From The Director’s Desk


Joseph-BuschThe quality of the intervertebral disc is central to the existence, or non-existence of a vertebral subluxation. Alterations in the way that the facets of the vertebrae of the spine articulate with one another, have a direct impact on how the discs, with their nucleii pulposi, distribute forces.

The intervertebral disc, in and of itself as a pain generator, is definitely a possibility when considering the source of back pain at any level of the spine. With that in mind, myriad forms of eradicating this pain have been developed throughout the professions providing hands on care to address the functional disruptions created by disc related pathology. Diagnoses may include encroachment of the nerve in the intervertebral foramina, disc degeneration, or herniation of the nucleus pulposus to name a few.

The impact of an unhealthy disc is vast, affecting not only pain sensors of the spine, but also disrupting the efficiency and effectiveness of the nervous system, thereby increasing the overall stress to the patient. In this issue of The American Chiropractor, the feature topic is what I consider to be the most underrated component of overall health, and the component of the subluxation complex which is very difficult to assess…the intervertebral disc!

There are plenty of articles inside, offering contradictory, and ultimately complementary information as to which methods of care work, and which methods don’t. Which machines are best for which condition, and if there’s even a difference between the machines themselves. You may be challenged by your current positions on these topics, but don’t let that stop you. That’s the first sign that you’re making progress! Most new ideas are met with resistance, so keep an open mind.

And, Doctor, after you read this issue…from cover to cover as I like to say, let me know what your experience has been. Is the herniated disc the problem? Regardless of your answer to that question, this issue provides you with many effective treatment options for the condition referred to as the herniated disc. We’ll be waiting for your phone calls, e-mails, letters, and readers service responses. Until then, thanks!



Joseph Busch, B.A., D.C.

Editorial Director / [email protected]

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