Aesthetics in Your Office?

Thibodeauxsmarticleissue7.jpgMedical professionals continue to battle insurance bureaucracy and speculate on an unpredictable health care future. Cash-based aesthetic treatments supplement practice revenue. Cosmetic treatments are no longer limited to the traditional plastic surgeon and dermatologist. From dentists to family practitioners, they are adding cosmetic treatments as the baby boomer market continues to expand.

It is becoming increasingly common for patients to receive injections of Botox® or Juviderm® type products, along with other invasive procedures, such as laser resurfacing, from a dentist or OB-Gyn’s office. While these services clearly fall outside their specialty, these doctors are taking advantage of vertical marketing opportunities from their existing patient base by offering aesthetic services.

Are aesthetic treatments a viable option for chiropractors? Limiting factors include that most states preclude chiropractors from giving injections or services that are invasive. So what’s left to offer?

Anti-aging supplements are offered by many chiropractors; however revenue seems negligible at best.

On the other hand, a number of chiropractors have integrated aesthetic treatments, not as a part of their practice per se, but as a separate business opportunity similar to MD‘s. Substantial growth is trending to non-invasive, natural solutions because of the cost invasive procedures in the exiting economy but, as importantly, the risk. The chiropractor patient base provides an equally, if not more lucrative, women dominated vertical marketing opportunity.

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Homeopathy Can Slow Aging! Improving Patient Health and Performance

Anti-aging research has been advancing in the 21st century until it has become its own medical specialty. Contributing strongly to this phenomenon is that global life expectancy (according to the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon) has increased from forty-seven to sixty-eight years in the last fifty years. Life expectancy has increased, in part, due to improved nutrition and hygiene that have improved health and overcome many diseases around the world.

It is a pressing need for people as they grow older to do so as gracefully and as healthily as possible—especially since they may well live many years longer than they could have anticipated just a few years ago. Aging issues are bothersome, but many of them can be treated early-on by homeopathy so that the quality of one’s life does not suffer.

Homeopathy offers anti-aging and overall health enhancement solutions such as Human Growth Hormone (HGH), detoxification and drainage remedies, miasmic remedies and constitutional enhancement remedies—all of which safely and effectively broaden both our years and the scope of chiropractic.


What is homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a scientific system of healthcare that activates the body’s own healing processes in order to actually correct the underlying causes to disease naturally, gently, and promptly. Homeopathy is a natural pharmaceutical science that uses very small or infinitesimal doses of substances from the plant, mineral, or animal kingdoms to activate the body’s nervous system to initiate the healing response. So much so, it is often referred to as “Chiropractic in a Bottle”. Homeopathy actually corrects nerve interferences throughout the whole body in places where the hands cannot. It equips the chiropractor to address the whole nervous system and fulfill the chiropractic philosophy, therapeutically!

The word homeopathy is derived from the Greek homoios meaning similar and pathos meaning suffering. The German physician and chemist, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, founded the science of homeopathy in the early 1800’s. While researching the toxicological effects of the medicines of his time, Dr. Hahnemann discovered that a specific dilution of a substance would remove the symptoms that substance was capable of evoking. He soon advanced the theory that “likes are cured by likes”, and today it is a verified law of pharmacology, The Law of Similars.

The application of the Law of Similars is also found in genetics, physics, chemistry, and immunology. For instance, a basic principle of solvent chemistry states that a substance will be a solvent to another substance when it has a similar type of molecular bond. It has to be either similarly polar or similarly apolar, and then like will dissolve like. Immunology crudely applies the Law of Similars to activate antibody responses with small doses of a similar substance that will evoke the allergic symptoms.

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Retirement Plans for Small Businesses

langermand-hoffman-article.jpgIf you’re self-employed or own a small business and you haven’t established a retirement savings plan, what are you waiting for? A retirement plan can help you and your employees save for the future. And you’ll be in good company—over 1 million small businesses with 100 or fewer employees currently offer workplace retirement savings plans.

Tax advantages

A retirement plan can have significant tax advantages:

• Your contributions are deductible when made;

• Your contributions aren’t taxed to an employee until distributed from the plan;

• Money in the retirement program grows tax deferred (or, in the case of Roth accounts, potentially tax free);

• You may be able to claim a tax credit equal to 50% of the cost to set up and administer a retirement plan, up to a maximum of $500 per year for each of the first three years of the plan;

• Certain low- and moderate-income employees may be entitled to a tax credit (“saver’s tax credit”) for a portion of their contributions to the plan; 

Continue reading “Retirement Plans for Small Businesses”

The Vision: Chiropractic as the Health Care Leader

The future of chiropractic as the leader in mainstream health care is now upon us! It’s no surprise chiropractic has taken the backseat to other disciplines when it comes to recognition for our contributions in health care, but times are about to change! Before we can seize this opportunity of ascending to greater national recognition, we must achieve the following:

1) Universal adoption of electronic health records

2) Share electronically generated practice data

3) Establish a systematic mining of data for information on patient outcomes under chiropractic care

And if we can accomplish all three of these achievements, there is no doubt it will prove that our profession is technologically modern, collaborative, and willing to prove our outcomes with clinical data. The timing is right, the technology is available, and all chiropractors, regardless of practice style and philosophy, and financial means, clearly stand to benefit.

Continue reading “The Vision: Chiropractic as the Health Care Leader”

Part 3: Getting Paid from Meaningful Use in Health Information Technology (Part 3 of a 3-Part series)

What we already know

Over the next 5 years physicians are receiving an unprecedented opportunity through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act’s HITECH Act. Up-to-$44,000 dollars in incentive payments for each provider has been allocated by Medicare and is available for early adopters of electronic health records (EHR’s). In order to qualify for this incentive, providers must:

1) Adopt a certified EHR system.

2) Demonstrate that they are using a certified EHR in a meaningful way according to the final rules defined by CMS and the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology.

3) Must be a Medicare provider. Incentive payments are based on Medicare allowed charges (75%) submitted during the payment year not to exceed maximum thresholds.

In this article, Part 3 of a series, we will continue with an explanation of how incentives will be paid out over the next five years as well as drilldown through the 556 page document that outlines this program in order to help determine what your practice needs to do to participate. Next month, I will provide a final summary and commentary based on the latest and final government information.


Foundational concepts that need to be clarified

Chiropractors are eligible for participation in the incentive program, but it’s not a requirement. There is no mandate for you to adopt an EHR system but Medicare has revealed that they are going to start lowering reimbursements starting in 2015 for those who haven’t adopted a certified electronic health record. There is strong speculation that other third-party payers will adopt similar standards as Medicare, and several PPO networks are starting to develop policies that would require any provider on a PPO panel to be required to use a certified EHR or be eliminated from the panel.

The incentive program is technically not a reimbursement. Payment is going to be an incentive, based on your Medicare allowable charges submitted. Not all chiropractors have Medicare patients to qualify for the maximum incentives, but you can still qualify for 75% of your total annual allowed charges.

Incentive payments are for each individual provider. In a multi-doctor facility, each doctor could be eligible for incentive payments based on the allowed charges submitted by each provider individually. You will need to purchase an EHR system and meet the meaningful use requirements to receive these incentives.

As of the writing of this article, there is no certifying entity announced to certify EHR systems for HHS/ONC. These entities will be announced this summer but, until then, eligible providers should focus on finding a system that will meet the meaningful use criteria and a vendor that guarantees the product will meet certification standards.


2011 is year One

The government doesn’t believe that it has given eligible providers enough time to adapt to these new requirements in 2010, so the meaningful use (MU) requirements have been slated to start in 2011. Starting January 1, 2011, is your first day to count towards the use of the certified EHR and your MU of that EHR.

In order to be eligible for the 2011 incentive payments, you need to show meaningful use of your EHR for 90 consecutive business days in 2011. If you show and report that you have meaningfully used all criteria with your certified EHR for 90 days in 2011, you will be eligible to receive as much as 75% of your annual Medicare allowed charges submitted for that year/(90 day timeframe times 4). The maximum you can receive for year 2011 (year one) is $18,000, which is 75% of $24,000 in Medicare allowed charges. You don’t have to actually bill $24,000 in services to Medicare in order to be eligible.


Payment continues over next five years

Each year after 2011, the maximum incentive payments go down. Most chiropractors will be eligible for the maximum incentives. 

Reporting meaningful use

In year one (2011), your office will need to show it used the EHR meaningfully by completing a detailed application and reporting on the 25 meaningful use items, including calculations of the percent of patients you performed these actions upon. In the years after 2011, you will be automatically reporting to Medicare electronically through your certified EHR system.

For the moment, the MU criteria currently published needs to be met in 2011 and 2012. This is considered Stage 1 of three stages. Additional MU criteria will be added in 2013 and again in 2015. The sooner you adopt and understand how to demonstrate meaningful use, the better prepared you will be for succeeding stages.


Decide on participation

1) Review what you’re being asked to do to participate. Understand that all applicable MU criteria should be met in your first year of using your EHR system.

2) Even though incentive payments are based only upon Medicare patient allowed charges submitted, the meaningful use criteria applies to your entire set of patients, not just to Medicare patients.

3) Start talking to vendors; having a technology partner that is willing to guarantee their system will meet government EHR certification is critical. Make sure you leave enough time for the adaption process of your new EHR system.


Ready for adoption

The time to adopt an EHR system is now. If for no other reason, do it while the federal government is rewarding you to help reduce your costs. Once you start seeing the improvements to your practice, patient care, and the benefits to your bottom line, you’ll wonder why you needed an incentive in the first place.

Dr. Steven J. Kraus is Founder and Chairman of Future Health¯the nation’s #1 provider of chiropractic-specific EHR/practice management software. He has more than 22 years’ experience in practice management and is an acknowledged expert in Heath IT, including EHR and the up-to-$44,000 ARRA government incentive. Dr. Kraus serves on numerous committees and frequently travels to Washington, D.C., to represent chiropractic physicians in healthcare discussions and policymaking. To see a no-obligation Future Health software demo, call Toll Free 1-888-434-7347.

Setting Goals Leads to Success

If you had one wish, what would it be? It’s fun to imagine the possibilities. Most of us would choose something that we think would bring us happiness, which leads me to the next question. What makes you happy? Is it the thought of more money? A big house? Looking ten years younger? It may shock you to find out that these things really don’t bring us the pleasure that we think they will.

The field of positive psychology, a discipline that investigates what leads to happiness, has made a surprising discovery. Studies have shown that contentment and meaning in life are not achieved by winning the lottery or being young and beautiful. Instead, one source of happiness comes from the pursuit and attainment of goals.

Goals give new meaning to everything you do. Something that may be thought of as routine or mundane takes on new purpose when it is leading you one step closer to attaining a goal.

Goals give your life focus and clear direction. Those who don’t regularly set goals find themselves drifting through life, reacting to whatever comes their way. They base their decisions and actions on what their circumstances are at the present, not on what they hope to accomplish in the future. One day they find that days have turned into years and they’re so far off course that they can’t even remember the dreams they once had for their lives. make a lasting change or to achieve anything meaningful in your life requires knowing where you need to go and how you are going to get there. That is a goal. Every day, we choose whether the actions of that day are going to bring us closer to who we want to be and where we want to go, or further away.

Japanese carp grow according to the size of their environment. If they are kept in a small body of water, they reach full growth at two to four inches long. However, if they are placed in a larger tank, they can increase to many times that size.

Your goals determine your actions and habits. Your actions and habits determine your environment. The Japanese carp has no control over what kind of environment it is placed in, therefore it has no control over how large it will grow. However, we are free to overcome our limitations and live out our dreams, if we have the wisdom to set goals and the discipline to follow through.

Many people lack the understanding of what goals actually are, and that lack of understanding has prevented them from setting them. Some of you may have made a goal list in the past but, because you did not achieve what you aimed for, you didn’t repeat the process for fear of failing again. I understand completely. The worst kind of failure is failure to keep one’s word or commitment to one’s self.

A well structured goal list can only be made with a lot of forethought; otherwise it will only be a wish list. Those goals will remain a wish list unless you set a deadline and have an action plan for the completion of those goals.

A goal without a deadline is a wish, because there is no call to action to make the goal a reality.

Remember, if you shoot for the moon and land on a star—you are still on higher ground! For example, if you want your practice to double from $20,000 in collections per month to $40,000 in collections per month and you are only collecting $36,000 per month at the end of your deadline, don’t count this as a failure. Be assured, you have accomplished growth as a direct result of your efforts and your goals.

Challenge yourself to set goals and commit yourself to following through. A well thought out list of goals, an action plan, and a made up mind are crucial components in achieving the happiness and success that you are seeking for your life and practice.

Tom Owen III, President of AMC, lectures extensively from coast-to-coast to thousands of chiropractors and students annually. He is the author of Chiropractic from a Business Man’s Perspective, and has spent the last 25 years in the day-to-day trenches of the chiropractic profession. He lives by his quote that “In the end, all that is left are the lives we’ve touched and to what extent they were changed.”

Dr. Osborne, a 1989 graduate of Palmer College, ran a successful high volume multiple doctor practice, and is currently Vice President of AMC, Inc., as well as an author and lecturer. Visit or call (877) AMC-7117 for more information.


Weight-Loss Advice for Your Patients: From a Chiropractor Who Lost 120 Pounds

As a chiropractor who lost 120 pounds and now teaches others how to lose weight, I bring first-hand experience to the challenges involved with weight loss. I want my patients to lose weight healthfully, intelligently and permanently, without resorting to drugs or surgery.

If it were as easy as “putting your fork down,” we wouldn’t have as high an obesity rate as we have in our country. Nor is there a “quick and easy fix,” as those who tout the latest fad diets want us to believe.

Just as there is an increased sensitivity in our society to viewing addiction to alcohol as genetically linked, with time our understanding of a genetic predisposition to be overweight will be more clearly understood. A genetic predisposition to be fat, however, can be overcome with an eating and exercise plan that is flexible, practical and tailored to a patient’s unique circumstances.

When I teach and coach overweight patients, I first find out how much weight they want to lose, and assess whether their goals are reasonable, attainable and healthful. I recommend a patient have an ideal goal weight that they want to reach, and a weight-range that they want to live within. I also have them decide on a weight that they “never want to see on the scale again,” with an agreement that if they do, they will strictly return to the plan that we designed to lose their excess weight.

Next, I talk about a patient’s motivations for losing weight. Our reasons for them to lose weight–being healthier and taking pressure off the spine–often are not a patient’s motivation. The most powerful motivators are emotional rather than logical, and may not “make sense” to others. Often they are very personal, and your patient may or may not want to reveal them to you. I have patients write their motivators down, and encourage them to be honest about their deepest feelings. Losing weight requires dedication and commitment, and if a patient is driven and supported by emotionally powerful motivators, they have a strong foundation for success. has shown that keeping track of when a person eats, what they eat and how many calories are in the foods they eat gives people the best chance to lose weight. Most patients have heard of calories, but most don’t know how many calories they need to consume to lose the weight they want to lose. Nor do they know how many calories are in the foods that they eat.

To lose one pound, a person needs to consume 3,500 calories less than they need to maintain their weight. Thus, if a person wants to lose one pound in one week, they would need to consume 500 calories a day less than they need to maintain their weight. How much a person needs to maintain their weight is affected by their genetics, age, metabolism, exercise level and muscle-to-fat ratio. Thus, it is not an exact science. As a good starting point to determine how many calories a person would need to maintain their current weight, I multiply a patient’s weight by 10 if they aren’t going to exercise, and by 12 if they are willing to walk an hour or more per day.

I then give my patients nutritional guidelines that will support their health and their weight loss. By understanding the glycemic index of foods, patients can understand how some foods will stabilize blood sugar and support feeling satiated for longer periods of time. This allows them to eat in a way that reduces their physiological desire to eat, thus reducing cravings. Especially because our patients will be eating less, it is that much more important that they get their calories from healthy food sources. There are thin people who are unhealthy, and we don’t want our overweight patients to join their ranks. All that said, I have my patients decide for themselves what they will be eating. This supports more long-lasting success. I also encourage patients to eat six or more times per day, as a way of avoiding feeling overly hungry, and avoiding the body’s tendency to slow its metabolism when too long a period of time elapses without eating.

Following these guidelines, a patient is better able to distinguish eating for physiological reasons versus eating for psychological reasons. This is where the concept of addiction plays in. Many of my patients and I benefit from understanding how deep our connection to overeating is, and how we often use food as an addictive substance. My definition of addiction is “whenever I use a substance on a regular basis to ignore or cover up issues, emotions, or thoughts, I am an addict.” Recognizing how I use food as an addictive substance has given me an awareness that better allows me to understand the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual challenges that I faced as I lost weight, and the challenges I face as I maintain my weight loss.

As chiropractors, we are uniquely qualified to teach a patient about the benefits of exercise, tailor a plan to their size and abilities, and keep their spine as healthy as possible to support their exercise plan. I encourage my patients to choose an exercise that allows them to do it consistently, safely, with relative ease and adaptability, and an exercise that they can do for the long term. For most patients, walking fits all these criteria.

I then offer my patients support (or encourage them to benefit from other healthcare professionals, if needed) to deal with the emotional and mental challenges that often need to be addressed for lasting results. I address other issues rarely dealt with in a weight-loss plan, such as how to use the scale to support you, how to deal with your clothes as you grow out of them, and importantly, how to deal with the inevitable challenges and setbacks one is bound to face. I accept setbacks as an inevitable part of the weight loss process and teach patients how to make those setbacks as short-term as possible.

I believe it is important to examine and sometimes change how people talk to themselves (their “self-talk”). I also encourage patients to find role models, and build a support system of people they can reach out to when necessary. A support system can include family members and friends, others trying to lose weight, and/or a weight loss coach. When family and friends are supportive, it can make a powerful difference in a patient’s success.

We can play an important part in a patient’s weight-loss success by combining knowledge, sensitivity and respect for the challenges that our overweight patients face, and by encouraging a drug-and-surgery-free approach to losing weight healthfully and permanently.

Andrew Sokolsky, D.C., is the creator of ‘The Sokolsky Plan, An Intelligent Guide to Permanent Weight Loss’, an in-home seminar for patients. He is also the director of the San Francisco Weight Loss Center, and has been in private practice since 1987. He can be reached at and by phone at 1-415-333-4800.