Results Rule in Practice Management

Our patient base is changing for the better!  Accep-tance of alternative medical modalities is a result of a number of positive and negative variables.  First, our culture is dogged with chronic conditions, many of which are given absolutely no hope of resolution through traditional medical treatment, and many have become progressively more discontented with traditional allopathic treatment. 

Additionally, patients are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of the choices they make for their personal wellness and are developing lifestyles more conducive to health maintenance. 

They shy away from more radical or invasive procedures and lean toward those offering safer treatment with less likelihood of risk or side effects.
That’s the good news.

The challenge comes with the competition introduced in this environment.  If we chiropractors don’t aspire to higher levels of service, there are nutritionists, herbalists, naturopaths, acupuncturists, massage therapists, and MD’s ready to step into our role as the premier natural healthcare provider.

The bottom line in attaining the consistent position of primary healthcare provider is found in smart practice management.  Many, if not most, patients come to us with some degree of knowledge about alternative healthcare, expectant of results, cognizant of costs, and shorter on time.  They want safe and effective treatment in less time with the least possible cash outlay.  New, contemporary homeopathic procedures meet each of those requisites.

Homeopathy empowers the chiropractor to take the lead in wellness care while maintaining a high volume, broad scoped practice.  Homeopathy is truly a key element to providing more effective and efficient results.  Additionally, homeopathy’s safety record is unmatched in 200 years of recorded clinical trials:  There are no known drug interactions or side effects with homeopathic formulas. 

Homeopathy and chiropractic work similarly, bringing closure to many of the issues irresolvable by chiropractic alone.  Together, they offer a deeper-acting therapy to better address the roots of disease and address the whole nervous system than chiropractic alone. 

It is important to educate our patients on the distinction between the biochemical and bioenergetic realms of the body.  I have actually told patients that the body is made of chemicals, but those same chemicals can be found in a corpse!  That’s the biochemical realm.  The distinction between a living being and a dead one is the bioenergetic realm.  That’s where homeopathy works.  I further educate patients to understand that when the energetic control systems of the body (like the nervous system) work properly, everything else begins to perform optimally.

Every chemical within our body has a very specific charge to respond to and to do what it is told by the energetic control system.  When the total control systems of our body function properly, everything works better.  Conversely, when the control systems of our body are not working properly, many of our efforts, including adjunct modalities, such as nutrition, cannot achieve their maximized effect.  

Homeopathy, like chiropractic, works at the highest levels in the hierarchy of our health to maintain homeostasis.  The marriage of chiropractic and homeopathy empowers the chiropractor to more successfully work with the whole nervous system to better fulfill the high call of chiropractic.  Without it, chiropractic can never realize its full potential. 

When our effort to manage our practice meets the favor of patients, managed care will not be far behind.  As we are all acutely aware, the dollar efficiency of our practice is an unspoken first consideration when it comes to recommendation from managed care companies.  When we clearly offer more cost-effective, undeniably successful service, we will maintain our well-earned position as Number One Natural Healthcare provider!


Because our patients are now better educated, have very busy schedules, and expect instant-everything, here are a few points that can assist you in becoming Provider of Choice:

Education Your Patient.  Education is to chiropractic and homeopathy what location is to real estate.  Provide your patients with education and they will provide you with their confidence.
Use Easy & Cheap Stuff that Works—FIRST!  Simple, easy-to-use protocols create greater compliance and success.  Use conservative methods first and save the expensive, protracted treatments for last.  Homeopathy offers exceptionally fast results at an extremely low cost—as little as 4¢ per dose!
Use Easy & Cheap Stuff that Works—FAST!   Chiropractic and the contemporary application of homeopathy are fast acting, time-efficient protocols; use them as your primary tools to provide the greatest good for the most people.  Use the more highly effective, but labor-intensive, supportive therapies (nutrition, herbs, physical therapy…), when needed, in their most efficacious roles.


Frank J. King, Jr., is a nationally recognized researcher, author and lecturer on homeopathy.  In addition, Dr. King is the founder and director of King Bio Pharmaceuticals, a registered homeopathic manufacturing company dedicated to completing chiropractic destiny with the marriage of homeopathy.  Dr. King offers, complimentary to all Doctors of Chiropractic, his turnkey procedural system for the high volume practice called, The Chiropractic Enhancer systemÔ (CES).  It is so easy to use that you can successfully apply homeopathy in your practice using any company’s products in one day. Call King Bio Pharma-ceuticals, Asheville, N.C. 1-800-543-3245 or e-mail: [email protected].

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