10 More Great Techniques Part III

Here is what you can find in this article: 

  • Previous Techniques Featured
  • Introduction by Donald Epstein, D.C.
  • 10 More Great Techniques:
    1) Advanced Muscle Palpaption
    2) Blair Cervical Technique
    3) Directional Non-Force Technique
    4) The Graston Technique
    5) Logan Basic Methods
    6) Matrix Repatterning
    7) Dr. Mally’s Extremity Adjusting Technique
    8) McTimoney Technique
    9) Neuro Emotional Technique
    10) The Toftness System of Chiropractic

    “10 More Great Techniques” is the third in an annual series of technique features presented by The American Chiropractor.  For your reference, below are alphabetized lists of techniques highlighted in previous years.  Still no info on your favorite technique or one your curious about?  Let us know what we’re missing!

Advanced Biostructural Correction—Jesse Jutkowitz
Atlas Orthogonal Technique—Roy. W. Sweat
Bio-Geometric Integration—Sue Brown
Chiropractic Biophysics—Donald D. Harrison
Dynamic Spinal Analysis—Jerry Hochman
Network Spinal Analysis—Donald M. Epstein
Ortho-Spinology—Kirk Eriksen
Pettibon-Spinal Biomechanics—Burl R. Pettibon
Sacro-Occipital Technique—Marty Rosen and Major B. DeJarnette
Torque Release Technique—Jay M. Holder

Access Technique—Dr. Robert Wiegand
Activator Technique—Dr. Arlan Fuhr
Applied Kinesiology—Dr. George Goodheart
Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique—Dr. M.T. Morter
Charrette Protocols—Dr. Mark Charrette
Diversified Technique—Dr. Tom Bergmann
Gonstead Technique—Dr- Clarence Gonstead
Thompson Technique—Dr. Wayne Zemelka
Toggle Recoil Technique—Dr. Steve Hoffman
Total Body Modification—Dr. Victor Frank.
10 More Great Techniques
The following article is the result of a cooperative effort among The American Chiropractor, Dr. Donald Epstein, and leading authorities on the techniques featured.

Chiropractic Technique:  Finding the Right Fit
 by Donald Epstein, D.C.

Dr. Donald Epstein is the developer of the Network Spinal Analysis technique and a very active seminar speaker and technique instructor.

Chiropractors generally take their technique(s) personally.  A technique is a strategy to achieve specific objectives for the patient or practice member.  In choosing your techniques, it is wise to first investigate your true objective in caring for those you serve.  Finding the right technique fit is not so much about the technique, itself, as much as it is about knowing yourself, your values, beliefs, chiropractic culture and where you feel your future is pulling you.

In my opinion, we all get to the point where our future self requires more of us presently, and this is reflected in our personal and professional lives.  At this point, we may experience frustration and may question our selves and our treasured techniques.  When this happens we are ready for change—sometimes radical change—and it seems that we can’t wait one moment longer. 

At that point, a practitioner may ask, “What do I like, or what do I enjoy?”   Self-assessing from this perspective will often lead you to more frustration.  Instead, I suggest asking, “Which technique supports who I am becoming and how I can step up my commitment to humanity and to my profession?” Often, from this perspective, the direction in which you need to move will become more evident.

A segment of the profession plays technique roulette, rolling from one technique to another like the ball over the numbers on a roulette wheel, hoping for the magical win.  On the other hand, some merge their personal and professional identities with their technique.  Their commitment to their technique can resemble a religious fervor.  The former individuals may switch from a segmental high force approach to a low force approach, or from a palpation-based model to an X-ray based technique, or switch between anatomical regions.  Still others may choose a new method by finding something that is 180 degrees different from what they were doing to see how this impacts their patients or practice. 

Many practitioners choose their technique based upon their personal experience as a patient or based upon the health or wellness success achieved in care by a family member, friend or former patient.  Some choose their method based upon compatibility with their cultural, academic, or philosophic chiropractic models.

 A trend has occurred during the past two decades.  Diversified and regional spinal manipulation classes have replaced chiropractic systems or packages.  There has been a political movement in chiropractic to discredit “named” techniques or to relegate technique developers to a term such as entrepreneurs.  Unfortunately for the profession and for the schools, new thought, new approaches and new techniques have not, as a general rule, come from the schools.  These so-called technique “entrepreneurs” are the individuals keeping the profession and the vision of chiropractic alive.  They should be applauded for their efforts and contributions.  Those chiropractors who serve our profession by sharing their unique clinical wisdom at technique seminars deserve to be honored and financially rewarded for their help of humanity.  Similarly, those who have dedicated their lives to bringing forward and evolving these methods in our changing world should be rewarded and acknowledge by the profession.  Developing a technique, systematizing your concepts for reproducibility and conducting clinical trials or research, all without the support of the existing academic structures, is not an easy path to take.  However, this is the way it currently is in the profession.  Hopefully, in the future, the chiropractic colleges will nurture emerging models and encourage means of assessing effectiveness for stated objectives and strategies.  With greater diversity, we will all be enriched, and so will those we serve.

When I was first introduced to “diversified” technique at Columbia Institute of Chiropractic, almost thirty years ago, I was taught it as adjunctive force applications to be utilized after chiropractic spinal analysis was performed.  If the practitioner had already determined the primary or secondary subluxations through his or her chiropractic analysis, and the suggested force application did not appear sufficient, diversified offered alternative effective means of applying the forces.

Chiropractic technique includes an assessment strategy and a force application toward a specific goal or objective.  Before choosing a technique, the practitioner would do well to ask what his or her highest objective is for those coming to him for chiropractic care.  What is the chiropractor attempting to achieve?  Correction of subluxation, fixation, somatic anchors to emotional experiences, enhanced range of motion, change in spinal curves, etc., are part of the picture, but are strategic goals, not objectives.  The question, again, to be asked is, “Why am I practicing as a chiropractor?  What would I like to see happen for my patient in her spine and in her life, health and wellness?”

Once the practitioner has decided his short- and long-term objectives for correcting a subluxation, spinal distortion, nerve pressure or tension, etc, how does the practitioner really know if the technique chosen is the appropriate one to accomplish those objectives?  A closer look at technique may be of help.  In my opinion, the following elements compose a chiropractic technique:

A philosophy of health and or wellness and its relationship to structure, function, energy and elements of spinal and neural integrity.

A system of categorizing distortions or deviations from optimal structural, energetic, neurological states, and a priority system as to appropriateness of clinical focus.

A system of force application consistent with the above.

A systems of outcomes assessment to changes in the above, and the movement of the patient toward greater health, wellness, structural and energetic adaptability, function, wholeness, or integrity.

Some techniques seek to influence factors which promote, perpetuate, or initiate the causative pathophysiology, or subluxation.  Others may include exercises, lifestyle intervention, emotional or psychological or nutritional intervention, or physical applications to minimize the spinal/neural stress or structural or energetic distortion.

There are approaches, such as the one I developed, which predispose subluxations and mechanical spinal tension, leading to self correction of the same.  Some methods may include wellness or structural education programs, as well.  I see chiropractic techniques as falling into the two following categories:

Structural Causation:
The subluxation or spinal distortion is seen as the cause of the individual’s loss of health or a significant impediment to healing and recovery.

I classify the subluxation into two categories, into which most methods fit.

The Class A, or Structural subluxation, is associated with segmental distortion and IVF nerve pressure.  It is most commonly addressed with a high velocity adjustment or force to restore the segmental distortion/fixation/misalignment.  This is usually addressed to correct the posterior distortion, or rotation of the segment.

The  Class B, or Facilitated subluxation, is associated with stretching of the spinal cord and nerves due to lack of recovery from emotional or chemical stressors.  It is associated with tension within the vertebral-meningeal-postural relationships.  This is a central nervous system process with adaptive structural changes.  The forces applied to correct this are usually low force or a rapid oscillatory impulse, and are most commonly associated with the segmental levels of vertebral dural attachments

Structural Adaptation:
The spinal distortion is an adaptation to a culmination of stressors which have exceeded the structural, energetic, emotional integrity of the system.

Techniques of this nature intervene to minimize the ongoing adaptive stress response from past traumas, or develop more efficient adaptive strategies.  The subluxation is seen as a sign of an adaptive challenge, rather than the cause of this.

Beyond this simplification of techniques are the models in which they are practiced.  This gets back to the idea of WHY the practitioner is utilizing the technique.  A practitioner whose objective is to reduce or eliminate back pain may switch between various chiropractic techniques, yet still be frustrated that the technique of the moment is not always effective.  Perhaps, in this case, the objective of the chosen technique was not to remove pain but, instead, to enhance spinal function and structure.  Our assessment of success is dependent upon the objective.

In conclusion, I suggest that the inquiring practitioner first assess the “Why’s” of patient care before choosing a new technique to replace an existing one.  All techniques are applied within a particular culture and have specific outcomes.  Here are some questions for your personal consideration:

What is the highest good I wish to bring to my patients?

What style and culture, as a practitioner, will stretch me to be a more effective healer, healing facilitator, chiropractor and human being?

Which techniques allows me room to grow at least slightly beyond my current models and sensory motor and communication skills, so that the approach will not be too restrictive to my growth?

What type of force applications would I want to receive, and also deliver, with the least fear of harm, and to the widest range of the population?  Or, which force application matches the culture I wish to best serve?

What type of assessments for causation, for intervention, and for improvement will allow me to feel most professionally fulfilled, consistent with the chiropractic/health/wellness culture with which I wish to be identified?

Do I see myself as a technician, healer, healing facilitator, or a wellness educator or coach, and does this technique fit into my evolving self-image?

Do I enjoy being with others that practice this method?  In general, how would I personally assess the healing, growth, vitality, personalities, compassion, success and humanity of those doing this work?  Do those practicing and attracted to this method reflect the type of healer, chiropractor, professional I wish to be?

Can practicing this technique and living the subculture within the profession which it represents, assist me to reach a level of clinical and professional excellence, serving my practice members with greater loving service, compassion, humility, confidence, precision, artistry, reproducibility, and mastery?

The techniques described in this issue are diverse and involve therapeutic and non-therapeutic models.  They include the structural causation and structural adaptation models, as well as structural and facilitated subluxation approaches.

Don’t short change yourself.  Please sample many chiropractic models, applications, and cultures until you find the perfect fit. Perhaps it may be a bit stiff at first, but in time you will grow into the healing facilitator, chiropractor, or wellness educator that you always wanted to be.

For more information about Dr. Donald Epstein, Network Spinal Analisis 

The Following are alphabetized descriptions of several chiropractic techniques with brief discussions of their evolution, theories and applications.




 Advanced Muscle Palpation (AMP)
Nick Spano, DC, teaches AMP at various seminars nationwide.
Advanced Muscle Palpation is a method of analyzing the spine for vertebral subluxations.  AMP began as a logical outworking of chiropractic’s recognition that the body strives toward homeostasis and must, therefore, be capable of responding to the subluxation.  It is apparent that an inherent attempt by the body to correct the subluxation would be based on the system’s advanced knowledge of its own biomechanical needs. 

AMP recognizes that the body uses precise physiologic mechanisms to monitor and maintain proper joint position.  Uniquely invested with numerous muscle spindles, the intersegmental muscles are thought to be responsive to facet joint positioning.  The muscles of the spine are, consequently, highly sensitive to any difference between the intended and actual movement of the vertebrae because of these mechanoreceptors.  This results in activity within the transversospinal and suboccipital muscle groups when there is a slight mismatch between the spinal segments.  Thus, as a method of analysis, AMP relies on the body’s own homeostatic mechanisms to determine a specific level of subluxation and direction of force application for the adjustment. 

Chiropractors and chiropractic students are instructed in finding vertebral subluxations using static palpation of these deep stabilizing muscles.  AMP seminars are filled with hours of hands-on application demonstrating this guarding-muscle activity to analyze subluxations from Atlas to the Sacrum.

If your state organization or student club would like to sponsor an AMP seminar in your area., contact Nick Spano, DC, at [email protected], http://home.flash.net/~unsublx8/ (note the missing “u” in unsublx8) or call (570) 265-2225.




Blair Cervical Technique
William G. Blair, DC, PhC, FICA, was the developer of the Blair Cervical Technique.

William G. Blair, DC, PhC., FICA, graduated from Palmer School of Chiropractic and established his practice in Lubbock, Texas, in 1949.  Practicing the classical Upper Cervical Specific (HIO) method, Dr. Blair soon noticed that osseous asymmetry seriously affected the accuracy of traditional spinographic X-ray analysis in many patients.  His clinical research led him to develop totally new concepts of the misalignment pathways of the cervical vertebrae, a radically different X-ray analysis to image cervical misalignments directly at the articulation, and a full-torque adjustive thrust (the Blair Toggle-Torque) which duplicated, finally, the adjustment given by Dr. B. J. Palmer.  Despite the proliferation of orthogonally-based upper cervical techniques, Blair Cervical Technique remains the only non-orthogonal precision spinographic and adjustive technique for the cervical spine in the chiropractic profession.

Blair Technique considers subluxations of Cl through C4, though many contemporary practitioners extend the analysis throughout the cervical spine.  Subluxated segments are analyzed as they displace the neural rings, thereby occluding the neural canal and compromising cord space.  The clinical objective of the technique is to restore maximum patency of the neural canal in the cervical region.

Cervical nerve interference is detected by the presence of both a persistent differential paraspinal thermographic pattern and a functional leg length deficiency (usually assessed prone).  The Blair Cervical Spinographic Series, comprised of Base Posterior, A-P Open Mouth, and Scout Lateral Cervical views, a Blair Oblique view of each atlanto-occipital articulation, and a Blair Lateral Cervical Stereoscopio view, allow assessment of vertebral misalignment at the articular margins, as the articulations are formed in each individual patient, eliminating asymmetry as a source of error in the analysis.  The Blair Protractoclamp, a patented positioning device, is used to take cervical radiographs at specific degrees of patient rotation.

The Blair Toggle-Torque adjustment is a distinctive toggle mechanism without recoil by the adjuster and incorporating a 180-degree torque (for most listings) with a “pisiform lead”.  One unique feature of Blair Technique is that the clinician has a choice of ipsilateral or contralateral segmental contacts for any adjustment.

See the Blair Society website at www.blairchiropracticsoc.org for more information.




Directional Non-Force Technique (DNFT)
Christopher John, DC, currently teaches DNFT, a technique originally developed by Dr. Richard VanRumpt.
Directional Non-Force Technique is a low force method of chiropractic originally developed by the late Dr. Richard VanRumpt (1904-1987), and presently being taught by Dr. Christopher John of Beverly Hills, CA.  Known familiarly by its acronym, DNFT is unique in conception and has been the fountainhead for many other low force techniques in use today.

DNFT is a patient oriented technique, capable of resolving the most difficult of chiropractic problems in a swift manner and with long lasting results.  Philosophically, it is in line with the roots of traditional chiropractic:  analyze and correct subluxations wherever they occur, and allow the body to heal.

The diagnostic system for subluxation analysis consists of a gentle challenge and a unique leg check.  This testing allows the body, itself, to indicate the directions of misalignment of structures that are producing nerve interference.  A directionally specific thumb impulse provides a long lasting correction to bony and soft tissue structures.  DNFT is able to achieve structural corrections without torqueing, strong thrusts, and associated articular sounds that are most often associated with traditional chiropractic.

DNFT adjustments include: spine, pelvis, cranials, shoulder, upper and lower extremities, TMJ, and organ reflexes.  There are very few contraindications for Directional Non-Force Technique chiropractic, and it may be safely applied to babies, geriatrics, post surgical patients, and those who have disc herniations and osteoporosis.

Christopher John, DC, maintains a website containing extensive information at: www.nonforce.com.  Phone (310) 657-2338; Fax: 310-657-2279; e-mail: [email protected].




The Graston Technique
Technique owner Michael Arnolt proudly displays the tools used by the chiropractor to reduce manual stress and “catch” on fibrotic tissue for performing the Graston Technique.

The Graston Technique is an innovative technique for treating soft tissue injuries.  It gives clinicians and patients something they want and need—relief.  This patented and researched technique is an advanced form of instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization that incorporates the use of six stainless-steel instruments to identify, evaluate, diagnose and treat soft tissue injuries.  Use of the Graston Technique instruments reduces manual stress to the clinician’s hands and joints and allows the clinician to effectively comb over and “catch” on fibrotic tissue, immediately identifying the areas of restriction.  Once the damaged/affected tissue has been identified, the instruments are used to break up the fibrotic tissue so it can be absorbed by the body.  The result is better outcomes and greater patient satisfaction.

The Graston Technique is performed by skillfully trained and certified chiropractors, as well as other qualified clinicians, such as athletic trainers, occupational therapists and physical therapists.  It is effective for acute and chronic soft tissue injuries, including cervical and lumbar sprains/strains, rotator cuff tendonitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, patellofemoral disorders, plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendinitis, lateral epicondylitis, medial epicondylitis, fibromyalgia, scar tissue, shin splints and trigger points. 

Other benefits of the Technique include faster rehabilitation and recovery, a reduction in the need for anti-inflammatory medication and a decrease in the overall treatment time for patients.  The number of treatments to attain maximum resolution generally ranges from six-to-ten, with most patients attaining a noticeably favorable response within the first three visits, and treatment time is thirty-to-sixty seconds per area treated.  The Technique—used in outpatient clinics, industry and athletics since 1994—has been added to the core curriculum at National University of Health Sciences and Northwestern Health Sciences University.

For more information on the Graston Technique, visit www.grastontechnique.com or call toll-free 1-866-926-2828.




Logan Basic Methods
Brian J. Snyder, DC, helps keep Hugh B. Logan’s work on the Logan Basic Methods alive through his work at Logan College of Chiropractic. (Dr. Logan’s photo to the right)

Basic Technique is a chiropractic adjustment protocol that was developed by Dr. Hugh B. Logan in the mid 1920’s and continued throughout the early 1930’s, which led to the establishment of Logan College of Chiropractic in 1935.  Dr. Logan, a pioneer doctor of chiropractic, developed this specialized method of adjusting after extensive research and investigation of the body’s framework.  This low force adjusting procedure also became known as Logan Basic Methods that has become the title of the textbooks used in the teaching of this technique.

The use of low force techniques is not unusual in the chiropractic profession, however Dr. Logan’s approach to the human framework sets this procedure apart from the rest.  The examination of the patient includes a weight bearing postural analysis and full spine A-P and Lateral X-ray.  The adjustment utilizes a light pressure contact held in the lower sacral region in an effort to balance the sacrum and pelvis, which acts as the foundation of the spine.  This can be equated to any building or structure that relies on a strong foundation to achieve balance and integrity.  One of Dr. Logan’s premises about the spine states, “…as the sacrum goes, so goes the spine.”  Logan Basic Methods recognizes this unbalancing of the sacrum and pelvis to be a major cause of spinal distortion, which may lead to spinal curvatures.

This unique concept continues to be taught at Logan College of Chiropractic in St. Louis, Mo, and is an integral part of the present day chiropractic student’s education.

For more information contact Brian J. Snyder, DC, by calling 636-227-2100, ext 250.




Matrix Repatterning
George Roth, DC, developed the Matrix Repatterning technique based on the research of Ingber, Levin, & Wang and the structure of organic tissue referred to as “the matrix”.

Matrix Repatterning was developed by Dr. George Roth as the result of his pursuit of a consistent and congruent system to assess and treat structural dysfunction at its most profound level.  It is a revolutionary, easily learned method to accurately locate primary restrictions anywhere in the body and release them gently and permanently.  Dr. Roth has been teaching this program since 1993 and it is currently co-sponsored by Logan College of Chiropractic.   

The matrix refers to the now well-established structure of organic tissue, based on the research of Ingber, Levin, Wang, etc.  This structure is composed of a lattice of protein filaments, held together in a continuous, prestressed framework defined by the term tensegrity (a combined word coined by Buckminster Fuller meaning tensional-integrity).  It has been shown that this structure exists at every level, right down to the cytoplasm and the DNA.

The tensegrity matrix explains the effects of injury not only on muscles, ligaments and joints, but also on bone, itself, and the deeper layers of fascia surrounding the internal organs.  Matrix Repatterning practitioners have found that these aspects of the injury complex, often ignored by most practitioners, are the keys to successful resolution of many painful and debilitating conditions.

Matrix Repatterning is now being used by practitioners on six continents and has been successful in treating a wide range of conditions previously thought beyond the reach of conventional therapy.  It is currently in use in the treatment of professional and Olympic athletes as well as in veterinary practice (see “If the Shoe Fits?” in the January 2003 issue of The International Thoroughbred Digest).

For more information on Matrix Repatterning please contact Wellness Systems, Inc., Toll Free: 1-877-905-7684; e-mail: [email protected]; Web Site: www.matrixrepatterning.com.




Dr. Mally’s Extremity Adjusting Techniques
Mitch Mally, DC, bases his extremity adjusting techniques on the link between spinal/vertebral subluxations and extremity subluxations.

In 1978, as a pre-med student turned chiropractic student, Dr. Mitch Mally found the early offerings of his chiropractic education to include many loopholes and cause for skepticism.  In particular, scholastically, Dr. Mally was being taught that the spine is the cause for most extremity problems and, by correcting the vertebral subluxation, this would resolve the extremity conditions.  While this may be somewhat true, Dr. Mally’s scientific mind questioned and has since proven, that based on the mathematics formula, if A=B then B=A, in fact, the spinal/vertebral subluxation may be the result of extremity subluxations.  Thus, began a diligent effort and since proven triumphant quest to learn peripheral joint biomechanics. 

The result was an exclusive discovery of Dr. Mally’s Extremity Adjusting Techniques for Sports and Occupational Injuries.  Years of research, trial and not much room for error, these techniques gained widespread acclaim by virtue of specificity, vectors, lines of application, forces and Dr. Mally’s remarkable speed with amazing accuracy.

Today, with nearly twenty-three years of clinical experience, Dr. Mally has been recognized as an icon in the field of treating Sports and Occupational Injuries.  Presently conducting seminars at the State Association and Convention levels, also a frequent speaker for Parker Seminars and numerous chiropractic colleges, Dr. Mally’s 5 Star Seminar Series includes:

  • Upper Extremities
  • Lower Extremities
  • TMJ
  • Cervical Spine
  • Low Back
  • Leg Length Seminar, and
  • The International Conference on Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Cumulative Trauma Disorders.
  • All seminars are license renewal, however the ultimate decision is predicated on State approval.

For inquiries, or to schedule, sponsor, or host Dr. Mally for your State Association, convention, chiropractic college, or independent group, contact Jules with Mally enterprises at (800) 779-HAND (4263).




The McTimoney Method
John McTimoney’s technique, the McTimoney Method, is used by one-quarter of all chiropractors in the United Kingdom.

The McTimoney Method is used by about one-quarter of all chiropractors in the United Kingdom.  It is based on a whole-body assessment of the individual, concentrating not only on the structure of the body, but also on their general well being and quality of life.  The aim is to stimulate the body’s own self-healing mechanism and facilitate a return to optimum health.  

John McTimoney (1914-1980) was trained in the UK in the early 1950’s and, once in practice, he soon started to develop the techniques he had learned using his engineering background.  He started formally teaching his method in 1972, and the college he founded has become the McTimoney College of Chiropractic today.

The method is characterized by an assessment of the whole body, including posture, followed by light force adjustment of the full spine and sacrum.  This is achieved largely through a series of fast, toggle-recoil adjustments, but with added torque for greater speed, leading to a very light touch.  The pelvis can also be corrected with a variety of techniques, and the cranium is adjusted using fast directional thrusts and light-to-firm pressure as required.  Extremities are routinely addressed at every treatment.  A wide range of adjustments can be selected and used as necessary, with over fifty-five different individual adjustive techniques available to the chiropractor to correct the structure of the body and restore function.

For more information contact The McTimoney College of Chiropractic, Abingdon, England +44-1235- 523336 or email [email protected] or visit the following websites: College, www.mctimoney-college.ac.uk; Association, www.mctimoney-chiropractic.org




 Neuro Emotional Technique (NET)
Scott Walker, DC, developed NET based on 7 scientifically validated foundations. He and his wife, Deborah Walker, DC, have taught NET to over 4000 practitioners.

Aside from the specific (and often remote-from-the-problem) vertebral adjustment correction, NET is based on seven scientifically validated foundations:

1.  Muscle Testing (MT).  More specifically semantic muscle testing.  Recently (1999) scientifically validated. 
2. The concept that emotions are physiologically based.  DC’s know first hand about this in effectively dealing with PMS for example.
3. Pavlovian Responses.  Humans, too, are conditioned—sometimes by one event (this is termed a one time trial). 
4. Emotions/meridian system correlations.  A 1,500-to-4,000-year old principle.  Example: “Anger” correlative—Liver meridian.
5.  Repetition Compulsion (RC).  A Freudian term.  Essentially, what has tramatized you earlier in your life will come back to do it again in like circumstances—if unresolved.  (See the works of Bessel A. van der Kolk, MD)
6.  The role of memory and physiology.  When we remember a traumatic event, the body tends to replicate the physiology which occurred at the time of the event. 
7.  Semantic Responses (and Stimulus Generalization).  The physiology of the body may not only be reactive to the sight of a spider, but also the word “spider”

NET was developed by Scott Walker, DC (Palmer Chiropractic College, 1965).  He and his wife, Deborah Walker, DC (Los Angeles Chiropractic College, 1978) have taught over 4000 practitioners worldwide how to eliminate the emotional component of the causes of the recurrent subluxation.  NET research projects are ongoing at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia, and Thomas Jefferson Medical School in Philadelphia.

For more information about NET, call (800) 888-4638, or visit www.netmindbody.com.




The Toftness System of Chiropractic
After the technique developer Dr. I.N. Toftness’s death in 1990 , Dr. David Toftness became the president of the Foundation for the Advancement of Chiropractic Research that is the research arm of the Toftness System

With post-graduate training on-going from offices in Wisconsin, Missouri and, now, Japan, the Toftness Chiropractic technique celebrates its 50th anniversary with hundreds of practitioners across the country and around the world.  Practitioners, and students, in Europe, Central America, Australia, Japan and the U.S. are attracted to the technique because of its low-force, high precision, extensive documentation of benefits, and ongoing research into its efficacy.

The Toftness technique features the application of low-force pressure with high precision.  Practitioners first use noninvasive instrumentation to detect stress in the spine.  They then apply low measured force– 4-6 ounces – to specific locations along the spine or other off-spine areas.  The pressure is applied for  set lengths of time until the doctor has achieved his/her goal: removing the nerve interference and, thereby, restoring a healthy energy flow.

The gentleness of the technique makes it suitable for the youngest of infants as well as for adults coping with the pain of injury or illness.  Practitioners also report that the low force technique is less taxing on their own bodies and allows them to remain active practitioners longer.

Toftness practitioners from around the globe continue to contribute to one of the largest libraries of documentation in the field.  The collection currently comprises thousands of before and after X-rays and slides of skin pathologies which dramatically illustrate the benefits of the technique to patients of all ages and conditions.

For more information, contact Toftness Foundation for the Advancement of Chiropractic Research, (715) 268-7500 or by e-mail at [email protected]www.toftness.org.


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