From the Director’s Desk

C1 TAC Vol35No06 144x
C1 TAC Vol35No06 144xAccording to the CDC, childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and tripled in adolescents in the past 30 years. Obesity is a problem that is not going away any time soon. A fresh perspective on the topic comes from none other than Functional Medicine expert Dr. Ron Grisanti. Read Dr. Grisanti’s thoughts on using a functional approach to fighting obesity on page 50.
Many weight loss programs include exercise. As we are entering summer, expect more athletes to be making their way into your clinic because of flawed exercise programs. Dr. Jeffrey Tucker makes his first appearance in the pages of The American Chiropractor, with “Integral Applications for Exercise Therapy”,  to explain some of the best practices in maintaining athletes health in their pursuit of superior fitness.
And what about all those vibrating machines we see all over the place.  Is there something to them? See what Josh Woggon, D.C. has learned, after his exhaustive review of the literature. Very interesting insights on the trials that have been done, including inconsistent interpretation of studies, as well as the possibility that some vibration machines may actually lead to injury. Read “WBV, EBP, and Y-O-U”  beginning on page 32.
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Keep up the great work!

Joseph Busch, D.C.

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