Meaningful use is hitting chiropractors at every level. It has become the new buzzword of chiropractic. This time, the influence is not coming from within the profession, but, meaningful use is being directed at chiropractors, and the management of their clinics. It is a word, and attitude being foisted on us from our giant friends at the Federal Government, and rather than debate whether or not it is applicable or desirable, we have been able to get someone that can at least explain what to look for in a software, so you can be sure that what you are buying is what you need. Please take this opportunity to get a quick understanding of meaningful use certification, and what the difference is between modular and full certification. It means everything if you want to work towards that big ‘ole government incentive. Turn to page 50 now, to see what I’m talking about.
This issue we’ve got articles on illegal inducement, IME abuse, why some high profile chiropractors mandate orthotics, an interview of a chiropractor that took third at the recent musclemania comptetion, as well as a plethora of other articles that will keep you on top of your game. A perfect mix of continuing education, science, and some entertainment, this issue of The American Chiropractor is tailored just for you! Take a glance at the table of contents to go directly to what interests you, or sit back, and flip page by page.
If you see something you like here within the pages, go to the website, and let everyone know what you thought. We post the content about a month after you get it in print.
Thanks for reading!
For The American Chiropractor,
Joseph Busch, B.A., D.C.