Milk May Be a Driver of Diabetes

milkTwo sacred cows of nutrition for the people of the United States have been bread and milk. The low carb craze has heightened the public’s awareness about the dangers associated with refined starches, such as most cereals, breads, and pasta. Many people steer clear of these more refined starches and many even avoid the whole grains.

Whole grains do contain fiber that assists in intestinal peristalsis, and also tends to assist in blood sugar regulation.1  Despite these benefits, whole grains are rich in pro-inflammatory substances, suggesting that we should eat only condiment-sized portions of whole grains. Whole grains contain only the pro-inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids, gliadin, lectins, and they promote tissue acidity.2

The pro-inflammatory nature of all grains is a severe blow to many who crave this starchy food. Nonetheless, in 2004, when we in Florida were hit with four hurricanes, the grocery stores were quickly emptied of their bread supplies. I don’t know what storms do to the minds of people; however, they seem to powerfully influence their food choices. When storms move into town, bread and milk quickly leave the supermarkets.

My perception is that most people continue to view bread and milk as two important staples…and nothing is further from the truth. Humans are designed to eat vegetation (vegetables, fruits, nuts, roots, and tubers) and animals that ate vegetation.  From a historical and evolutionary perspective, grains and dairy are new foods.

Refined grains are known to be unhealthy, while whole grains receive positive reviews—even though they offer many pro-inflammatory possibilities. Unlike whole grains, dairy has received some bad press over the years, as lactose intolerance is not uncommon.  Many have also heard arguments about the likely unhealthy nature of processed milk, or that casein, the milk protein, is not an ideal protein source.  And there is evidence suggesting that early introduction of milk to children can promote allergies.3

While the jury is still out, recent evidence suggests that milk consumption may be risky, particularly for those over the age of 30 who are moving toward developing syndrome X—a prediabetic state that is thought to promote diabetes and its many related diseases, such as cancer and heart disease. In part, syndrome X is characterized by hyperinsulinemia, which can be greatly influenced by diet. Most readers are familiar with the glycemic index (GI), which basically refers to the blood sugar response after a food is ingested. The higher the index, the greater the blood sugar response. A low GI would be 55 or less, a medium GI is considered to be 56-69, and high GI is 70 or more. Typically, the insulin response is commensurate to the GI, which means our goal should be to eat foods with a low glycemic index. Visit for a listing of GI’s for most foods.

Foods such as fruits, vegetables, animal products, and dairy have a low glycemic index, compared with refined foods and certain whole grain products. Skim and whole milk have a GI of about 30, which is low and desirable. However, it seems that the milk’s low GI is betrayed by a high insulin response.

Researchers found that the insulinemic response to milk is similar to that of white bread, which has a high glycemic index. In short, milk promotes an insulin response that is three to six times greater than would be expected based on the GI of milk.4 Of dairy products, only cheese has a low insulinemic response: 45 for cheese, compared to 145 for whole and skim milk.5

It seems possible that our reliance on milk as a staple food may play a role in the development of syndrome X and diabetes. Caution should be exercised when consuming milk and milk products until more is known.

Dr. Seaman is the Clinical Chiropractic Consultant for Anabolic Laboratories, one of the first supplement manufacturers to service the chiropractic profession.  He is on the postgraduate faculties of several chiropractic colleges, providing nutrition seminars that focus on the needs of the chiropractic patient.  Dr. Seaman can be reached by e-mail at [email protected].


1. Pereira MA et al. Effect of whole grains on insulin sensitivity in overweight hyperinsulinemic adults. Am J Clin Nutr 2004; Am J Clin Nutr 2002;75:848–855
2. Cordain L. Cereal grains: humanity’s double-edged sword. World Rev Nutr Diet 1999; 84:19-73
3. Iacono G, Cavataio F, Montalto G, Soresi M, Notarbartolo A, Carroccio A. Persistent cow’s milk protein intolerance in infants: the changing faces of the same disease. Clin Exp Allergy. 199; 28:817-23
4. Ostman EM, Elmstahl H, Bjorck I. Inconsistency between glycemic and insulinemic responses to regular and fermeted milk products. Am J Clin Nutr 2001; 74:96-100
5. Hoyt G, Hickey Ms, Cordain L. Dissociation of the glycemic and insulinemic responses to whole and skimmed milk. Brit J Nutr 2005; 93:175-77

Battling the Bulge is a War Against Inflammation

overweightIn the Beginning…

As a youth, I was one of the many who could not gain weight if he tried. My goal was to gain lean mass; however, I couldn’t even gain body fat back in the high school days. I was very skinny, and being so light was not helpful for my efforts to play baseball and basketball in high school. With a high center of gravity and not much body weight for my height, my body was not really designed for these semi-contact sports; it did not take much of a shove for me to go flying…which is why I took up high jumping. Being light and skinny was plus in high jumping.


Some 25 years later, I am no longer high jumping, or playing baseball and basketball. The worries of not gaining weight are no longer an issue. Well, that is not exactly true. If I am not careful now, I can easily gain body fat… gaining lean mass is a bit more difficult.

So, in my mid-forties, my situation has reversed. Now I wish to keep weight off; that is, fat weight, of course. Granted, due to my small bone structure and tall height, I can maintain an appearance of leanness; however, this also means that 5 pounds of body fat for me can be the equivalent of 10-20 pounds of fat for those with larger frames. So, my fatness situation is really no different than that of someone who is more obviously overweight.

Why We Need to Battle the Bulge

In our youth, gaining muscle mass and/or dropping fat mass is really more of a vanity thing for most people. As adults, we should view reducing fat mass as a major health concern. We now know that extra fat mass represents a reservoir of chronic inflammation. Space constraints do not permit a review of the biochemical mediators released by adipose tissue; however, here is a list of some of the mediators released in high amounts as fat mass increases: plasminogen activator inhibitor, angiotensinogen, resistin, leptin, interleukin-6 (IL-6), and tumor necrosis factor (TNF); and there is reduced release of an anti-inflammatory substance called adiponectin.1,2

We should be aware that visceral adipose tissue releases 2-3 times more IL-6 compared to subcutaneous adipose tissue.1 The liver responds to IL-6 by releasing C-reactive protein, which is thought to be a sensitive marker for cardiovascular disease4 and, likely, other inflammation-driven conditions such as cancer.5

Inflamed Bulge

From a practical perspective, if our body mass index is above normal, we are likely to have a problem with inflammation. If we can grab too much fat around our waists, we are likely to have a problem with inflammation. Is your waistline bigger than when you were in college? If yes, you are likely to be inflamed…and you may have no symptoms, which is a bit scary. It is likely that we can have subclinical, chronic inflammation for years, and not know it until a disease, like cancer or heart disease, strikes us down.

Some Tips for Losing Bulge

The fix for this adiposity-driven inflammation is straightforward. We must eat less, and exercise more… what a shocker. In particular, we have to fight off eating late at night; this is the deathblow for most of us. Every night, I battle the desire to eat, which is often associated with a surprising lack of hunger.

For meals, focus on fruits, vegetables, lean meats, fish, nuts; and, if you desire, a starchy carbohydrate, have a red or sweet potato.  Avoid all trans fats. For sautéing foods, use coconut oil; and for salad dressing, use extra virgin olive oil. Butter can also be consumed in moderation without fear.

Eat until you start to feel less hungry or slightly full, then stop eating. You will find that you will begin to eat less food. And, when we eat less, there is a chance to reduce important fiber and nutrient intake; there is almost no way around this. In short, we are not designed to be sedentary. We are supposed to be active all day and, therefore, burning extra calories all day, which means we should be eating more. However, because we are sedentary, we need to eat less. To make up for the lack of calorie/nutrient intake, I suggest that we all take a fiber supplement, such as psyllium, and also supplement a multivitamin/mineral, magnesium, EPA/DHA, coenzyme Q10, and anti-inflammatory botanicals, such as ginger, turmeric, and garlic.

Dr. Seaman is the Clinical Chiropractic Consultant for Anabolic Laboratories, one of the first supplement manufacturers to service the chiropractic profession. He is on the postgraduate faculties of several chiropractic colleges, providing nutrition seminars that focus on the needs of the chiropractic patient. Dr. Seaman can be reached by e-mail at [email protected].


1. Axelsson J, Heimburger O, Lindholm B, Stenvinkel P. Adipose tissue and its relation to inflammation: The role of adipokines. J Ren Nutr 2005; 15(1):131-6
2. Lyon CJ, Law RE, Hsueh WA. Minireview: adiposity, inflammation, and atherogenesis. Endocrinology. 2003; 144(6):2195-200
3. Das UN. Is obesity an inflammatory condition? Nutrition 2001; 17:953-66
4. Yudkin JS, et al. C-reactive protein in healthy subjects: associations with obesity, insulin resistance, and endothelial dysfunction. Art Thromb Vas Biol 1999; 19:972-78
5. Wieland A, Kerbl R, Berghold A, Schwinger W, Mann G, Urban C. C-reactive protein (CRP) as tumor marker in pediatric and adolescent patients with Hodgkin disease. Med Pediatr Oncol  2003; 41(1):21-5.

Nine Powerful Supplements to Reverse Heart Disease

Half of your patients are going to die of heart attacks and strokes; half your family members are going to die of heart attacks or strokes; you, if you can reduce yourself to a statistic for a moment, stand a 50 percent chance of dying of a heart attack or a stroke. Despite the “progress” of medical science over the last two decades, 50 percent of all Americans still die of cardiovascular disease. The good news for us is that there are ways to correct the causes of cardiovascular disease nutritionally. Here is a quick summary of nine of the most powerful nutritional weapons to protect you and your patients against heart disease.



Carnosine has been shown to increase the strength of heart contractility and improve circulation.

In humans, carnosine levels decline with age. Muscle carnosine concentration decreases 63 percent from age 10 to age 70.



Research has shown that betaine, when combined with just very small amounts of vitamin B6 and folic acid, will lower elevated homocysteine levels, a major factor in heart disease.



Carnitine has significant beneficial effects on myocardial energy production. Found to strengthen the heart muscle, it is one of the most effective ways to lower elevated triglycerides and protect myocardial infarct patients against cardiac necrosis. It improves fat metabolism in the heart (as well as other organs) and decreases lipid peroxides in the heart. In addition, it improves heart muscle exercise tolerance, decreases angina pain, is a vasodilator of coronary blood vessels, lowers blood pressure, decreases the elevated LDH levels in myocardial infarct patients, decreases left ventricle enlargement, decreases the incidence of arrhythmias, including the occurrence of ventricular fibrillation in the early stages of ischemia, decreases peripheral vascular disease, decreases congestive heart failure and has a dramatic impact on decreasing triglycerides. It also decreases elevated cholesterol as well, but has a far greater effect on triglycerides. Carnitine also increases high density lipoproteins.


Co-enzyme Q-10

Co-Q10 is a powerful anti-oxidant that participates in several of the anti-oxidant systems. The benefits of Co-Enzyme Q-10 have been found to

• Prevent myocardial failure;

• Energize and protect the heart, while protecting against atherosclerosis;

• Improve cardiac response to exercise;

• Lower high blood pressure;

• Reduce angina;

• Prevent arrythmias;

• Quench free radicals.


Vitamin E (mixed tocopherols and tocotrienols)

The mixed tocopherols represent the complete vitamin E family—alpha, beta, gamma, and delta tocopherols. Unfortunately, most people think of vitamin E primarily as alpha tocopherol, or as one of the alpha tocopherol esters. As it turns out, what most people consider to be vitamin E (alpha tocopherol) is not really such a great antioxidant. Its antioxidant activity is positively dwarfed by the antioxidant activity of gamma tocopherol, particularly, and the other tocopherols as well. The point is that, when you want an antioxidant that will put up a good fight with oxidative stressors, you don’t fool around with the form of vitamin E they put in vitamin pills (alpha tocopherol).

What you want are the mixed tocopherols. This is not to say that alpha tocopherol is bad. Quite the contrary. One form of alpha tocopherol, the ester alpha tocopheryl succinate, is more effective in its role as an anti-thrombic agent than any of the other tocopherols, and is more effective in boosting immune function.



Glucosamine is MORE than a supplement for arthritis. The truth is, there have been dozens of scientific studies showing the benefits of glucosamine supplementation on cardiovascular health. First, consider glucosamine. The nutrition establishment would have you think of this substance as nothing more than a raw material that forms a critical structural component of cartilage and other connective tissue.

The late Emanuel Revici’s research revealed that glucosamine does not just strengthen connective tissue in a structural sense, but it strengthens by protecting connective tissues against inflammation and maintains the structural integrity of arterial basement membranes.


Chondroitin Sulfate

Far more important than its role in the connective tissue of joints is the power of chondroitin sulfate to maintain the functional integrity of the cardiovascular system. CS helps maintain arterial elasticity. Remember, arteries are largely connective tissue. CS retards the arteriosclerotic and aging processes within the arterial wall. CS also possesses lipid-clearing activity. It lowers cholesterol and triglycerides, and it normalizes the ratio between HDL, LDL, and VLDL. Most importantly, CS clears lipids, not just in the serum, but from within the cells as well.

The most striking statistic regarding CS supplementation shows that, in cardiovascular disease patients treated with CS, the likelihood of having a myocardial infarct, suffering coronary insufficiency or myocardial ischemia, or developing congestive heart failure is only 1/6th that reported for control patients who receive no CS supplementation.


Alpha Lipoic Acid

Alpha lipoic acid is a SUPER POWER antioxidant. Lipoic acid particularly decreases elevated systolic blood pressure, decreases excess cellular calcium, and decreases elevated serum glucose and elevated serum insulin. Lipoic acid also decreases adverse renal vascular changes associated with hypertension. Lipoic acid effectively decreases LDL cholesterol. Lipoic acid has been shown, in clinical studies, to decrease elevated triglycerides by as much as 45 percent. If there is one thing you can do for your patients to protect them from the grips of heart disease, tell them about the nine most powerful supplements listed above. You just may save a life (or two).


Ronald Grisanti, DC, DABCO, MS, is a board-certified chiropractic orthopedist with a master’s degree in nutritional science. He has created an innovative Web-based program in developing a nutritional, functional medicine-based practice called Chiropractic Mentors.

He can be reached by e-mail at [email protected] or through his Web site,

Why High Cholesterol, by Itself, is Not a Good Indicator of Heart Disease

Whenever I run a blood test on any patient, the first thing they all want to know is, “Doc, how is my cholesterol?” They think, because their cholesterol levels are normal, they have nothing to worry about. Unfortunately, they do not know that about 50 percent of patients who die from cardiovascular disease have “normal cholesterol levels”. They also do not realize that there are people, who have very high cholesterol levels that do not suffer from heart disease.

The drug industry has done such a fantastic job of brain washing the public about high cholesterol, statin drugs and heart disease that people think they are safe, if their cholesterol levels are normal. Since a high cholesterol level does not mean that you will have cardiovascular disease and a low cholesterol level does not mean that you are going to die from cardiovascular disease, what other lab tests are there to determine the risk of this number one killer?

Well, first off, the only way cholesterol can create plaque build up on the endothelial blood vessel wall is if it has been inflamed and scarred first. Without any inflammation, scarring or necrosis of the endothelium, the environment does not favor plaque build up.

The process of inflammation is divided into three phases:

• Phase 1—”acute inflammatory”

• Phase 2—”repair”

• Phase 3—”remodeling”

If all three phases take place, you have healing; if not, you have continued damage to the blood vessel wall.

We must now ask ourselves, “What causes inflammation to continue?”

Causes of Continued Inflammation


• Constant physical trauma to the blood vessels themselves;

• Constant systemic bacterial and viral infections;

• Diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and asthma;

• Cancer and autoimmune deficiencies;

• Improper dietary conditions, such as:

– High levels of arachidonic acid (highly inflammatory) found in meat and dairy, which causes pain, thrombosis and vasoconstriction;

– Minerals such as fluorine and chlorine, which literally act like razor blades cutting, inflaming and scarring the endothelium of the blood vessel;

– High amounts of free radicals circulating in the blood stream from the foods we eat;

– Free radicals produced from cellular metabolism, such as superoxide anion radical, hydrogen peroxide, hydroxyl radicals, etc.

Additional Blood Tests that Help Assess Inflammation

There are two other tests that I consider just as important or more important than cholesterol, since they can determine if inflammation is involved: Homocysteine levels and C-reactive protein.

Homocysteine is an amino acid produced through the demethylation of methionine (an antioxidant) into cysteine. High amounts of homocysteine (homocysteinemia) levels may indicate:

• Increased risk of vascular disease and venous thrombosis due to a direct toxic effect that it has on the endothelium;

• B12 or folic acid deficiency, which prevents methionine from being converted into cysteine;

• Reduced renal function (homocysteinuria).

Normal values for an adult are 4-17 umol/l or .54-2.30mg/l.

C-Reactive Protein is, normally, not found in blood, but appears and rises rapidly where there is tissue necrosis. CRP reacts with many other substances (acts as a scavenger) for DNA nucleotides, lipids and polysaccharides. This is why it elevates due to its role in inflammation during atherogenesis.

CRP is also elevated in bacterial infections, rheumatic fever, rheumatoid arthritis, trauma, neoplastic proliferations, and auto-immune diseases.

Normal values for an adult are between 470-1340 ng/ml.

As you can see, with the aid of these two additional tests, you can determine, with greater accuracy, the cardiovascular risk that you or your patient may be facing.

For more information on Dr. Cima and the many books he has written, you may visit his web site at or call 877-627-2770.


The Five-minute Stress Evaluation

Stress as a Specific Diagnosis

Stress provokes a very exact physiological response by the body. Unfortunately, the term “stress” is so commonly used, it seems to have lost significance as a specific diagnosis. Everyone in our modern, fast-paced society seems to be “uptight” because life is so stressful. But, as clinicians, we should never lose sight of the fact that the body responds to all types of stress in a very specific manner. In this article, I will outline the exact physiological cascade found in the body’s response to stress and how you can determine what is producing the symptoms that bring patients to your office. This examination is physiologically and neurologically sound and can be completed in less than five minutes.


When can we diagnose stress?

Stress can result from a structural, nutritional, or emotional source. However, regardless of the source, the body will react in a physiologically identical manner. That being true, it behooves us to know what the response should be, since failure to respond appropriately will result in symptoms. Determining the cause of symptoms should be the goal of all clinicians. Most disease processes begin with the same vague and undistinguished symptoms. Only after they became full-blown disease processes can they be identified and precise medical treatment protocols initiated.

This is the point: Medicine must wait for the identification of a specific disease entity to be certain of treatment. Any other attempts at treatment are subject to guesswork and certain to fail, with the added possibility of side effects. Knowledgeable chiropractors, because of their education and ability to palpate and examine, can recognize the deleterious effects of stress and determine exactly where, in its physiological response, the body is failing to meet the increased demands being placed on it.

Treating Stress

Once this is determined, the solution becomes obvious and treatment is specific. Results are quite predictable and improvement easy to track. Imagine a practice based on the following paradigm:

• Treat one condition (stress), recognize its cause and make recommendations to reduce or eliminate it entirely.

• Take whatever therapeutic steps are necessary to relieve symptoms and restore normal function,

• Make nutritional recommendations so the body can heal itself.

It is a plan that you can make work repeatedly. It will not only be quite effective for your patients, but it will also reward you, both professionally and personally.


Recognizing Stress Factors

As living, breathing human beings, we do not go directly from health to disease. There is a large gray area between the two extremes. Health is also much more than the absence of symptoms. Our goal should not be to treat disease but to prevent it. To accomplish this, you must know what is “normal” and be able to see, not just deviations from normal, but also to recognize what stresses are challenging the body to remain within normal limits. Only if you can recognize and reduce—or even eliminate—the major stresses on a specific body can you say you truly specialize in preventing disease.

Howard F. Loomis, Jr., DC, President of Enzyme Formulations®, Inc., has an extensive background in enzymes and enzyme supplementation. As president for fifteen years of 21st Century Nutrition® (now the Loomis Institute® of Enzyme Nutrition), he has forged a remarkable career as an educator, having conducted over 400 seminars to date, in the United States and internationally, on the diagnosis and treatment of food enzyme deficiency syndromes. Call 800-662-2630 for more information and a free video.

Micro Miracles: Discover the Healing Power of Enzymes

micromiraclesbookEnzymes are the essential building blocks of life, the natural chemical catalysts that regulate all of the metabolic processes in your body—from digestion to immune function to tissue repair to hormonal balance to the rate at which you age. The 3,000 enzymes in the body regulate the thousands of daily biological tasks that keep the human organism healthy and functional. Whether or not you have an adequate level of enzymes will be reflected in your daily energy levels, the radiance of your skin and hair, and the rate at which you age. A deficiency of enzymes can cause serious problems, such as accelerated aging, exhaustion, slow healing from injuries, hormonal imbalance, and chronic diseases. Enzyme supplements are fast becoming a significant factor in American healthcare.

MicroMiracles, published by Rodale Press in September, 2005, is the first book that shows readers how to identify and evaluate their most significant enzyme deficiencies, gives them clear and practical dietary guidelines that fit in with the busy lives of today’s readers, and educates them regarding the appropriate use of enzyme supplements.

In addition to the power of enzymes, the knowledge of food allergies and the ability to eliminate them is paramount to good health. The Food Allergy Cure, Harmony, 2003, is a best selling book on allergies. This book describes the BioSET™ system (Bioenergetic Sensitivity and Enzyme Therapy), developed by Ellen Cutler, DC, and outlines the principles of this 21st century researched technique that not only eliminates those food allergies, but restores health and longevity.

BioSET™ is one of the only natural health care systems in chiropractic that combines enzymes with nutrition, detoxification and allergy desensitization for a complete and natural health regimen. Dr. Cutler, a clinician for over 25 years, has created protocols that safely and effectively uncover the individual root causes of many conditions which modern medicine does not adequately diagnose or treat. BioSET™ is a simpler, safer, and faster way of uncovering the root cause of many chronic ailments.


For more information, contact The Bio-Set Institute by phone at 415-384-0200 or visit

Super-sized and Inflamed

fastfoodbadMovie producer/director Morgan Spurlock has been very helpful in illustrating the pro-inflammatory nature of our modern fast food eating habits. His documentary, entitled Supersize Me, has been airing on cable movie channels and is also available as a video/CD. If you have not seen Supersize Me, you need to see it now and waste no time about it…and then share the information with your patients.

Spurlock decided to find out what would happen to his mind and body, if he ate only McDonald’s food for every meal, for 30 days. He hired three different doctors to examine him before and during his 30-day Big Mac Attack, for the purpose of assessing any changes that may occur. None of the doctors thought that much would change, save for maybe an increase in triglycerides and cholesterol. Well, the docs were in for a shocker.

Spurlock set up the rules as follows: Every meal was purchased at McDonald’s, and he could eat anything he wanted, but was required to try everything on the menu at least once. This means that 30 McBreakfasts, and 60 McLunches/Dinners were consumed. He ordered regular sizes of everything, but would be required to “super-size” only if the attendant asked. In the end, his meals were super-sized a total of nine times.

Spurlock visited his physicians weekly for check-ups that included blood tests. Within a few weeks, the docs were urging Morgan to abandon the experiment, as they were very concerned for his health. Liver enzymes shot up so significantly that one of the physicians spoke as if Morgan’s liver was undergoing irreparable damage that is similar to what is found in alcoholics.

Spurlock also began to develop headaches and cravings for McFood.  He also had bouts of depression that were relieved by a McMeal, such that a dependency on McDonald’s began to develop. In this regard, Spurlock discovered that McDonald’s refers to its regular customers as “users,” while their very frequent customers are called “heavy users.”

At the end of the month, Spurlock had gained about 25 pounds, which took him nine months to burn off. It was incredible to witness what can happen to a healthy individual in just 30 days when consuming a diet that is nearly 100 percent inflammatory. On numerous occasions, Spurlock contacted McDonald’s headquarters for the purpose of conducting an interview about the outcome he experienced. Not surprisingly, his requests were ignored.

I visited the McDonald’s website and found the following information, which, if you did not know better, was describing a company that sells healthy food and exercise equipment.1 Dr. Cathy Kapica, a public health scientist and registered dietitian, joined McDonald’s in August 2003 as Global Director of Nutrition. She helps guide activities worldwide in the areas of menu choice, physical activity and education for McDonald’s balanced, active lifestyles commitment. Following are Dr. Cathy’s thoughts about her role at McDonald’s: “Bringing my nutrition expertise to a company as dedicated to customers and their well being as McDonald’s is an exciting opportunity. Because McDonald’s reaches millions of people every day, we can really make a positive impact on top health issues of the day by promoting smart eating and active lifestyles.”

Unlike what Dr. Cathy might lead us to believe, there are several reasons why the McDiet is inflammatory: It represents a high calorie diet and contains appreciable levels of trans-fats, omega-6 fatty acids, sugar, and salt, and is devoid of anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids and the many important phytonutrients found in fruits and vegetables, and it is low in potassium and magnesium.

Trans-fats are found in all fast foods that are deep fried, as well as in the buns used for burgers and in some sauces. Trans-fats are known to disrupt essential fatty acid metabolism and also provide a diverse number of pro-inflammatory effects, such as increasing LDL and reducing HDL cholesterol, increasing insulin resistance, increasing lipoprotein A, and increasing free radical activity.2

Omega-6 (n-6) fatty acids are found in meat and chicken, and in the so-called vegetables oils, such as soybean oil and corn oil, which are used in fast foods. We are supposed to consume only modest levels of n-6 fatty acids; however, our modern diet is dripping in these oils. Research suggests that most of our chronic diseases, such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, osteoporosis, and many others, are promoted by n-6 fatty acids.2

Sugar is a problem that most are quite familiar with. Sugar consumption promotes hyperglycemia and hyper-insulinemia, syndrome X, and all the conditions related to syndrome X, such as type II diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, cancer, and many others conditions, even acne.3

Excessive salt intake is commonly associated with hypertension; and increased salt intake is typically associated with a reduction in potassium intake, which is proinflammatory. Low potassium intake is associated with cardiovascular disease, free radicals, and insulin resistance.2

We need to urge our patients to lower their fast food intake dramatically and eat fruits, vegetables, nuts, and omega-3 animal products in their place. Drinking lots of water is also important, and green tea functions as a powerful antioxidant. Supplementing with a multiple vitamin, magnesium, EPA/DHA, coenzyme Q10, and ginger/turmeric is also advisable. Taking this approach is anti-inflammatory and will counteract the trend toward super-sizing.



2. Seaman DR. Nutritional considerations in the treatment of soft tissue injuries. In Hammer WI. Editor. Functional soft tissue examination and treatment by manual methods. 3rd ed. Boston: Jones and Bartlett; (in press for 2005)

3. Cordain L, Eaton SB, Sebastian A, Mann N, Lindeberg S, Watkins BA, O’Keefe JH, Brand-Miller J. Origins and evolution of the Western diet: health implications for the 21st century. Am J Clin Nutr 2005; 81(2):341-54

Dr. Seaman is the Clinical Chiropractic Consultant for Anabolic Laboratories, one of the first supplement manufacturers to service the chiropractic profession.  He is on the postgraduate faculties of several chiropractic colleges, providing nutrition seminars that focus on the needs of the chiropractic patient. Dr. Seaman can be reached by e-mail at [email protected].

The Care and Feeding of Athletes

I get the calls, just as you do: “Doc, what about taking creatine? Should I?” or “What about the powdered entrails of the Mongolian muskrat? Have you seen the studies?” And on and on. Everyone wants magic. As our baby-boomers (and I am one) reach, what I shall politely call, maturity, many are suddenly becoming “athletes” in their quest to forestall the inevitable effects of that maturity.

It is a good thing, at any age, to take on the task of physical improvement; but what shall we offer our patients in terms of nutritional advice? The retail stores and magazines, the web and endless unsolicited e-mails all promote hundreds of “performance enhancement” products that look good on paper or, at least, the models in the ads certainly look good! It is so easy to fall into a trap and either give imprudent advice or fail to warn our patients.  So, let’s think about this for a moment.

First, principles must be established, if we are to remain clear in our thinking. Ponder this: If anything other than food, air and water were necessary to obtain and maintain human health, you would not be reading this article and there would be no magazine. There would, in fact, be few humans around. We have not, historically, had “super” foods or “super” supplements. Yet, any review of human history shows us that, in general, people of the not too distant past were considerably more robust, more “athletic,” leaner, etc., etc., than the average American today. Review the incredible research of Dr. Weston Price, as recorded in his book, Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, and you will see the negative physical effects in primitive societies when “modern” food and eating patterns are introduced. Perhaps a “back to basics” or, at least, a “back to traditional diets” plan is a more sane approach. I am bemused when someone asks, “Do you have any papers on that?” as though common sense is inadequate for such a consideration. Price’s book and others who have reached the same conclusion are available for those who wish to pursue.

Then, what shall the athlete eat? I shall offer, without references, without proof other than personal and practice experience (Clinical evidence is abundant and easily found on-line; just “google” it!), but with said common sense, my opinion. Our ancestors made the base of their food-pyramid protein and fat. Oh, I know, there was this one tribe on this one island that ate only popcorn or some such thing, but even if such really did happen, it was not the norm for most of humanity. How interesting to consider that, in the natural food supply, the high protein foods that were so basic were also high in good saturated fats, our only truly efficient source of the fat-soluble vitamins, like A and E and another factor that Dr. Price calls “Factor X,” ostensibly necessary for proper mineralization of bones! Current literature seems to indicate that the higher the protein intake for humans, the better the whole body bone density, contrary to what is commonly believed. How interesting, once again, that the traditional diet so neatly provided all that was needed. There are many books devoted to this by Sears, Eades, Atkins and others available for much more on this topic. Please do read them.

How, then, can I assist the athlete, the wanna-be athlete or the week-end warrior in his/her quest? I shall advise dietary changes appropriate to the individual and I shall recommend a few, fundamental whole-food concentrates to make certain that what a better diet should provide is, in fact, available. I suggest a focus on support for joints, proper muscle function (lactic acid distribution), and cardiovascular function (adequate oxygenation for the increased demand).  Diet, as discussed above, is the critical factor; but changing diets takes time and I must provide the essentials in the most efficient way while that change is taking place.

The number of nutrients (at least the ones we know about) involved in joint function is surprising. It is, essentially, the same as for all connective tissue, like bone. In a 12-hour seminar on nutrition for bones, we cover some 30-plus known factors involved in building and maintaining bones. I give my patients a complex formula that provides food-based nutrients to support ligament and tendon activity. It is derived from what they ought to be eating but probably do not.

Muscle function, indeed all cell function, requires many nutrients for proper production of adenosine triphosphate, and efficient disposal of waste products. A major player in this activity is the “B” family of vitamins. We assume way too much when we think that giving just one or two of the ones we know about is sufficient to replace what is missing from dietary indiscretions. Far better, in my opinion, to use a food-based concentrate that will naturally contain small amounts (just like food) of ALL of the factors our bodies need, not just the very few of which we have knowledge.

Cardiovascular disease is a great concern, especially for us baby-boomers. It is a major killer of our era and is usually a concern of the patient or, perhaps, the very reason he or she is beginning athletic activity. There are several nutrients that are known to assist the heart when under stress. Everyone knows about Coenzyme Q-10, for example. Many want to take hundreds of milligrams of this daily, yet never stop to consider that no human ever had such a thing available. Human consumption has always been in micrograms, not milligrams! Some researchers now point out that the major source of this factor for humans must be biosynthesis, because it is just not found in large quantities in food. It appears to be a complex, 17-step process, requiring at least seven vitamins (vitamin B2—riboflavin, vitamin B3—niacinamide, vitamin B6, folic acid, vitamin B12, vitamin C, and pantothenic acid) and several trace elements. How do I supply all of that? My choice is to provide a food concentrate that contains a variety of the very foods or food extracts that stand the greatest chance of supporting that “17 step process.”

In brief, our emerging athletes need our advice and our sure and certain guidance, as they have diet after diet, magic pill after magic pill, and potion after potion thrown at them from their neighbors, the tabloids, the TV and the web. Start with principles that have stood the test of time. Keep it simple because it IS simple; otherwise we wouldn’t be here.

Dr. Dobbins is one of the most internationally renowned, knowledgeable and respected lecturers in the field of clinical nutrition and herbal therapy. Dr. Dobbins presents 46 weekends per year, while maintaining a thriving private clinical practice in the San Francisco Bay Area. Dr. Dobbins can be contacted at [email protected].

Popular Topic: Inflammation

Most of my columns revolve around discussing how inflammation promotes most diseases, and how we can reduce inflammation with nutrition. Some docs find this subject confusing, as they believe that inflammation equals healing. Indeed, inflammation is needed for healing after injury; however, chronic inflammation is a driver of most diseases. DC’s need to be aware of this fact because patients are currently reading about this subject in lay magazines.
The February 2004 issue of Time Magazine contains an article entitled “The Fires Within.” The headline below the title reads: “Inflammation is the body’s first defense against infection, but when it goes awry, it can lead to heart attacks, colon cancer, Alzheimer’s and a host of other diseases.” The article further reads: “In medical schools across the US, cardiologists, rheumatologists, oncologists, allergists, and neurologists are all suddenly talking to one another—and they’re discovering that they’re looking at the same thing. The speed with which researchers are jumping on the inflammation bandwagon is breathtaking…now the whole field of inflammation research is about to explode.”1

The article describes pro-inflammatory cytokines, which are proteins released by white cells, glials cells, fibroblasts, endothelial cells, and most other cells. In the section of the article devoted to Alzheimer’s disease, the authors write: “Glial cells in the brain are supposed to support neurons. But in an attempt to return things to normal, they release too many cytokines and trigger greater destruction.”

The Time article tells us that fish oil supplementation can reduce the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines; however, this measure is typically ineffective after the Alzheimer’s process has escalated to the point where symptoms have set in and are progressing. In other words, we need to be supplementing ourselves with anti-inflammatory oils and botanicals when we are symptom-free, so we can, hopefully, prevent the subclinical inflammatory state that drives Alzheimer’s and other pro-inflammatory conditions.
The Time article describes cancer as a wound that does not heal. This characterization of cancer is at least 20 years old. The earliest article I have read on this subject was published in the New England Journal of Medicine, in 1986. Dvorak explains that cancer veils itself as a wound, or series of wounds, which serve to marshal the body’s healing/inflammatory response. The outcome is the deposition of a connective tissue matrix, within which certain tumors grow, such as breast carcinoma.2

The Time article also discusses Remicade and Enbrel, which are relatively new TNF-antagonists. TNF is the acronym for tumor necrosis factor, which is active in most chronic inflammatory conditions. These drugs are used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and other inflammatory conditions. The May 2005 issue of People Magazine has an article about Paula Abdul, who is taking Enbrel for her chronic pain that is described as a “neuropathic pain syndrome.” Apparently, she suffers with chronic neck pain that is currently diagnosed as reflex sympathetic dystrophy. Her condition was not described enough to discover how her pain manifests and if RSD is the culprit.

Clearly, inflammation is in the “news,” and your patients are reading about it in newspapers and magazines, and hearing about it on the radio and television. The Time article discusses ways to reduce inflammation; and, not surprisingly, drugs head the list of therapies. We are told that aspirin, statins, beta blockers, and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors have anti-inflammatory functions.

Exercise is also described, and the authors alert us to the fact that excess adiposity equals inflammation. A great deal of research in recent years has demonstrated that fat cells pump out pro-inflammatory cytokines that participate in the development of diabetes and related conditions such as heart disease and hypertension.

After drugs and exercise are described, we are told that nutrition can reduce inflammation. The authors urge us to avoid the saturated fats in meat and dairy, and to eat fish and vegetable oils. Be wary of this information. No good data links “saturated” fat in meat to systemic inflammation; in fact, most of our saturated fats provide “anti-inflammatory” functions3. And “vegetable oils” is a terrible misnomer. The term “vegetable oil” refers to seed oils, such corn, sunflower, safflower, and cottonseed oils, and these oils cause inflammation as they contain mostly omega-6 fatty acids.

I described a straightforward method of reducing inflammation with nutrition in the April issue of The American Chiropractor. In summary, we should subsist largely on vegetables, healthy meat and eggs, and fruits, and take five main supplements: a multi, magnesium, EPA/DHA, coenzyme Q10, and ginger/turmeric.


1. Gorman C, Park A. The Fires Within. Time Magazine 2004; (Feb 23):p.39-46
2. Dvorak HF. Tumors: wounds that do not heal. New Eng J Med 1986; 315:1650-59
3. German JB, Dillard CJ. Saturated fats: what dietary intake? Am J Clin Nutr 2004; 80:550-59.

Dr. Seaman is the Clinical Chiropractic Consultant for Anabolic Laboratories, one of the first supplement manufacturers to service the chiropractic profession.  He is on the postgraduate faculties of several chiropractic colleges, providing nutrition seminars that focus on the needs of the chiropractic patient.  Dr. Seaman can be reached by e-mail at [email protected].

Standard Process: Providing the Tools for Better Health Care

The American Chiropractor (TAC) interviews Charles C. DuBois, President of Standard Process, Inc., about his company’s efforts to “give back” to the chiropractic profession.

TAC: Tell us a little bit about the history of your company.

DuBois: For more than 75 years, Standard Process has provided health care professionals with the best whole food supplements and herbal products for themselves and their patients. We began with a whole food multivitamin, Catalyn®, and now offer health care professionals three lines of high-quality products: Standard Process whole food supplements, Standard Process Veterinary Formulas™, and MediHerb® herbal products. We are very proud to carry on the tradition that our founder, Dr. Royal Lee, started in 1929. Standard Process is a family-owned and operated business which is and always will be dedicated to growing high-quality ingredients on our certified organic farmland, so that healthcare professionals and their patients will receive the best in whole food nutrition for years to come.

TAC: How are you giving back to the chiropractic profession?

DuBois: Chiropractors share the same commitment to healing the whole person as Standard Process does. Chiropractic and nutritional supplementation are great ancillary modalities that, when combined, have powerful synergy. Chiropractors were one of the first groups of health care professionals who embraced Dr. Lee’s whole food philosophy and utilized the company’s products in their practices. Because of this, we are extremely dedicated to this profession. Since our founding, Standard Process has provided chiropractors with the tools they need to provide better care to their patients, including educational seminars and patient-education materials. We work with colleges and leaders in the profession, in areas such as research, regulation, and education, to determine how we can continue to support this profession which shares our same beliefs.

TAC: Being an insider on the “vendor” side of the profession, what advice do you have for our readers to help them make the best buying decisions regarding supplements?

DuBois: There are a number of factors to consider in determining which nutritional supplements to use in practice, including the company’s history and reputation, support of the profession, and quality of products and ingredients. Since a health care professional’s reputation is on the line when they recommend a brand of products to their patients, it is very important to first determine if the company is reputable, is known for service and support of practitioners, and provides quality education and guidance on the use of the products. One way to evaluate this is to determine how many years the manufacturer has been in the industry and if they are committed to selling only through health care professionals.

In regard to the products themselves, quality and efficacy are the most important criteria. Take time to visit the manufacturing facility to see first hand how their supplements are made. The manufacturer should be able to account for the product throughout the entire manufacturing process, especially with repeat quality control testing. Starting with good quality raw materials and utilizing processes that keep those ingredients intact throughout the processing is essential. The type and source of ingredients should also be evaluated. Ingredients as they are found in nature provide the whole food complex, not a fraction of the nutrients. Because of this, whole food ingredients offer enhanced nutritional support as bioactivity is markedly enhanced. It is also important to note the source of the ingredients. We believe organically grown whole food ingredients provide a greater benefit than those that are conventionally grown.

We work with colleges and leaders in the profession, in areas such as research, regulation, and education, to determine how we can continue to support this profession which shares our same beliefs.

TAC: What are the company’s plans for the future?

DuBois: Standard Process has been and will always be committed to the chiropractic profession. We plan on continuing to work with chiropractic colleges in the areas of research and regulatory legislation. We will also continue to offer the profession innovative products that address patient needs and educational tools that help patients understand the benefits of whole food nutrition. By providing these tools, we hope more people will turn to chiropractors for nutritional supplements. We will always hold chiropractic in the highest regard and serve the chiropractic profession first.

TAC: Any closing remarks or advice for our readers?

DuBois: I would just like to take this opportunity to thank chiropractors for having a deep passion for nutrition. With Americans continuing to eat a diet that consists of highly processed, nutrient-void food, diseases are on the rise and nutritional supplementation is important now more than ever. As chiropractors, you understand that food is our medicine. The body knows how to process and absorb vitamins and minerals found in food versus those found in non-food sources. Together, we will help Americans take control of their health by teaching them to feed their bodies what it knows—food, as it is found in nature.

Charles DuBois has held various positions since starting his career at Standard Process in 1983, including hand-weeding the beet fields on the Standard Process Farm, plant engineer, and executive vice president. He became president in 1995. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering from Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI, and a Master of Science degree in engineering management from the Milwaukee School of Engineering. DuBois is honored to be the leader of a third-generation family business that is committed to carrying on Dr. Royal Lee’s philosophy so that health care professionals and their patients will continue to receive the best in whole food nutrition. For more information call 800-848-5061, or visit