Wellness care is a popular subject in today’s health-minded population. Your value, as a chiropractor, is proportional to your ability to help people with health issues; and nothing speaks louder or increases your value, as a doctor, more than helping people overcome the most serious health problems on the planet. These issues include heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer.
Homeopathy offers safe, natural, and effective products and procedures, and is readily available to significantly help people with these more serious conditions. Homeopathy is not as difficult or risky as it first may seem.
The key to successfully helping people with these conditions is offering safe and practical complementary adjuncts to standard medical protocols. Homeopathy is the first alternative medicine modality to have ascended to recognition by the FDA. It offers curative solutions that have no side effects, no potential for addiction, and no known negative drug interactions. Homeopathy supports the entire organism to move into a higher state of wellness and, often, has reduced the need for allopathic medications.
It is important to note that, when allopathic drugs are used in a regulatory fashion (as in diabetes or high blood pressure), it is necessary to monitor the patient closely while using homeopathy. The body rebalances itself in the healing process, and allopathic drug dosages may need to be adjusted by the prescribing physician. A relationship of openness and communication needs to exist between patient and doctor. We recommend that patients not discontinue or adjust allopathic medications without first consulting their physician.
Some of the more important lessons I’ve learned about operation of a wellness practice are:
– Stay away from unsafe, unrecognized, controversial, or political “hit list” products or procedures. A good example is laetrile.
– Use protocols in their most efficacious roles. Nutritional, dietary, and lifestyle enhancement protocols are maximized when used as support for homeopathy and chiropractic.
– Take the time and effort to read your patients well. Will they listen to you and follow sound advice? Be aware of radical thinking patients that may throw away their allopathic medications before the body has rebalanced itself.
– Dispel fear and negativity with knowledge and truth. Many critics and adversaries have the potential to become our best allies. Invite negative influential family members to appointments or training sessions so they can hear your common sense, complementary approach. Many will become your staunch supporters.
– Get to know the doctor(s) involved in the case. A growing number of medical doctors are open to complementary alternative practices and would welcome your expertise. Use this great opportunity to build a relationship and educate a practitioner that may be monitoring or has prescribed medicine(s) relating to the case. You will find a number of these specialists make great cross-referring doctors.
– Apply sound lab tests, when appropriate. Make sure not to duplicate or usurp the practice of any specialist(s) involved in your cases. Make a reciprocal agreement to share test results with any other doctors on the case.
– Apply sound judgment and wisdom when managing your case. Be positive and hopeful, but never inflate claims or expectations. Your patients will appreciate your honesty. Never disparage traditional medicine, and speak of the value of applying the best of both worlds in healthcare. The priority is to maximize results and correct various underlying causes by applying safer, less-invasive procedures first.
– Education, education, education. Whether it’s patients, physicians, or the public, education is paramount to a wellness practice. The word doctor means to teach in Latin. When patients are provided with education, they will, in turn, provide you with their trust. Teach patients that their greatest success will come by leaving no stones unturned and taking the whole person perspective. Educate them about how their body is designed to be healthy, and how employing every safe and natural means available to them maximizes their health. Teaching fulfills the high call of chiropractic. Your practice will grow in proportion to your ongoing educational efforts.
In direct harmony and concert with chiropractic principles and philosophy, homeopathy clearly provides the safest approaches to restorative healthcare on the planet!
Frank J. King, Jr., is a nationally recognized researcher, author and lecturer on homeopathy. In addition, Dr. King is the founder and director of King Bio Homeopathics, a registered homeopathic manufacturing company dedicated to completing chiropractic destiny with the marriage of homeopathy. Dr. King offers, complimentary to all Doctors of Chiropractic, his turnkey procedural system for the high volume practice called, The Chiropractic Enhancer system (CES). It is so easy to use that you can successfully apply homeopathy in your practice using any company’s products in one day. Call King Bio Pharmaceuticals, Asheville, N.C. 1-800-543-3245 or e-mail: [email protected].