How to Earn $2000 more a week with Public Speaking


:dropcap_open:W:dropcap_close:e all recognize the importance of good patient adjusting skills, but if there was one skill that could fill your practice with high quality new patients it would be public speaking.  I believe anyone can double their practice and earn a minimum of $2000 more per week by doing lectures in their office and in their community.

Most people do not realize how many groups, clubs, churches, small businesses and large businesses in their communities are available to lecture at.

The keys to a successful lecture are:

microphone1. Introducing yourself as an authority on a topic.  For example, you could say “I consider myself an authority on (stress, arthritis, fibromyalgia, low back pain, or whatever the topic is) because of the number of people I have helped with this problem and amount of study I have done.”  The main idea is to introduce yourself as an authority.

2. The second thing you must do at a lecture is survey the audience to find out their symptoms and problems so they recognize they do have problems and need your help.

3. Then you deliver your talk on the topic, explaining how you can help their problems with your methods.

4. Finally, you need to end the talk by inviting them to come to your clinic to see if you can help them.

There is a lot of controversy about what is legal regarding signing up new patients for a free service.  When I lecture, I invite the audience free of charge to come and meet with me so I can get to know them and they can get to know me and the methods I use.  I suggest not offering free examinations but rather a chance to get to know each other.  If they feel you could help them, they will want speak with you at your office.

An entire book could be written on how to schedule and conduct lectures.  This article is an introduction to a subject that has helped more chiropractors get more new patients than any other method.


Dr. Singer, chosen 3 times as Chiropractor of the Year by our profession, has appeared twice on the Inc 500 and has trained 1000 chiropractors per year for 30 of his 40 years in practice.  For further information call 1-800-326-1797.

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