Knowledge is an amazing thing. Without it, you are no different from anyone else—no matter your profession, no matter your passion, no matter your God-given talents. With it, on the other hand, you are different from everyone else. You can be at the pinnacle of your profession. Your passion shines through in all you do. Your God-given talents and capabilities can be maximized beyond exppectation. The person with the most knowledge, who puts it into action, truly prevails!
You realize this as you return home from an awesome seminar. It’s the best chiropractic seminar you ever attended. You gained some amazing knowledge, and have come back to your practice understanding you need to put it into action–but you aren’t exactly sure how to do that. Now that you have the knowledge, how do you let your patients know what you know? Here’s the plan!
It actually starts before you even attend the seminar. Let your patients know that you are attending the seminar and will be learning from the best of the best in the chiropractic industry. Help them understand that, as part of your licensing—and more importantly your professional commitment to chiropractic—you attend seminars regularly to consistently hone your knowledge, skills and capabilities.
Announce your intentions. Make copies of the seminar brochure for display; hang a sign that says, “Our commitment to education insures we benefit you!” or tell patients that you are going as they are scheduling their next appointment. Let them know, you’re going because, “The more I know the more effective I can be at helping others enjoy a wellness lifestyle!” In other words—simply tell them.
For a chiropractor to be truly successful, he or she has to “know” chiropractic inside and out. This is only what your patients expect of you. To be the best you can be in this or any profession, you need live it daily with full conviction, and then learn everything there is to learn about anything that is complimentary and/or contrary to that profession. Why? It’s simple: Patients/People expect you to know your profession; but many don’t expect you to know about those that are complimentary and/or contrary with the same level of expertise. Here’s the kicker—when you do, you become more valuable to them than anyone else! You become THE Authority!
By becoming the “Wellness One-stop Shop”, your overall value increases to your patients. Because of the value you provide them, they will, in turn, provide you value—paying the fees you request, maintaining the schedules you suggest, and referring others that are in desperate need of your care—because you have the answers!
Other ways to inform your patients you are on top of your game
• Create an email/newsletter detailing the highlights of the event: Relate the top 5 new ideas, concepts or valuable pieces of information you gained at the seminar. What did you learn that could be potentially valuable to your patients? Whatever that is, craft an email or newsletter to let them know! Make it short and concise—something like, “The Top 5 Things I Learned at the Whatchamacallit Seminar to Help You!” Detail those things; even if they’re not totally new to you, they probably are to your patients!
• Hang a new poster or display you brought from the seminar. Buy something new that not only freshens up your practice, but also calls patients’ attention to another valuable piece of information. Let them observe your dedication to constant and never-ending personal improvement on their behalf. When you rotate your posters and displays, there is always something for patients to notice and ask about! Get them asking you!
• Talk about the books, CD series and/or support materials of the speakers you learned from. Share what you learned from the best of the best. Make recommendations that your patients purchase or investigate the same information. Make that information available to them at a nominal or no cost, if possible. Become an asset to them with your new knowledge. By helping others increase their desire to learn, you will gain a valuable standing in their minds!
• Get Creative. You know (or should know) your patients. How can you help them to want to be more curious about their wellness and how to go about achieving it? On a white board, create “Seminar Trivia”. Write questions tied directly to the event you just attended and give small prizes for correct answers. Once again, involvement in the process is what you are striving for here.
The bottom line is simply this: You took the time, made the investment and learned the knowledge by attending a seminar designed to help not only you, but your patients as well. The only way any of that investment pays off is when you translate it to your patients and staff. Knowledge is tremendously powerful—but only once it is shared for the common good!
Scott Schilling brings 28 years of experience in sales, marketing, speaking and training to the chiropractic industry, business owners, corporations and entrepreneurs. Through his affiliations with Fortune 500 companies, innovative start-up companies and high paced individuals, Scott brings a wealth of knowledge, education and expertise to the podium and to print. Contact Scott at 877-305-6565, via email at [email protected] or visit