O.


Neil Albert Salonen, B.A., President of University of Bridgeport

“We are being prudent fiscally because, while we’ve been growing strongly, this economy warrants caution. In our Colleges of Chiropractic, Naturopathic Medicine, Fones School of Dental Hygiene and Acupuncture Institute, we’ve improved clinic facilities ($4.5 million) promoted patient experience, seen surges (dental hygiene clinic, more than 3,000 patients a year; chiropractic clinic up 32 percent), developed internships with a local hospital (St. Vincent’s), expanded health science degree programs on the Internet, and continued to recruit top students. We’re working to assure many successes in our allied health programs in the years ahead.”

Carl S. Cleveland III D.C., President of Cleveland Chiropractic College— Kansas City and Los Angeles

“Beyond the continued search for campus efficiencies and expanding marketing initiatives, Cleveland Chiropractic College—with campuses in Kansas City and Los Angeles—is actively exploring opportunities for diversifying the academic offerings. This fall, the college projects launching a Master of Science in Health Promotion focusing on issues of community health, diet and health, health promotion in athletes, worksite wellness and other topics to encourage groups, communities and the nation to adopt behaviors conducive to health. An enhanced 100-hour Applied Health Promotion Certificate will also be offered.”

Peter Diakow, D.C., Director of Chiropractic Program, D’Youville College

“D’Youville College’s Chiropractic Program is currently well positioned in the student marketplace, appealing to prospective students that are interested in an evidence based chiropractic curriculum directly integrated with other health professional programs (physiotherapy, occupational therapy, nursing and dietetics). Although, our enrollment is still increasing, our future recruitment efforts will be turned toward areas outside the northeastern United States. As well, the Chiropractic Program at D’Youville will be expanding Continuing Education offerings in selected niche areas of interest. There is every indication that our program will continue to flourish, even in this economic environment.”

Guy F. Riekeman, D.C., President of Life University

“Life University enrollment has increased dramatically (15 percent annually) in the last few years. We have $50 million dollars of construction projects in process—new student housing, a day care facility, a new organic café, etc., so obviously we’re expanding not contracting.

“That said, like all colleges and universities, we’re gearing up our recruiting efforts during these economic times. Contrary to the belief of some, there is financial aid available, so we’ll see how the marketplace reacts to the solid opportunities Life University provides. A Life education includes professional careers that are not dependent on employers and, to that extent, more recession proof. The reality is that this is a great time to invest in our kind of education.”


George A. Goodman, D.C., F.I.C.C., President of Logan College of Chiropractic

“Logan’s strategic planning process provides a time-lined direction for new programs. In 2008, we introduced an accredited Master of Science program in Sports Science and Rehabilitation. 2009 will see a new Master’s degree in Clinical and Whole Food Nutrition.

“Graduate hybrid on-line programs are being developed to meet the needs of practicing Doctors of Chiropractic and graduate students. Our future plans will position the Doctor of Chiropractic as the future decision-maker in health policy development.”


James F. Winterstein, D.C., D.A.C.B.R., President of National University of Health Sciences

“National University made plans to weather these kinds of storms fifteen years ago when we began to plan a conversion from a single purpose college into a university with three colleges, and raised the entrance requirement for our doctoral programs to the baccalaureate. We initiated new degree or certificate programs that now total eleven, along with numerous post-professional courses. Top on the list for ‘09 is the opening of our chiropractic medicine degree program at St. Petersburg College in Pinellas County, Florida.”


Mark Zeigler, D.C., President of Northwestern Health Sciences University

“Northwestern Health Sciences University has been working for the last several years to strengthen the institution’s financial well-being through our “Imagine Our Future” Capital Campaign. This five year, $23 million campaign is intended to provide Northwestern with 1) the physical infrastructure necessary to elevate the University to the position of being the nation’s university of choice in natural health care, and 2) the long-term support of new programs and initiatives through a $15 million endowment. More than half of the funds have been raised, and have already led to a new 48,000-square-foot addition to campus, the Wolfe-Harris Center for Excellence, and renovations to the original building.”


Frank J. Nicchi, M.S., D.C., President of New York Chiropractic College

“We are always looking to add more “spoke” clinical opportunities to our affiliations such as the VA, university health and wellness centers and hospital-based geriatric care facilities. The Doctor of Chiropractic Program is launching a new business curriculum to prepare graduates for the marketplace, and new coursework has been developed that provides graduates with skills and confidence in providing chiropractic patient education. Postgraduate instruction now offers teleconference workshops that enable ten doctors to view PowerPoint presentations via Internet display and conference call with a post-graduate faculty member serving as instructor/facilitator.”


Fabrizio Mancini, D.C., President of Parker College of Chiropractic

“Further developing the Parker Seminars program will help the chiropractic profession through these trying economic times. Parker Seminars will expand its business course offerings, making them an integral part of the program. The chiropractic assistant program will be enhanced so C.A.’s can learn everything they need through Parker Seminars. The Dallas seminar will grow to the scale of the Las Vegas seminar. Vendors will continue to exhibit the most cutting-edge products in the industry.”


Dr. Ronald D. Kraft, Ph.D., President of Southern California University of Health Sciences

“In this challenging economic climate, it is more important than ever that we concentrate on preparing our students to be not only exceptional practitioners, but also strong leaders who are successful in business and committed to serving their communities. Our entrepreneurial-focused Practice of Prosperity Academy and the combined DC/AOM program are just two of the many initiatives that SCU has established to give our students significant advantages in launching and growing their practices.”


Jon Schwartzbauer, D.C., President of Sherman College of Straight Chiropractic

“Sherman College is using social networks like blogs, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and more to keep in touch with current and prospective students as well as alumni. Social networks allow Sherman to share information in an affordable way, reducing printing and postage costs and driving traffic to the web.

Sherman also offers education investment management sessions to help students manage their student loan portfolios and finances. Topics covered include student loans, private loans, credit card debt, loan deferments and budgeting.”


Richard G. Brassard, D.C., President of Texas Chiropractic College

“We have focused on three areas in response to recent economic changes. First, significant changes in the student recruitment process have been implemented, including collaborative agreements with area universities and colleges; second, improvements to our curriculum and educational programs to better meet student interests and needs; and third, developing alternative funding sources. We recognize that this climate mandates an innovative problem-solving approach if chiropractic education is to keep pace with a changing health care landscape”.



Joseph Brimhall, D.C., President of Western States Chiropractic College

“WSCC has included the likelihood of normal economic downturns as an integral part of our planning process. We have further developed our massage therapy program, will offer masters degrees in vital areas of interest, and have significantly expanded our clinic system. Favorable pricing in construction markets has allowed us to move on planned facilities maintenance upgrades to existing facilities and to plan new, modern learning environments for our students. These strategies coupled with sustaining our charitable giving and development strategies are key to WSCC’s long term financial strength.”

Standard Posture Analysis: As simple as XYZ

Standard Posture Analysis: As simple as XYZ

by Mark R. Payne D.C.


Lost of us were taught some rudimentary method of postural analysis in college. Unfortunately, it often consisted of little more than looking for a high/low shoulder or hip, or maybe a bit of head tilt in the frontal view and perhaps a glance at the lumbar lordosis in the lateral plane. Even worse, there has been little or no standardization of the language used to describe aberrations of posture. There exists a real need for an organized approach to postural analysis and a standard way for doctors to record their findings. Fortunately, there has been some good work in this area already published in the scientific literature. All that remains now is for the profession at large to begin incorporating existing methods whenever postural analysis is performed.

Continue reading “Standard Posture Analysis: As simple as XYZ”

The Jonas Brothers and Chiropractic Care

The Jonas Brothers and Chiropractic Care

by Dr.Albert Wolyniec, D.C.


Dr. Albert Wolyniec has been in private practice for the past 37 years. He is the director of the Wolyniec Chiropractic Group in Ridgewood, New Jersey, where he works closely with his colleague, Dr. Warren Jacoby. He lectures extensively around the country and has authored countless articles and papers on chiropractic.

Dr. Wolyniec worked with the New York Giants football team from 1986 to 1993. He was voted Chiropractor of the Year for the Eastern United States by the Parker Foundation in 1993 and was a team teacher there for many years. Also, in 1993, Dr. Wolyniec was voted into the prestigious Chiropractic Knights of the Round Table, where he is an active member today. Below is his story about his work with the Jonas Brothers.

Dr. Jacoby and I have been the personal chiropractors of the Jonas Brothers for many years. We are frequently asked many questions about them, the most common of which is how we got to be their chiropractors. I will now answer this and some of the more commonly asked questions.

Our association with the Jonas family started when my son, Nicholas, went to preschool with Nicholas Jonas in 1998.

Kevin Jonas Sr., his father, was the pastor of Wyckoff Assembly of God Church at the time. He persistently kept inviting Mrs. Wolyniec and me to visit his church. We really weren’t interested in another church, because we were happy where we were. But, after more persistence, we finally went. Surprisingly, we were extremely impressed and soon realized that this was to be our new church.

I remember being amazed over the singing voice of Kevin Jonas Sr. and his musical ability. He had put together a group of musicians who performed at the church services who were extremely talented. Kevin Jonas Sr. was also a great composer, having co-written with Michael W. Smith the Dove Award Best Song of the Year for 1999. The Dove Awards are the gospel music equivalent to the Grammy’s. But most impressive of all was his passion for God and his message of the great benefits of living your life staying close to Him. I got to be very close friends with him from that time on and I respect him greatly to this day. He, in turn, was intrigued with chiropractic care and embraced the idea of using chiropractic care to stay healthy. He subsequently would bring his entire family to our office for wellness care, on a once per week basis, and they did this for many years.

At an early age, Nicholas started performing on Broadway in plays such as A Christmas Carol, Beauty and the Beast, Annie Get Your Gun and Les Miserables. Joseph performed in La Boheme. All the while, Kevin Sr. kept the family under regular chiropractic care with the goal of optimum health and optimum life performance. Denise Jonas then gave birth to their fourth son, Frankie, who, in my opinion, will also be a great entertainer some day. At a very early age, you could tell Frankie had that certain charisma common to all great performers. Keep your eye on Frankie Jonas; he is going places.

Eventually, the boys formed a rock band and it was soon apparent that, due to their great musical talent, their high level of integrity and their great work ethic, they were destined for stardom. Disney saw their potential and signed them. Nobody was better qualified to manage the boys than Pastor Kevin, with his great musical ability, talent as a composer and tremendous managerial skills. He, therefore, left our church as Senior Pastor to manage the Jonas Brothers. The members of the church were heartbroken when Pastor Kevin left, but he had a greater vision which he still holds to this day. His vision is to influence the youth of the world in a very positive way through music and through the way the boys live their lives. For example, on their Disney reality show, the boys pray together before meals. What rock group has ever reached superstardom by behaving like this? None, to my knowledge.

To this day chiropractic care is still a very high priority in their lives, despite their extremely demanding schedules. They make sure they get their spines adjusted regularly, even if they have to fly me somewhere in the country just for the day. I have even done a coast to coast house call solely to maintain their spines free of nerve interference. The Jonas Brothers give many concerts nationally, and when they are performing in this area, I go backstage with my portable table and set up an adjusting room. Everyone waits his/her turn and I generally adjust 15¬20 people each time. I adjust not only the Jonas Brothers, but their family, Kiyoko, Maya, their production staff, and the security people, including Big Rob, the bodyguard. I admire Kevin Sr. for the importance that he places on regular chiropractic care, and how he always works it into their schedules. I also frequently adjust them in their hotel when they are in New York City.

The Jonas Family has encouraged many others to receive chiropractic care, including Demi Lovato, star of the movie Camp Rock. I am frequently asked if the boys have changed with all their fame and fortune. It is absolutely amazing to me that they have not. They are still the same polite, obedient, humble boys who seem to have their attention on others rather than themselves. When I adjust them, they will often ask me how Mrs. Wolyniec and my children are doing, and I can tell they are truly interested in my answers.

I believe, if they haven’t changed by now, they never will. They are firmly grounded in their faith and are staying true to their vision.

You may contact Dr. Wolyniec at 1-201-652-5333 or [email protected].

•Printed with permission of Kevin Jonas Sr.

The 7 Secrets To Making Money

The 7 Secrets To Making Money

by Dr. Miles Bodzin, D.C.


The topic of having a cash practice is really hot right now. Doctors across the country are finding that insurance coverage is getting worse every year. And the recent explosion of doctors doing additional non-covered services such as massage, decompression, and laser therapy is driving this trend even further. So to help sky-rocket your collections while building your dream practice, let’s review The 7 Secrets to Making Money with Cash Practice® Systems.

Continue reading “The 7 Secrets To Making Money”

New Orthopedic Test: Neurogenic Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

New Orthopedic Test: Neurogenic Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

by Dr. William J. Owens, D.C., D.A.A.M.L.P.


The Journal of Vascular Surgery provides vascular, cardiothoracic, and general surgeons with the most recent information in vascular surgery. The Society for Vascular Surgery Journal of Vascular Surgery ranks in the top 5 percent of the 5,684 scientific journals most frequently cited. (2000 Science Citation Index)

Continue reading “New Orthopedic Test: Neurogenic Thoracic Outlet Syndrome”

Only Dead Fish Swim with the Current

Only Dead Fish Swim with the Current

by Patrick Gentempo, D.C.


For 31 years, I have watched the economy as well as the insurance companies dramatically impact our practices. I remember doctors being terrified when PPO’s and HMO’s came into existence. Doctors are just as concerned about the economy as anyone else would be. We, as chiropractors, need to change our way of thinking if we are going to succeed as a profession. We have to become and lead the health movement in this country. We must realize that WE hold the key to “the health of this nation.” If we don’t seize this opportunity, some other profession will, and the health and the economy of this country will be compromised.

One of the ways to spear-head this movement and make sure that your practice is “recession proof” is with a Signature Nutritional Program. Incorporating a one of a kind nutritional program into your practice may be exactly what the doctor ordered, not only for your practice, but for your own health as well. The best method that I have found is using blood testing procedures that all doctors agree with. This biochemical analysis diagnoses and treats any biochemical malfunction caused by an endocrine imbalance by utilizing nutrition and supplementation. This is a testing procedure that is not only subjective, but also objective, using chemical indicators to assess the chemical function of the body.

Below, I have outlined seven ways that this signature nutritional program can help strengthen your health as well as your practice:

The Signature Nutritional Program:

1. Adds additional service and revenue to your existing practice. If you have an existing practice, you can generate more income from existing patients by adding this nutritional service and not having to raise your overhead expenses. You can enhance your patients’ health as you improve your services rendered. This can run from a few hundred to a thousand dollars extra that you would receive per patient.

2. Increases the amount of new patients you have coming into your office. When adding this Signature Nutritional Program, you will have patients come in who are looking for nutritional advice and not necessarily chiropractic care. Once under your nutritional care, you can educate them about chiropractic. This held my practice strong when all the HMO’s and PPO’s were rearing their ugly heads. I held nutritional seminars and patients came in specifically for nutrition. Once I gained their trust, it was easy for them to make the right decision about chiropractic care.

3. Adds great referral sources to your business. People who are concerned about nutrition have friends who are also interested in this nutritional approach, because it makes so much sense. Medical doctors, osteopaths, dentists, etc., are more apt to refer patients for nutritional support than for chiropractic care, especially when you are using blood testing procedures that they use. This also helps in starting to build bridges between the professions.

4. Makes your patients excellent patients. People who are interested in nutrition make better patients because they are already proactive and are willing to do what it takes to be healthy.

5. Provides residual income. The supplement industry is becoming a trillion dollar industry. We, as chiropractors, earn the right to share in this revenue. Supplements are consumable goods which patients must buy each month. By maintaining a patient log and setting up a drop ship program with your patients, you can generate from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars a month.

6. Helps you stay in communication with your patients. Some patients will be stopping by your office to pick up supplements on a monthly basis. The rest of them will receive their supplements from a drop ship program in which you will also be sending them messages/flyers about your latest lectures or other events going on in your office. You will also be scheduling follow up nutritional consultations that will stimulate additional patient visits or, at least, have the patient thinking about you.

7. Will lead your family to excellent health. The best part of this program is that you and your family will become healthier. You will be able to help your family in so many ways that they will rarely, if ever, have to go and see any other doctor. I have noticed this in my own family…. I can’t remember the last time someone in my immediate family had to go and see another doctor. Do you want to double your practice? First, you have to improve your health and your energy to handle the additional workload…. And second, you have to be healthier than your healthiest patient.

The only thing that might stop you from using nutrition in your practice is that you may not know a lot about nutrition and you may not have the time to learn it either.

If this is the case, I have also developed this Signature Nutritional Program to be “turn-key.” So, if you do not have the time to learn about an in-depth nutritional program, then we have made it easy to implement into your practice. It’s so easy, a caveman can do it!

With Signature Nutritional Program, you can either choose to evaluate the blood test totally on your own or you can literally have someone else do all the work. You can choose to outsource everything from ordering and evaluating the test, creating reports/educational material, training yourself and your staff, shipping your order to your patients, and giving the consultations via e-mail and phone.

Changing Income Streams in the Middle of a Recession

Changing Income Streams in the Middle of a Recession

by Dr. Mark R. Payne D.C.


Graduated in 1979 and, trust me, I’ve seen better days for chiropractic. For the past decade, I‘ve watched once vibrant practices slowly wither on the vine as third party pay dried up. Many patients forced to pay out-of-pocket for chiropractic care began to scrutinize their health care expenditures more closely. To make matters worse, now we’ve got a full blown recession on our hands. All indications are that doctors and patients alike will be going through some tough times in the foreseeable future.

Continue reading “Changing Income Streams in the Middle of a Recession”