Get a Head Start with Bio-Kult Migréa

BioKult_MIGREA_3-4_US_CMYK HRTake a natural approach to tackling head discomfort with the launch of Bio-Kult Migréa, the first scientifically developed, advanced multi-action formulation to target both the digestive tract and the head.

Common, disabling, recurrent, neurovascular head discomfort affects 1 in 7 people globally,1 with the majority of sufferers experiencing at least one attack a month, often causing severe impairment and compromising their quality of life, both personally and professionally.  

Despite this high prevalence, more than 50% of sufferers are not satisfied with their current treatment, choosing to self-medicate using non-prescription drugs,2 thus increasing the risk of medication overuse side effects.3 

Backed by a new published clinical trial,4 this latest addition to the renowned Bio-Kult range offers real hope to sufferers looking for a long term and natural solution. Containing 14 probiotic strains to support gut health and overall wellbeing, Bio-Kult Migréa also includes magnesium and vitamin B, both of which contribute to the normal functioning of the nervous system and the reduction of tiredness and fatigue.5 Research suggests that the inclusion of magnesium may also help increase resilience to stress6 which is often a trigger for attacks. The addition of vitamin B contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system,5 and to the regulation of hormonal activity5 with research suggesting an association between higher B intakes and protection against inflammation.7 

Previous evidence has demonstrated that gut bacteria plays a key role in the gut-brain axis and disturbances or imbalances of the delicate gut flora may be associated with neurological discomfort.8 The association between neurovascular and gastro intestinal issues could be linked to increased intestinal permeability, which allows leakage of undigested food particles and endotoxins into the bloodstream, triggering inflammation9 and possible attacks. Beneficial strains of gut bacteria play a crucial role in supporting the health of the gut lining, maintaining and improving gut barrier function, thereby modulating immune responses and reducing inflammation,10 which research suggests may be of benefit.

Bio-Kult Migréa retails for $29.50 for 60 capsules and is available from or


Notes to Editors: 

About Bio-Kult

ADM Protexin manufactures Bio-Kult, a scientifically developed, advanced multi-strain formulation containing 14 live bacterial cultures which are proven to survive the high acidity of the stomach. Bio-Kult does not need to be refrigerated and is suitable to be taken alongside antibiotics, by babies, toddlers and children, when traveling, by vegetarians, as part of a healthy diet and when pregnant. The bacteria in Bio-Kult helps to re-establish and re-balance the gut microflora. 

Also in the range is Bio-Kult Candéa, an advanced multi-action formulation with garlic and grapefruit extract, Bio-Kult Pro-Cyan, an advanced triple action formulation with 2 probiotic strains, cranberry extract and vitamin A to help maintain the immune system, Bio-Kult Infantis, an advanced multi-strain formulation for infants with omega 3, vitamin D3, pre-plex, and probiotics and the most recent addition, Bio-Kult Migréa, an advanced multi-action formulation with 14 probiotic strains, vitamin B6 and magnesium both of which contribute to the normal functioning of the nervous system. 

The Bio-Kult range, can be swallowed whole or pulled apart and mixed with food or in a drink and does not need to be refrigerated. Bio-Kult Infantis comes in a handy sachet to make it easier to give to an infant. 

Bio-Kult is available in: 30 capsules (MSRP $14.85), 60 capsules (MSRP $25.50), 120 capsules (MSRP $49.95). Bio-Kult Candéa is available in 60 capsules (MSRP $25.50), Bio-Kult Pro-Cyan is available in 45 capsules (MSRP $25.50), Bio-Kult Infantis is available in 16 sachets (MSRP $19.95) Bio-Kult Migréa is available in 60 capsules (MSRP $29.50).

The Bio-Kult range is available in independent health food stores and pharmacies, and online on, and other online retailers.  


ADM Protexin

Alexa Wood

Brand Manager – Bio-Kult

[email protected] 



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