Seoul, Korea —April 21, 2019— Dr. Van Merkle was recently the keynote speaker at the Clinical Society for Integrative Oncology in Seoul, Korea. About 250 oncologists, researchers, and other medical doctors were in attendance. Several traveled from China specifically to hear Dr. Merkle, including some very renowned doctors.
Some of the most renowned doctors in attendance were: Dr. Jin Zhe, M.D. (urologist, professor at Peking University, in the elder care division); Dr. Zhang Jinping, (chair/director of 300 elder care hospitals in China – which covers approximately 100 million people); Dr. Seo Jungbok, O.M.D (K.M.D) vice president in DaeJung Elder Care Hospital in China; Dr. Fu Ping, (chairman of the Chinese Clinical Nutrition Association); Dr. Kim Kyungah, M.D. (G.P) team doctor of DaeJung Hospital, Korea; Dr. Park Minsoo, M.D. (G.P.) one of the most renown TV star doctors in Korea.
Interpreters were obviously needed however, many doctors from China and Korea were medically trained using English textbooks and spoke English fairly well. South Koreans can receive a free, fairly comprehensive blood test every 2 years through the government. There is great potential for natural oriented doctors to use lab testing in their nutrition practice, which is why Dr. Merkle was invited to speak.
Dr. Merkle spoke on laboratory testing and nutrition. He also discussed how serious problems sometimes have simple, safe, natural solutions. Maybe a week or 2 of trying a safe, natural, option might show dramatic laboratory results even in advanced cancer cases. Dr. Merkle presented several of his own cases, showing the validity of nutrition backed up with laboratory testing. Dr. Merkle’s presentation was enthusiastically received. Many doctors wanted pictures with him and he received several very nice gifts.
Dr. Merkle also presented certificates to 26 doctors of the first class trained in Korea using Dr. Merkle’s Science Based Nutrition (SBN) system. The class took the doctors a year to complete and was held by a South Korean doctor that has been using SBN for approximately 10 years. It has taken a long time to develop the SBN system and translate the reports into Korean.
Dr. Merkle was asked to travel to China, Dubai and Singapore and back to South Korea to lecture and train doctors on more natural care, as well as options for cancer and elder care. Those tend to be their most pressing and costly health problems. Dr. Merkle said, “Speaking at the oncology conference was very exciting. I also ate some great food and visited beautiful national landmarks but most importantly, I made some very good friends. I look forward to returning.”
Dr. Van D. Merkle DABCI, DCBCN, CCN, is an August 1982 graduate of Logan College of Chiropractic. He is board certified in clinical nutrition and a board certified clinical internist, who has practiced in Centerville, Ohio for over 35 years. He is the founder, developer and president of Science Based Nutrition (SBN) – a laboratory and nutrition, patented computer analysis system. He has been the host of the talk show Take 2 Healthcare on WHIO 95.7 FM every Saturday 11AM to noon for over 25 years.
Check Science Based Nutrition out on Facebook to see where Dr. Merkle will be traveling next. #ScienceBasedNutrition #SBN #Nutrition
About Dr. Merkle’s Company: Science Based Nutrition SBN provides a medical and nutritional evaluation of blood and other objective tests. The patented, computerized analysis and reporting system, provides doctors/patients the most detailed, accurate, personalized report. You cannot remember everything about every test. SBN does this for you while providing 30+ years of clinical laboratory and nutritional experience treating patients with problems like MS, lupus, cancers, diabetes, kidney disease and many more. Your patients have the same problems and now you can help.
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