Chiropractic in Pregnancy: A Much Needed Service

Pregnant women are in need of our care. Routine prenatal procedures are not providing women with the confidence and ability to have safe and natural births. The rate of dystocia (difficult labor) has increased significantly along with numerous interventions, including c-sections.

With 23 years of working with pregnant women, I have realized there are three primary causes of dystocia: Physiological, emotional and medical. Doctors of Chiropractic have the means to address all three aspects of dystocia, offering a unique service to pregnant women.

Physiologically,  the chiropractic adjustment (specifically sacral adjustments) offers improved muscle function, restores a state of balance in the woman’s pelvis and allows for optimal baby positioning in preparation for birth.  Chiropractic care throughout pregnancy allows the woman’s body to experience birth with less intervention.

Emotionally, women have become fearful of birth and no longer trust that they can give birth naturally. An understanding of the chiropractic philosophy restores a sense of confidence in the mother—a vital yet often neglected aspect for a safer, easier birth.

As for the medical causes of dystocia, chiropractors are aware of the many unnecessary, yet routine, inter-ventions and can offer women educational resources and a network of supportive care providers in their communities.
Women are actively seeking providers whose services support the natural process of birth. Chiropractic care throughout pregnancy offers pregnant women physiological and emotional support in leading to easier, safer more natural deliveries.

Many doctors of chiropractic are taking post graduate classes that offer specific techniques and skills to care for pregnant women more effectively. They understand the importance of restoring the sanctity of natural birthing. These chiropractors now recognize the vital role chiropractic provides in achieving this objective. Reaching out to pregnant women in our communities will restore natural, easier, safer births for mothers and their babies.

Jeanne Ohm, DC, has practiced Family Chiropractic since 1981. She is currently Executive Director of the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association and is the instructor on Perinatal Care in their 360 Hour Diplomate program. She can be contacted via their site at:

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