Adjusting the Holographic Body – Part Two

Subluxations are state specific

In last month’s article we discussed that the subluxation is posture or state specific.

State/posture specifi c means that, when the patient assumes a certain posture or consciousness, a subluxation may emerge—a subluxation that was not present when they were comfortably standing, sitting or lying down. This phenomenon is called the posture of subluxation or POS.

Since most patients are analyzed and adjusted when prone, sitting or standing, subluxations in other postures are not revealed and, therefore, cannot be corrected.

Koren Specifi c Technique (KST) enables us to analyze and adjust patients when they assume different physical postures. However, the POS is not limited to physical posture; people can also have an emotional POS. KST also enables us to analyze and adjust patients when they assume different emotional postures.

It is no coincidence that the phrase “assuming a posture” may refer to an emotional or a physical stance.

The neutral emotional POS

Doctors usually analyze and adjust patients while the patient is in a neutral physical or neutral emotional posture. By neutral emotional posture, we are referring to the relatively relaxed and present-time interaction that occurs in an office.

However, by limiting our analysis and adjustments to patients in neutral emotional postures, we are not able to fi nd and correct subluxations that appear when the patient is in different emotional postures.

There is no purely physical person

Just as there is no purely physical person—we have psyche (soul/spirit/mind) as well as soma (body)—so there is no such thing as a purely physical health problem. Every physical health condition has emotional aspects (and every emotional condition has physical aspects). Emotional aspects may be of major importance or of minor importance, but they are always present. This understanding has been a cornerstone of many healing arts, including classical homeopathy.

Patients teach us

Patients teach us the power of emotions when they relate the following kind of story (with which most healers are familiar): “Doctor, I felt fi ne after the adjustment but, the moment I thought of my ex-wife, I was suffering again;” or, “When I think of the death of my parent, all the good you did for me disappeared;” or, “When I heard the screech of a car’s tires, all my subluxations returned.”

What happened? The patient assumed an “emotional posture” that created physical subluxations. We must care for patients while they are in emotional postures for more complete subluxation correction.

Why does this happen?

The field of psycho-neuro-immunology that explores the relationship between the mind, the nervous system, and the immune system may shed some light on this phenomenon. Research reveals emotions have a profound effect on our physiology. When we experience anger, fear, joy, grief, depression or other emotional states, we exhibit a multitude of corresponding physical changes. These include changes in blood chemistry, skin, sweat, voice, the respiratory system, the cardiovascular system, the digestive system, the hormonal system, the nervous system, vision, hearing, and much more.

Is it no surprise that our body structure also changes?

Demonstrate the emotional POS

The emotional POS is easily demonstrated. Adjust a patient so he/she is subluxation-free. Now, ask the patient to think of something emotionally charged. You will fi nd that their structural system (most commonly revealed in the cranial bones) has become subluxated again!

In practice

To locate subluxations relating to emotional states, we must put patients in an emotional posture (POS). While they are in that posture, we analyze and adjust them for subluxations. This simple procedure reveals a new world of healing.

Why weren’t the patients presenting this subluxation earlier? It is because they weren’t in that emotional posture; they weren’t accessing that information.

Like a computer

Let’s use a computer analogy. First, we run a particular program to locate a file within that program. The file can then be accessed and its contents read, edited, or otherwise manipulated.

People contain many “programs,” “files,” and even “sub-files.” For example, a person’s emotional world (program) contains many different relationships (files). There is a parent “file” and inside the parent “file” may be hundreds of “sub-files.” The various relationship “files” contain information on friends, siblings, spouses, pets, co-workers and each “file” may contain a plethora of “sub-files.”

The subluxation as a portal or gateway

When the fi le that needs to be accessed is opened and the subluxations associated with it are revealed, you can then correct those subluxations. If properly corrected, the next time that file is opened (the next time the patient assumes that emotional POS) there will be no subluxations.

People are filled with all kinds of emotional postures causing physical subluxations. For example, have a patient think of their ex-spouse. They are opening their ex-spouse file. That file is certainly filled with many different sub-files that can be accessed and the subluxations associated with those sub-files corrected.

Once corrected, a patient may find they are able to think of their ex or auto accident or failed test in college or other past event without getting flooded with all kinds of stresses interfering with their physical and/or emotional balance (homeostasis).

How do you locate an emotional POS?

Using Koren Specific Technique (KST), a patient is easily and quickly analyzed and adjusted in various physical and emotional POS’s.

There are a number of protocols that can be used to locate emotional issues. We will discuss these in the next article, Part Three.

Koren Specifi c Technique, developed by Tedd Koren, DC, is a quick and easy way to locate and correct subluxations anywhere in the body. It is gentle for the patient and the doctor. Patients hold their adjustments longer. KST practitioners can specifically analyze and adjust themselves. For seminar information go to or call 1-800-537-3001. Write to Dr. Koren at [email protected].

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