The Scoliosis Care Foundation Calls on the Chiropractic Profession for Help


The Scoliosis Care Foundation Calls on the Chiropractic Profession for Help



Dr. Mark Lamantia (Left) and Dr. Gary Deutchman (Right)


THE SCOLIOSIS CARE FOUNDATION IS A recognized 501(c)3 organization dedicated to improving education, treatment and diagnosis of scoliosis. The Foundation is calling upon the chiropractic profession to become more involved with public education programs and is offering materials such as Slide Presentations, screening forms and continuing education opportunities for the treatment of scoliosis. New for 2009, the Foundation has created The Scoliosis Awareness Program. This 90 minute, parent-oriented slide show is available from your Chiropractic State Association, or directly from the website. The Foundation’s Science Advisor, Marc J. Lamantia, D.C., D.A.C.N.B., is currently seeking chiropractors who are interested in becoming regional representatives for the Foundation, as well as assisting in a multi-clinic study to document the chiropractic profession’s ability to co-manage cases, without the need for orthotist/orthopedist intervention. History: Dr. Gary Deutchman founded the SCF in 2001 because of his belief the watch and wait approach to early detection was harming the future well-being of our children. From a clinical standpoint, if chiropractors co-manage cases when curvatures are below 20 degrees (Cobb), “oftentimes we can keep that curvature from worsening and, in most cases, reduce the curvature in a signifi cant manner,” says Deutchman. With nearly 25 years of clinical experience and 10 years of full-time scoliosis care, Dr. Deutchman is confi dent chiropractors are the best providers to manage scoliosis. Currently, Dr. Deutchman co-manages 100% of his cases with other chiropractors in an attempt to offer the most appropriate care possible. Deutchman says, “I know I can offer patients certain aspects of their necessary care, like Spinecor bracing and exercise training, but I co-manage cases with other chiropractors who can offer things I can’t, such as Chiropractic Neurology, weekly chiropractic adjustments, cervical and pelvic realignment, things that need to be done day in and day out.” The Scoliosis Care Foundation is making available the Scoliosis Awareness Program in an attempt to make more families aware that chiropractors can offer comprehensive care to patients with scoliosis. To become more involved with the foundation or to make a donation, visit Doctors interested in becoming regional representative for the Foundation can email their CV’s to [email protected]. In the News: The Congress of the Chiropractic State Associations (COCSA) has announced it is adopting the Scoliosis Awareness Program as a National Outreach Project. COCSA’s board of directors voted to join forces with the Scoliosis Care Foundation in offering all chiropractic state associations access to educational materials from the Foundation. Dr. Gary Deutchman, Director and Founder, believes scoliosis is being mismanaged by the current healthcare system. According to the COCSA President, Dr. Jeff Fedorko, “COCSA supports this project because scoliosis curvatures are being missed by school systems that rely solely on the Adams test. Current standards of care do not include chiropractic management, and orthopedic approaches offer few options.” Commonly, children and adolescents diagnosed with scoliosis do not have pain and will only exhibit minor postural changes in the early stages of the condition. This makes better screening procedures essential to early detection. Furthermore, only 26 states currently mandate scoliosis screening in the public schools. According to Dr. Deutchman, “This leaves literally millions of children without adequate screening.” Although scoliosis progression slows after the pubertal growth spurt, curvature progression in adulthood is common. It’s also very common for adults with scoliosis to have chronic pain syndromes, dizzi ness, digestive problems, and early spinal degeneration. Dr. Deutchman and Dr. Lamantia teach CE accredited courses designed to help chiropractors offer better care plans to adults and adolescents with scoliosis. Chiropractors interested in taking these seminars can contact the Foundation to fi nd out when and where sponsored continuing education is available. Currently, both Dr. Lamantia and Dr. Deutchman are Adjunct Faculty at Life West Chiropractic College and New York Chiropractic College. Upcoming seminar dates can be viewed at either Colleges’ website or The Scoliosis Care Foundation is providing. at no charge, an Adobe Acrobat fi le format presentation to all chiropractic state associations to distribute to their membership. The slide presentation is designed for the chiropractor to present to parents in his or her own community. The presentation will help teach parents how to become better observers of their child’s posture. For more information, visit the Scoliosis Care Foundation website at www. or call the Foundation at 1-800-391-8837.

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