:dropcap_open:A:dropcap_close:ccording to the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention), obesity in adults has increased by 60 percent within the past twenty years and obesity in children has tripled in the past thirty years. A staggering 33 percent of American adults are obese and obesity-related deaths have climbed to more than 300,000 a year, second only to tobacco-related deaths. There appears to be no end in sight with today’s current approach to achieving health.
As a society, we are constantly looking for the “quick fix,” the latest fad diets, and, sadly, look to Hollywood as our role models. We see people in our office every day that spend almost all their waking hours in front of a computer, driving a car or talking on the phone. The number of people you see spending time outdoors is becoming less and less. Even our children prefer to use their fingers to play their latest hand held game, instead of running and playing outside. This has got to change!
When I started my practice ten years ago, I committed to changing as many lives as I could, not only by extending their years, but by enhancing the quality of each day. In my younger years, I was always very athletic, but noticed that, once I opened my practice and began a family, I, too, began putting my health and well-being lower on the priority list. When I didn’t have the energy to read a story to my son one night, it was a major wake-up call! Not only was it affecting me and my family, the message I was conveying to my patients on a daily basis was a contradiction in my own life. Using my background in health and wellness, I decided it was time to incorporate a comprehensive wellness solution to better serve my patients, my family, myself and my community.
I began this personal and professional transformation by becoming a Creating Wellness Center in 2004. Once I saw what a powerful impact this had within my practice, it was now time for me to play bigger and reach the thousands of people trapped inside Corporate America within my community. Although I was off to a great start in implementing wellness programs, I knew that we could make even more of a difference. They say, “Timing is everything,” in this world. By coincidence, I met Paul Caminiti—the Founder and CEO of Adrenaline Sports USA, Inc., an “organic” outdoor, group fitness company—through a potential corporate client. We both shared the same vision, and realized that our services together were more powerful than apart. We could now provide corporate employees and individuals an innovative approach of physical fitness, along with nutrition and stress management solutions. Realizing that the problem with obesity was not just in Richmond, but everywhere, we knew that we had to spread the message even further to help other chiropractors change their communities. Together, we devised a system that chiropractors could use to leverage themselves as the wellness experts in their communities! The number of lives that are being changed on a daily basis is astounding! As chiropractors, we now have the capabilities to help literally anyone! This system, “Team Adrenaline,” brings safe, fun and extremely beneficial workouts and nutritional guidance to those, regardless of their current physical condition or age, by utilizing the greatest machine known to man, the human body.
:dropcap_open:When I didn’t have the energy to read a story to my son one night, it was a major wake-up call!:quoteleft_close:
The people in Corporate America need us more than ever! All of the barriers—time, money, space, current wellness solutions, limited appeal to employees, low participation levels, No ROI—are all nullified.
Team Adrenaline’s mission is to create something entirely unique for the people participating: a culture that is all their own. In addition to providing the most confidence boosting, intense and beneficial program available to participants, Team Adrenaline is in professional partnerships with some of the nation’s leading experts in nutritional counseling, injury prevention and sports psychology.
While some experts would consider lack of exercise to be the main cause of obesity and an unhealthy lifestyle, it does not work alone. Your food choices play a major role in it as well. So much so that the two may as well be considered partners in crime. Most towns and cities have a fast food chain located on nearly every corner, or major highway. Television ads do their very best to get you to super-size it, or go large. It would seem that the fastest and easiest solution is fast food; however Team Adrenaline powered by Creating Wellness offers an alternative. With fitness plans, menu plans, and wellness support, obesity does not stand a chance.
Our organic fitness program is done exclusively outside, regardless of the weather conditions. We train in parking lots, fields, anywhere outdoors, helping you achieve your overall wellness goal.
Targeting obesity through fitness and wellness, we plan to reduce the obesity trend that has made its mark on society today. Please visit us at www.creatingwellness.com.
Dr. Cherine VanWagner is a leader in the wellness movement. She specializes in corporate wellness program development and enhancement, and is a frequent speaker in Wellness forums around the country. Dr. VanWagner can be contacted at [email protected]