But I Feel Fine…

How did you know that?

Picture the scene. I’m checking people during a recent Masters Circle seminar using Koren Specific Technique (KST). I had just given a talk. The line of doctors and CA’s waiting to be adjusted was long.

As I expect, people are having incredible responses. But what’s often most fascinating is the ability to tell them what their problems are just from doing a structural analysis. It often goes something like this:

“Your left and right pubic bones are inferior. That usually causes sacroiliac (SI) pain.”

“Yes, that’s what I suffer from.”

“Your femur heads are anterior; this causes exhaustion.”

“I’m tired all the time.”

“Your hyoid is subluxated; this can cause snoring.”

“I snore terribly. My wife will be thrilled.”

“Your sphenoids are out of position; that can cause headaches, migraines, depression, brain fog, moodiness and insomnia.”

“Right, on all of the above.”

“You have an upper thoracic hump pattern. That affects your ability to take a deep breath. Your heart, lungs and thyroid may be affected also. In addition, whenever there’s a hump, I usually find a subluxation in the lower mid thoracics and the person has lower back pain.”

“Wow, that’s me. I always have a bad area no one can adjust around T8 and my low back pain never goes away.”

Using KST, I refer to the patient’s occipital drop of the skull as a quick and easy bio-indicator to get a yes/no response. This is similar to bio-indicators used with other disciplines such as applied kinesiology and the short leg reflex. The response is often something like, “How the hell could you tell that from my skull? My knee was hurt in a car accident ten years ago. How did you know…? Are you psychic or something? This is amazing.”

I’m feeling good

So all this detective work, all these “hits,” are making a big impression. Since there’s a big crowd around me, everyone watching is impressed. I’m feeling pretty good. I’m very proud of KST and the results we’re getting.

Then someone throws a monkey wrench into the works.

Nope, nope, nope and nope

So the next patient is a guy in pretty good shape. Let’s see what he’s got.

“Your temporals are out. People with subluxated temporal bones often have dizziness, ringing in the ears, hearing problems, balance, ear problems….”

“Nope. None of those.”

“Well, OK, it’s not 100%. Everyone’s body is different. Hmmm, you have a lateral sternum; this often causes heart issues such as a skipped beat, perhaps panic or anxiety attacks. Sometimes you might feel heart pain or as if you’re getting a heart attack….”


“OK, here you have a sinus pattern. Your nasal/front and nasal/maxilla areas are jammed up. Do you have any sinus trouble? Breathing problems?”


“You’ve got counter-rotation of L4 and L5. This usually causes a lot of back pain, perhaps sciatica….”


I’m starting to sweat

I’m losing the audience. Hostile glares. People are grabbing rotten fruit to throw. Obviously, he’s a medical plant to make me look bad. OK, I’m exaggerating. But what’s wrong here?

I’ve found, when stumped, the best thing is to ask the patient. Patients know themselves better than any doctor and, since this is a chiropractic group, their awareness is fairly good.

I ask, “I’m at a loss. Usually people feel these symptoms I’ve asked about. Why do you think your subluxations aren’t bothering you?”

“That’s probably because I work out all the time. If I miss even one day, I feel terrible.”

Ah hah!

Now I remembered: the power of exercise.

When I was suffering and badly subluxated after my injury, no chiropractor was able to give me any lasting help. My hands were in constant pain, I couldn’t do a push-up; I couldn’t make a fist; my wrists always felt tight.

In desperation, I started lifting weights. It seemed counter-intuitive but, after one session, my hands felt better. I kept lifting and my hand, elbow, shoulder and arm pains eased up tremendously.

Exercise is good

So, when I realized that exercise was good, I looked around in the gym I belong to. There are loads of people who may not want to work out; they have to—otherwise they’re in lots of pain. Exercise does work.

What is going on?

Why is exercise so powerful? I’m sure that is best answered by exercise physiologists if the research has been done.

But are people who exercise still subluxated?

Yes, but their subluxations aren’t bothering them so much.

Is there still some damage going on? Will their subluxations ultimately catch up to them?

My guess is yes. Eventually their bodies will start to show the wear and tear (subluxation degeneration) from abnormal stresses on their joints, discs, nerves and connective tissue that cannot be denied and they’ll graduate from exercise to drugs and surgery. That is unless a good chiropractor gets to them first. Luckily, I discovered KST and adjusted myself back to wellness.

One final observation…

Apart from exercise people, there is (so far) one other type that doesn’t feel what they should feel. I discovered this also at the Masters Circle.

I’m working on a patient and getting, “No, no, no, no,” to all the things I’m finding. She doesn’t work out. What’s going on? Remember the cardinal rule—ask the patient.

I asked her directly, “Are you the kind of person who denies her feelings?”

Her answer was completely honest, “Yes, I sacrifice for others all the time. I don’t do anything for myself.”

Such a patient needs an emotion-mind-body procedure using KST, or NET and KST or NET by itself to disrupt this unhealthy mind-body reflex and get them in touch with their feelings.

Anything else?

So far, that’s where we are. If you have discovered other aspects of the “nope” patient, please write to me.

Koren Specific Technique, developed by Tedd Koren, D.C., is a quick and easy way to locate and correct subluxations anywhere in the body. It is a gentle, low-force technique. Patients hold their adjustments longer. It’s easy on the doctor too. With KST, practitioners can specifically analyze and adjust themselves. For seminar information go to www.teddkorenseminars.com or call 800-537-3001. Write to Dr. Koren at [email protected].

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