It’s June already and, man, do I love the summer. Schools out, the kids are always around, maybe the pool just opened up. What does that mean for your practice? Well, it might mean a variety of new aches and pains coming into your office for treatment, seeking relief from the pounding that their otherwise sedentary bodies are absorbing. A good 18 holes is one thing; the following week is quite another. What a perfect opportunity to reconnect with that patient that’s been out of the active file.
Do we slow down when summer comes? Heck, no! This issue, Dr. James Chestnut shares some of the perspectives he has developed through his years of studying the human body, and how Wellness, and the Wellness certification that he teaches through the ICA, are critical in growing your practice into the future. Also, be sure to take a peek at the Market Review, which includes various nutritional products out there that have been getting great results for the patients that use them. The Review begins on p. 40
Taking care of your patients is important, but don’t forget to take care of yourself, Doctor. You’ll become your best testimonial for your clinic. So, to sum it up, yes, you can read this by the pool; we don’t mind.
On behalf of The American Chiropractor Magazine,
Joseph Busch, D.C.
Editorial Director / [email protected]
Errata [ From Issue 5, 2009 ]
Although we strive for excellence, in the previous issue of TAC, there was a last-minute production error, which resulted in the placement of the wrong picture and name for Michelle Geller-Vino in the Real Marketing from our Experts section. See Michelle Geller-Vino’s picture to the left. Our profound apologies to both Michelle Geller-Vino and Michelle Turk (whose picture was acidentally run) for mixing up the photos and thank you for understanding.
Michelle Geller-Vino has been involved in Chiropractic for more than 29 years. As a Chiropractic Assistant in large-volume, highly successful practices for many years, she developed the necessary experience and credentials that today make her the sought-after authority on marketing and new patient acquisition.
Michelle is president of MGV Marketing, Inc., based in Boca Raton, FL. She can be reached at 561-392-5206 or by visiting her Website at Feel free to email Michelle at [email protected].