Treating the Maternity Chiropractic Patient

:dropcap_open:A:dropcap_close: healthy spine is vital to maintaining good health. This means that the spinal column itself, the discs, the nerves and bones must all be maintained in good health. Fortunately, it is possible to maintain good spinal health throughout your lifetime by seeking the treatment of a chiropractor. Chiropractors are medical professionals who give spinal adjustments that enable the spine to remain aligned and healthy.

maternityandchiropracticThere are times during the lifespan when an excessive amount of stress may be placed on the spine. Pregnancy is one of these times. For example, when pregnancy occurs, there is pelvic misalignment along with other physical and endocrine changes which occur. This causes additional stress to the spine. A possible result of this can be reduced space for a growing baby, which can result in problems during labor and delivery. Thus, it is necessary to get chiropractic treatment during pregnancy so that you can successfully counteract the stresses that pregnancy puts on the body.

Chiropractic as a treatment option is not new. Chiropractic, or rather the ideas associated with chiropractic, have actually been around for a long time. In fact, the history of chiropractic goes back as far as ancient Greece, when Hippocrates postulated that spinal misalignment could cause health problems. More recently, the first modern chiropractic adjustment was given by Dr. Daniel Palmer in 1895. He theorized that if there is correct spinal alignment, there will be proper nerve flow to all areas of the body and the patient will have good health. Palmer eventually opened a chiropractic school and, as the idea spread, more chiropractic schools opened. Today there are over twenty chiropractic schools throughout the states, as chiropractic has become a more popular treatment option.

Of note, all chiropractors are trained to work with pregnant women. However, there are chiropractors who have special certifications which signify that they have had additional training beyond the typical chiropractic training that enables them to know more about how to work with a pregnant woman. For example, the chiropractor may be a member of the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA) and may have a special designation such as a Certification from the Academy Council of Chiropractic Pediatrics (CACCP). The CACCP is a certification program which involves classroom training and a research clinical component. This certification program is taught by expert chiropractors. During the process of certification, there is special focus on learning important adjustment techniques that can be used with pregnant women. Chiropractors who are certified to work with pregnant women may use specially designed tables to ensure that there will not be too much pressure on the abdominal area of a pregnant patient. Also, these chiropractors often suggest special exercises that pregnant women can perform to increase the health of the spine during the pregnancy.

Gentle chiropractic adjustments during pregnancy can help control your feelings of nausea, reduce the length of time that it takes for labor, help reduce back pain and increase the likelihood of a very healthy pregnancy. One of the really good things about chiropractic is the fact that seeking chiropractic care is a way to reduce pregnancy-related pain without taking medications. That can potentially make the pregnancy safer for you and your baby. Also, studies have shown that chiropractic care is an effective way to improve balance in the pelvic area and improve balance in the ligaments and muscles which are attached to the pelvic area. That allows for a better chance of a successful, issue-free delivery.

motherandbabySome pregnant women who are considering chiropractic treatment may wish to know whether chiropractic can be useful in breech pregnancies. Of note, some babies are in the breech position until the third month of pregnancy. However, this is not considered problematic unless the baby is still in a breech position after 37 weeks of pregnancy. If you have concerns about breech deliveries, the following should set your mind at ease. There is a chiropractic technique called the Webster Technique that can be performed to balance the pelvis and make it more likely that a breech baby can turn naturally. The theory underlying this technique is that fetal breech position is caused by pelvic misalignment, which pulls on ligaments that provide support for the uterus. Thus chiropractors focus on aligning the pelvis and releasing pressure on the soft tissue so as to give the baby more room to turn. The Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics stated in their July/August 2002 issue that when chiropractors did the Webster Technique it resulted in an 82% success rate in causing breech babies to turn. It was further found that chiropractors can perform the Webster Technique as late as the eighth month of pregnancy if the baby is in a breech position at that point in the pregnancy.

Another chiropractic technique that is used for enabling healthy position for a breech baby is called the Bagnell Technique. The Bagnell Technique differs from the Webster Technique in the sense that the Webster Technique assumes that the sacral area has been tilted backwards whereas the Bagnell Technique assumes that the sacrum has been turned to the side. Other assumptions pertaining to the Bagnell Technique are that there could be neck problems, pubic cartilage problems, or other ligament issues which are causing the breech position. Of note, there are not many chiropractors trained in the Bagnell Technique at this time. However, the Bagnell Technique of chiropractic is a technique that is becoming more widely known as an additional benefit to pregnant patients.

Pregnancy should be a time of joy for you. After all, you are anticipating the birth of your baby. But keep in mind that pregnancy does put stress on your spine. However, getting spinal adjustments from a chiropractor can help maintain a healthy spine, because the chiropractor knows special adjustment techniques that can keep your spine healthy during your pregnancy so that your labor and delivery will go smoothly.

The Backpack Dilemma

backpackchild:dropcap_open:T:dropcap_close:he controversy and dialog about the problem with backpacks has raged for decades. Many groups have done “studies” to determine the extent of continuing trauma to young people literally saddled with carrying numerous books in backpacks that can easily weigh as much as 15% or more of their total body weight.

Organizations such as The American Chiropractic Association and the American Orthopedic Association have sponsored and performed numerous studies to determine the long term effects of heavy backpacks on the musculoskeletal frame of children. The results of these studies have been published almost continuously in national and international journals.

Everyone agrees that the “Back Pack Syndrome”(Figure #1) is a real and threatening danger to the structural health of children in their formative years. The degree of threat varies from one “report” to another with some going as far as saying it can contribute to “Developmental Scoliosis.” The preponderance of information available on this subject shows no good evidence in support of this theory. However, the occurrence of back pain symptoms in children who carry a high percentage of body weight in their backpacks is supported by numerous studies published in high-quality journals from around the world. There is no doubt that the problem exists. The dilemma is…what do we do about it?

All sorts of suggestions have been presented from proper weight distribution (not carrying the pack on both shoulders equally) to designing a more ergonomic backpack (Figure #2). To have a better understanding about the confusion surrounding this problem, perform a Google search of “Images, Backpacks.” Daunting, to say the least. Of the dozens of pictured suggestions there are arguments for the adoption of each one in eliminating the problem. However, none of these suggestions eliminates anything. At best, they “accommodate” the child to the pack. We, as chiropractors, are always telling our patients that we treat the “cause” of the problem, not the “symptom.” Designing a better backpack treats the symptom! To eliminate the “cause,” we simply need to get rid of the backpack entirely.

backpackcartoonOne suggestion for this is “wheeled”(or in Europe and Asia, “trolley”) backpacks. I believe the airline industry was first in connecting “continuing trauma”workers compensation disability claims with heavy backpacks. The solution reached by their research department was to require the use of special wheeled cases for their pilots and flight attendants.

While this approach may take the weight off the child’s shoulders and back, putting it onto the cart, other issues then come into play. Probably the most serious for young people, especially boys, is teasing and harassment from peers about being a sissy, weakling or any number of inventive, disparaging remarks their “friends” can come up with. Another problem is the issue of stairs. Most schools from kindergarten to universities abound with stairs of every type and description. As a result, we not only have the weight problem to contend with, we also have the awkward and unwieldy (no pun intended) handle and wheels to lug up those pesky stairs. Yes, the handle retracts and there are straps on the trolley, but how many kids are going to bother with that when the bell rings and they’re in a rush?

Others are still promoting the re-institution of school lockers. However, there are a number of inherent problems with school provided lockers in every part of the world; for instance, cost, danger (e. g., drugs, weapons, pornography), graffiti, continuous abuse, damage and repair and last, but not least, hiding younger classmates for later release at the most embarrassing moment.

:quoteright_open:With the tens of billions of dollars spent each year on school books, the savings to Government and State Education Departments would be enormous.:quoteright_close:

In today’s digital age, and advanced computer technology, a possible solution to this widespread and potentially disastrous problem exists. It is possible to put every word of every book in existence into electronic format. Indeed, this “paperless revolution” is already being done by just about every publishing house in the world except, for some reason, the educational materials publishers. How simple it would be to take those very heavy textbooks and transfer that material onto a CD or post it on a password protected website. Teachers could hand out assignments via email or on a thumb drive. Students would then upload the information to their computer (Do you know any student who does not own one?), follow the “menu” to the appropriate chapter and study directly from their computer. Most of them do this anyway, even though they still have to lug the physical books around. This solution eliminates all but the smallest pack that would be used to hold and transport the CD’s. With the tens of billions of dollars spent each year on school books, the savings to Government and State Education Departments would be enormous. Maybe this is part of the problem. With the incredible profit margin made by the educational publishing houses, I’m sure the publisher’s lobby would surely do everything possible to block this advancement. Where are the environmentalists, “Tree Huggers,” when you NEED them?

Editors note: Please feel free to write to Dr. Le Beau with your comments, questions or opinions at [email protected].


George Le Beau, D.C., is Clinical Associate Professor, (Chiropractic), and Clinic Director at the International Medical University (IMU), in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

In February of 2010, the IMU <> started the very first chiropractic program in Southeast Asia and is one of a few Medical Universities in the world to have a chiropractic school as part of their medical education offerings. In addition, the IMU opened their 5000 sq. ft. chiropractic clinic on campus, in May 2010, of which Dr. Le Beau is Director.

Building Trust Ohm is a practicing DC in a family, wellness based practice since 1981 and an internationally renowned instructor on “Chiropractic Care in Pregnancy and Infancy” to practicing chiropractors and affiliated Care Providers. She has authored numerous articles and published research papers on this topic. She is the founder of Makin’ Miracles, the Executive Coordinator of the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association, and the Chief Editor of the profession’s family wellness magazine Pathways.

It is her understanding that birth trauma is a common, underreported event and, therefore, it has become her goal to eliminate its damaging effects on the newborn. She is accomplishing this by:

• Adequately training DC’s in specific chiropractic techniques and care for pregnancy, birth & infancy for the promotion of natural birthing.

• forming national alliances for chiropractors with like-minded birth practitioners and attendants

• empowering mothers to make informed choices in pregnancy and birth

• offering patient educational tools which address this issue.

Dr. Ohm is married to Dr. Thomas Ohm, Chiropractor. They have six children, who have all received chiropractic care since conception. They were all born at home and are enjoying the benefits of the chiropractic family wellness lifestyle.

In an interview with The American Chiropractor (TAC )magazine, Dr. Jeanne Ohm (Ohm) tells us why pediatrics could play a role in your practice.

TAC: So how did you come to have such an interest in chiropractic care for kids?

Ohm: I was not the healthiest child—I had asthma, allergies and regular headaches growing up. My mother was going to a chiropractor who was treating her bursitis and never once did he suggest kids come in for adjustments! When I was 19, I fractured my spine and, after a year of orthopedic care with minimal improvement, someone suggested I go to a chiropractor. I was fortunate that this DC knew what chiropractic was and took the time to explain it to me. Within a few months of regular care, to my delight, my back pain was alleviated and my childhood maladies were gone. Because of this care and our newfound understanding of healing, my husband and I went to chiropractic school (PA College of Straight Chiropractic). Fortunately, the school we went to had instructors who were very experienced in adjusting children, so we learned these skills early in our professional career.

TAC: What is the most profound experience that you have been able to witness in delivering chiropractic care for kids?

Ohm: I often get asked this question and there have been so many profound cases. One that stands out was visiting an infant in the hospital who was in a coma-like state. One small adjustment to her atlas and she opened her eyes on the spot. Since then, however, I have come to view ALL adjustments as profound experiences. I am convinced that each and every adjustment enhances immeasurable quality of life for that person. Every adjustment in its own right is lifesaving.

TAC: Do you have any thoughts on how the documentation of the effectiveness of chiropractic care on kids has been represented?

Ohm: Until recently, there has been limited published research about children. Most of it has been case studies and, although this shows us some effects of the adjustment, more research is warranted. As Executive Coordinator of the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA) and with the expertise of our full-time Research Director, Dr. Joel Alcantara, I have been very involved in initiating the profession’s largest, most successful Practiced Based Research Network (PBRN). What is so exciting about a PBRN is that it captures the essence of evidenced-based practice as defined by Sackett: External clinical evidence from systematic research, individual clinician experience and practice and especially patient centered clinical research.

The ICPA/PBRN has conducted numerous projects to date and two ground breaking papers have been accepted for publication in prestigious, biomedical CAM journals. Our safety study was published in Explore: the Journal of Science and Healing and our study characterizing the practice of chiropractic has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Complementary and Alternative Therapies.

We are so pleased that the first significant research relevant to chiropractic for children is reaching all health professionals and enhancing inter-professional understanding and collaboration.

TAC: What kind of fears do children have when they visit a chiropractor for the first time? 

Ohm: The fears of children largely depend on their parents’ fears…children will often pick up what their parents are feeling. As providers for children, it is so important we spend a significant amount of time with parents, alleviating their concerns and explaining what we do. If a child is still exhibiting fears after the parent has been assured, it may be because the child has experienced painful and invasive experiences at the pediatrician’s office. For this reason, we do not have the child refer to us as “doctor”, as we do not want an association with our care to painful treatments.


TAC: How does a doctor handle this fear?

Ohm: We spend a good amount of time building trust with the child, even an infant, before we make the adjustment. It is important to have their permission, and getting that permission varies according to age. For older children, I explain the adjustment with the analogy of a light switch and I am gently touching their spine as I talk. I invite them to get on the table and proceed with gentle touch and talk. In infants, it is a non-verbal type of communication–gentle touch and handling with soothing words. Only when I feel their bodies relax into my touch do I proceed with the exam and adjustment.

TAC: How do you see the rendering of chiropractic care for kids changing over the next 10 years?

Ohm: When we started practicing almost 30 years ago, it took a bit of education for parents to understand the essence of chiropractic care for children. Now, parents are coming into our practice aware of the many benefits our services offer and insisting on chiropractic care at birth. I attribute this to a shift in the way parents are perceiving “health care.” They are tired of suppressing symptoms with harmful drugs and procedures; rather, they are looking for safe solutions that improve their child’s ability to function better. Parents are more informed and more assertive in carrying out their decisions for health. They are recognizing that the allopathic model is just one approach to health, not the only approach. Today, Complimentary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) is becoming a mainstream choice for family health. A recent study determined that chiropractic was the leading CAM treatment for children. In 10 years from now, I expect that parents will be including chiropractic care throughout pregnancy for safer, easier births and following through with regular care for their entire families. It is truly a wonderful time to be a family wellness chiropractor!

TAC: Are you working on any projects that you would like our readers to know about? 

Ohm: My full-time position with the ICPA contributes to the expansion and growth in fulfillment of our mission with Research, Training and Public Education. In research, we are continuing with data collection, compilation and preparation for publication with our numerous PBRN’s. Our members are committed to participating and are, therefore, substantiating the care they love to provide. In the area of training, we offer the most successful Pediatric Diplomate program available. Last year we were in at least 15 locations including North America, Europa and Australia. We are proud of our doctors, their achievements with our program, and we know they are providing excellent care in their communities as a result of their participation. In the arena of Public Education, we are ready to launch our updated website for the public,,
with even more resources for parents to make informed health care choices. The circulation of our magazine, Pathways, to Family Wellness is exploding, especially since we hit the major news stands last year.

TAC: Please add anything we have missed and you feel should be addressed to the readers.

Ohm: At this very critical time of health care change and in regard to chiropractic’s role in this shift, it is imperative that individual chiropractors continue to achieve excellence in practice, support evidenced-based research pertinent to their practice and find avenues of public education that professionally represent the essence of chiropractic. I do invite all chiropractors to come check us out at We are committed to the success of the individual practitioner and of the entire profession.

TAC: Any final words to our readers?

Ohm: It is an exciting time to be a chiropractor. There is a shift of consciousness happening in all sectors of our world, and I believe family wellness chiropractic will play a significant role in this shift. We are privileged to be chiropractors…to be invited into someone’s personal space, to touch them and to be part of their healing is something we should be grateful for every day, every adjustment. Aligning together in this state of appreciation may be the catalyst to bring this profession together and allow chiropractic to take its rightful role.

You can reach Dr. Jeanne Ohm at 1-610-565-2360 or email [email protected].

Maternity and Pediatric Care in Chiropractic What 2,055,000 People See

In September 2009, Parents Magazine, with a worldwide circulation of 2,055,000, published, on page 210, an article on chiropractic and children. The article was a well-written prose about the benefits of chiropractic for children. It included what some concerned MD’s had to say vs. what chiropractic offers and what treating chiropractors had to say. Surprisingly enough, it was a very balanced article with two of the biggest problems being that there is not enough evidenced-based care in our profession and one had to be wary of the non-credentialed chiropractor. in the 1980’s, I studied with Dr. Larry Webster and cared for children by the 100’s weekly, along with pregnant patients. Many patients were referred to me by midwives and, in fact, I was successful in helping the body right a “breeched” baby in 6 out of 6 cases. Did that make me an expert? The answer is no. It made me experienced, but I lacked the credentials through formal training in understanding, and three hours with Dr. Webster did not make me an expert.

When the public looks at you, what they will see is D.C. and that stands for a lot. However, what Parents Magazine wrote, “LACKING CREDENTIALS IS A RED FLAG: Look for a practitioner who has a Diplomate certificate in pediatrics (with the letters DICCP after their name).”

Credentials are critical and we are now hearing this from the mass media along with organized medicine, because they do matter. They matter because we need to learn more to become better at what we do without compromising the correction of the subluxation.

In the 1980’s, my biggest mistake was not caring for those breech cases. It was not working with a team to document my care and create a research program around that care. That is evidenced-based care and is where we need to be if we are going to care for 95% of the population vs. only 5% of the population that we currently care for.

If you treat children with ear infections, there needs to be a program to document it, so that we can have a vast amount of scientific evidence. According to the Parents Magazine article, that is the #1 reason that medical doctors are wary to refer. There is too much serendipitous information and not enough hard evidence.

I have hard evidence. I have 28 years of patient files that prove chiropractic works…. It’s not enough. There are peer-reviewed research publications like JMPT and a new one about to be launched from the American Academy of Medical Legal Professionals called JAAMLP. These types of publications are a big part of the solution for us, as a profession, to move towards caring for 95% of the population.

I have previously written about organized medicine and I can finally say that the individual medical doctor is searching for more answers and desperately needs our help in a team approach to healthcare. As a rule, MD’s are in agreement with a drugless approach first, drugs second and surgery last. We just have to give them the scientific validation of what we have been shouting for 114 years and the floodgates will open, bringing patients into our offices.

The first step for each individual doctor, as I have said before, is to ensure that your credentials are memorialized in a “living” document called curriculum vitae (CV). This is the formal avenue for the world to see you. Parent’s Magazine, along with the rest of the public, understands that credentials are critical in determining who should care for their families and your CV is the correct vehicle to properly display your credentials. As I have previously shared with you, you can go to for a free CV builder.

Both the ACA and the ICA have pediatric programs. Other entities have numerous courses. Each course you take should be a part of a formal program that has been approved for continuing education, so that it has been scrutinized by a state licensure board and is admissible when added to your CV.

We, as a profession, should also start recognizing specific conditions that respond to chiropractic care and tie in to current research projects to give the evidence that is needed to support what we do. I urge each of you to contact the chiropractic colleges and ask to be directed to the research department for direction. Contact the research journals or create your own research program. We need more evidenced based conclusions about what we all know; chiropractic works!

The time is now…95% of America needs us to do this and they are getting sicker because we are not moving fast enough.


Dr. Mark Studin is the President of CMCS Management which offers the Lawyers Marketing Program, Family/MD Marketing Program and Compliance Auditing services. He can be contacted at or call 1-631-786-4253.

Asthma: Solutions You May Not Have Considered

Most likely, someone you know is suffering with this condition. Could be your child, a parent, someone close to you, or even yourself. I say this because there are thousands of North American children (and adults) afflicted with difficulty breathing.

A report on the status of asthma in the United States, conducted by the Pew Environmental Commission, estimates asthma cases will double by the year 2020. That means that one out of every 14 people will suffer from this condition. Currently, asthma costs $11 billion annually and it is the number one reason for school absenteeism. It accounts for almost 2 million hospital visits and 5000 deaths yearly in the United States. From 1980 to 1994, the overall number of asthma sufferers increased by 75 percent and 160 percent, specifically, in youngsters under four. The Department of Health and Human Services (Healthy People 2000 Initiative) includes an asthma strategy, although this report states, “it will not be effective in reversing this alarming trend.” A review of the 1999 HHS research budget revealed that 70 percent of the funds designated for asthma were spent on treatment and drug research, while less than 9 percent was targeted for prevention.“Almost nothing is going toward tracking the disease and very little is going toward prevention and discovering the cause of the disease,” states Dr. Paul Lock, Deputy Commissioner of the commission on May 17, 2000.

It is estimated that, in the next twenty-five years, 50 percent of all children will have difficulty in catching their breath. That is absolutely not OK!

Why is asthma becoming so rampant? United Kingdom
scientists are beginning a hospital trial to see the effects of certain bacteria on asthma. “There is a global network of biological asthma research which has demonstrated that the lower the exposure of a baby to certain types of bacteria, the higher the risk of asthma,” states Dr. Charles Warner, child coordinator and professor of child’s health at the University of South Hampton. Researchers are adding a low dose of bacteria, which is commonly found in dirt, to the diet of some 400 babies, whose families have a history of asthma. They will then study and assess the child’s risk of developing asthma. It is hoped that the bacteria will eventually play a role in boosting the children’s immune system.

People have been taught to be afraid of bacteria, fostering an inappropriate use of antibiotics (“just-in-case” prescriptions), and a market saturated with antibacterial soaps and cleaners. Not only have we created an environment in which resistant super-bug bacteria can thrive, but we also kill bacteria which are actually beneficial and essential to balance the internal environment of our bodies.

Let’s look at the science of breathing a bit closer. Breathing is a process whereby your body takes air from the outside. This air then passes through your nose, windpipe, and your bronchi. These are all parts of your “air conditioning” system, so to speak. This air is then filtered, purified, cleansed, warmed, and humidified before it enters your lungs. Think about the science behind this for a moment. There are amazing biofeedback loops at work here that inform your brain whether the air you are breathing in is too cold, too dry, too polluted, etc. These messages are relayed to your brain, which then makes minute corrections to your “program” every second that you are alive. It is an amazing process and happens very exactly under the perfect guidance of your nervous system. Yes, your nervous system is responsible for this function.

So what, then, is asthma? In children (and adults) who have asthma, the small tubes in the lungs, called bronchioles, become inflamed and irritated. They then contract and even spasm and produce mucous, which tends to plug up the breathing passages. Children can literally gasp for air. These “attacks” can last minutes or hours and can persist for a lifetime.

It is generally felt that an asthma attack can be triggered by allergies, stress, pollen, pollution, etc. It can be life threatening. These children are condemned to a life of bronchodilators, drugs, and cortisone, all of which have serious side effects. These side effects can be either immediate or develop over a lifetime of chronic drug use. Asthma is said to be the leading cause of chronic illness among children. Not a fun thing to have. It is definitely a condition best avoided.

Here is the catch, however: Have you ever wondered why some children subjected to the same stresses, pollens, etc., develop asthma while others do not? After all, if asthma were caused by all the factors the public has been led to believe, then all children would have it, right?

Wrong! Only some do, and their numbers have been rising steadily. Why (my favorite question) would that be?

The standard medical first-line approach to asthma is to prescribe inhalant steroids. These often reduce the frequency and intensity of asthma attacks, but not without a price. Steroid use has been linked to osteoporosis, stunted growth in children, and cataracts. The effects of long-term use are unknown, since these drugs are so new. Steroids substitute for and decrease the body’s ability to make its own steroids, and to respond to stress as well as suppressing the immune system. Although these drugs are often taken by pregnant and breast-feeding mothers, they have not been tested for safety under these instances (though it stands to reason that these drugs will have similar effects on babies).

As I mentioned earlier, all drugs cross the placental barrier and affect the baby. According to a recent study, “the majority of adults and children with asthma experience unwanted side-affects of medication, such as feeling generally restless, shaky hands, shaky feet, racing heartbeat, etc. These side effects have prompted one in three adults to reduce their medication and cause one in four to skip a dose at some point.”

Some authorities feel that asthma is really a reaction to a lack of proper hydration of the body; that it is a lack of water. They, therefore, suggest drinking plenty of pure water to hydrate the body. In my practice, I have not met many children who like to drink pure water—it is boring. If you believe this is the solution, then I recommend that you use diluted fruit juice.

Many researchers, on the other hand, have found that asthma seems to be related to our current vaccination program. There are increasing numbers of scientists and practitioners who support this conclusion. Bart Classen, M.D., of Classen Immunotherapies in Maryland, is among the most vociferous. (You are welcome to visit his web site at

Vaccination alters the normal immune response and makes a child’s immune system overreact to something perfectly innocuous. As a result, a child’s immune system is over-stimulated and becomes over-sensitive. Air, for example, that would not bother a normal person, has an adverse effect of a child who’s nervous and immune systems are “overloaded.”

D. D. Palmer, the discoverer of chiropractic, once said it this way: “I desired to know why one person was ailing and his associate, eating at the same table, working in the same shop, eating the same food and breathing the same air, was not.” Why? What differences were in the two persons that caused one to have asthma while his partner escaped? Why?”

Doctors of Chiropractic have been helping children with asthma for years. I have had the good fortune of being able to help thousands of children with this condition.

How does chiropractic relate to asthma, you ask?

I need you to understand that the body is a self-healing, self-regulating organism. The nervous system is the central computer that runs the whole body and all of its functions—the function of the arms, legs, digestive system, sinuses, your immune system, and also the lungs and bronchioles. Every part of your being is under the control of your nervous system. It is your very own Internet.

As long as the nervous system is allowed to function with no interference, the body should function normally. Often, however, some of the vertebrae of the spine become subluxated, affecting the way the nervous system controls body functions. Chiropractors call this malfunction. It simply means that the body is no longer performing according to the program; it is no longer working normally. By correcting these subluxations, chiropractors eliminate interference to the nervous system, allowing normal function. By eliminating interference to the nervous system, we can help the body work normally again. With no drugs! I like that.

As well as chiropractic care, which is essential, there are a number of natural supplements you can obtain from a health food store to help your patients through this trying period.

Vitamin B complex plus C—It stimulates the immune system, and reduces the effects of stress.

Quercetin with Bromelain—These, together, act as an immuno-stimulant and anti-inflammatory agent.

Vitamin A—This is beneficial for tissue repair.

Lobelia—Helpful during an attack. It is an expectorant and relaxes the muscle walls of the bronchial tree.

Coenzyme Q10—This helps to counteract the release of histamine, which induces local tissue swelling.

Magnesium and calcium—Tend to cause some dilation of the muscle walls of the bronchi.

Some authorities suggest bee pollen or propolis. I have found that such bee products often cause reactions in children, and I feel they should be avoided.


Dr. Ogi Ressel is a Wellness Coach for the “Practice Evolution Program”, an author, an international lecturer, a pediatric and x-ray specialist, a researcher, and a father to three wonderful kids.

He has been featured in many newspapers, magazines, been on national TV and writes a weekly newsletter that is sent to chiropractic doctors all over the planet. Dr. Ogi had the top pediatric and family practice on the planet and teaches doctors how to have an ultra-successful practice which focuses on honesty, integrity, clinical excellence, simply being the very best, and taking care of tons of children and their parents. He lives in the Niagara Falls area.

You are welcome to check out his Practice Evolution Program: or call 1-800-353-3082.

Seeing the Power of Chiropractic through the Children

“Oklahaven” Children’s Chiropractic Center, a 501(C)3 charitable organization, was founded in the early 1960’s in response to the needs of chronically ill children, many of whom were paralyzed, braced, and wheelchair bound. In 1977, I was recruited to run the Center and, in 1979, became the President and Chief Executive Officer, assuming the Center’s daily operations. For over 47 years, Oklahaven has specialized in chiropractic care of the very sick and neurologically hurt children who come from all over the world.


The lessons learned over the years are relevant to all chiropractors who have seen very sick children in their practices. Many of these children became well, understood the premise, and became the chiropractors who built our profession.

The illnesses through the years are similar, the labels have just changed. Children were labeled idiots and morons, if they could not behave or talk, then handicapped, challenged, and eventually special. Today they are autistic and the infants are so intoxicated they are seizuring, which illustrates the chiropractic premise of the toxicity, stress, and trauma—the downward spiral of health.

The head misalignment of a Cerebral Palsy child and other profoundly hurt children has always been addressed with success through chiropractic. We have observed the body go through the autistic spectrum as it balances and reorganizes itself, beginning the upward spiral to health and full function.

As the sun gets brighter at the dawn of each new day, the light of the life force grows brighter as the body heals and reaches its optimal potential. Children’s bodies heal quickly due to their strong recuperative powers. Oklahaven’s evaluation clearly indicates where the child is stuck, which helps parents see the small changes, which will lead to the big changes. The Dream Kid Booklet (See figure 1)
evaluation forms are available at


Oklahaven’s Chiropractic Evaluation of a Child

The Dream Kid Booklet evaluation will help confirm the parent’s instincts to indicate if the child’s power is off and if the body is not developing properly. A subluxated body becomes weak and, through time, cannot reach these milestones. From the moment a child is born, his parents are observing and enjoying the developmental sequence. We acknowledge the Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential in Philadelphia in its Developmental Profile for first developing the concept of evaluating the chronological age vs. neurological age.

Chronological age is the time frame from the child’s birth. In this world, our body’s development is measured with the passing of time.

Neurological age represents the developmental milestones: crawling on the tummy, sitting, creeping on hands and knees, standing, walking, running, hopping, skipping, playing, and fine motor coordination. The senses—hearing, seeing, tasting, touching, and smelling—mature into perceptual ability, coordination, social skills, language, and problem solving.

When chronological age and neurological age do not match, it is a sign that subluxation exists, which creates a lack of ease in the body, which affects the child’s performance and delays his ability to problem-solve. When the gap exists, we see the beginning of dis-ease, dis-orders, dysfunction, and the litany of diagnostic labels.

Early indicators of subluxation, such as nursing difficulties, colic, chronic ear and respiratory infections, or the “too good baby” who does not cry out, show the early sensory shut down.


At Birth a Healthy Infant Exhibits:

• Birth Cry

• Toe dig

• Truncal movement

• Symmetrical & unrestricted movement, bilateral symmetrical movement of arms & legs

• Free movement of head & neck

• Sleeping prone, knees tucked under

• Bilateral grasp—thumbs outside of fist

• Light, startle, & skin reflexes


Observe the Child’s:

Body Balance

The breathing—Inhalation and exhalation. Most of the hurt children do not exhale; they are like fish out of water. You will see the sacrum and flailing of hands and feet. Look for rhythmic breathing.

• The mouth—The corners; are they wide or tight? The tightness, the expression, or hanging open.

• The tongue—Is it flat and flaccid or is the tip up? Are the sides moving naturally? Swallows easily or has problems with texture?


Body Alignment

• Head angle

• Mouth angle

• Brainstem compression—specific upper cervical X-rays

• Alignment of the chin with the episternal notch

• Hip alignment—many times this goes with the head alignment

• Leg Length—in severe cases, pronounced at the knees

• Feet angle



Can the parent describe the child as affectionate, happy, curious, imaginative, loving, helpful, and responsible most of the time OR does the parent describe the child as frustrated, moody, whiny, withdrawn, defiant, angry most of the time?


The Chiropractic Lifestyle

Commitment to the time it takes—Restoring a child’s health requires dedicated parents, who can envision their child whole and will work hard toward it. It takes at least three years of weekly adjustments for a mildly hurt child to reach his optimal potential. What took three months years ago, now takes three or more years. Many of the children in the foreign countries heal in a shorter time, as we saw thirty years ago at Oklahaven. These children are less toxic, have less stress in their daily lives, and do not have three or four generations of inherited toxicity.

Whole foods—The living energy within the food, when properly absorbed, provides the life-giving energy our bodies require. We believe the key to restoring health is first chiropractic care to remove the subluxations, which will allow proper digestion and assimilation of the food. The body will begin to restore its natural flora and have the strength to detoxify. The child will naturally begin to eat a wider variety of whole foods because congestion in the digestive tract can destroy an otherwise normal taste palette. With time, this will relieve symptoms and promote optimal health. Whole fresh foods are best when grown locally and eaten in season to maintain the most life force. Processed foods are dead because they are too refined. Any food altered by radiation or chemically grown with pesticides, drugs or hormones will cause subluxation and, eventually, dis-ease within the body.

Parent’s Instincts and Goals—Parents intuitively know when something is wrong. Many parents instinctively know that medications or surgery are not the best path, but have been given no other choices. It takes a dedicated parent to persevere and find the solution. Most parents wish that they had known much earlier about the healing benefits of chiropractic. The parents’ expectations, goals, and wishes for their child are as vital to the healing process as are adjustments and nutrition. When the parents see the child whole and have great expectations, the journey moves forward.


Chiropractors, these parents need you! Not only will you build your future, but also the future of chiropractic. You will show current patients how significant the chiropractic way of life is for them as they see these children, who were given up on, return to health. When children are given the gift of health, they progress beyond the labels, fulfill their optimal potential, and give back to life.

Dr. Doscher is a 1977 Palmer Chiropractic College graduate and a Naturopath. Under her guidance with the Board of Directors, The Children’s Chiropractic Center, “Oklahaven”, has focused on telling the chiropractic story through the children. She has received Humanitarian Awards for her unwavering dedication to healing the children. She lectures and speaks at numerous national and international conferences, chiropractic colleges, and has been invited to treat severely sick children around the world. She can be reached at

The Law on Vaccine Religious Exemptions

Agrowing number of parents and healthcare professionals around the world have questioned mass immunization policies in recent years, spawning a growing interest in legal exemptions. Vaccines are mandated in all U.S. states and territories, but each also offers one or more exemptions. Probably the most commonly exercised, and the most legally complex, are religious exemptions, currently offered in forty-eight states.

There’s a lot of information on the Internet and from other sources about vaccine exemptions. Unfortunately, much of it is misleading or outright incorrect, often appearing to reflect more what the writer feels the law should be rather than a clear understanding of what the law actually is. The truth is that many people have been unnecessarily denied vaccine exemptions due to incidents stemming from their lack of understanding about their legal rights. Others have failed to pursue an exemption under the mistaken assumption that they don’t qualify for one, or have needlessly given into pressure from local authorities to vaccinate against their wishes, despite qualifying for an exemption. Understanding your rights can make the difference.

A complete explanation of the law on vaccine religious exemptions is beyond the scope of a single article, but an introduction to some of the more important and commonly misunderstood aspects follows.

First, in the U.S., vaccine requirements and exemptions1 are addressed at the state level, as Congress lacks authority under the Constitution to address vaccine requirements for state residents.2,3 However, one’s right to refuse immunizations in the exercise of one’s religious beliefs is a right afforded by both state and federal law,4 primarily by way of state statutory and regulatory code and the U.S. Constitution’s First and Fourteenth Amendments. State constitutions may play a role as well.

Rights are seldom, if ever, absolute. One person’s right to exercise their religion is limited by opposing rights—in the case of vaccine religious exemptions, the state’s right to require immunizations for the presumed benefit of society. Therefore, determining your rights is not simply a matter of reading the relevant state codes and constitution sections. While those may be necessary starting places, they will tell you little about the precise boundaries of exemption rights with regard to the specific facts and circumstances of your life. Make no mistake—the application of those laws can vary, sometimes radically, with the widely varying situations of individual people and families.

How, then, do we determine how the law applies to any given situation? We must look beyond the language of codes and constitutions to legal precedent. Legislatures may enact statutes, but the courts interpret them—on a case-by-case basis, one legal dispute at a time. The U.S. Constitution is interpreted in the same way—by the courts, one legal dispute at a time. When a case in a lower (or trial) court is appealed to a higher (or appellate) court, the higher court may issue a written “opinion” of their ruling that, then, serves as guiding legal precedent in future disputes.5 So, to determine how state and constitutional laws apply to your specific situation, you must determine whether or not there is any applicable legal precedent.

Needless to say, the totality of court opinions constituting the body of legal precedent for any given area of law at any given time can never fully address the potentially infinite variety of hypothetical future scenarios that may arise under that area of law. So, when a new situation arises to which no prior legal precedent applies directly, it may be difficult to say with any certainty how the law applies to that new situation. This is often the case with vaccine religious exemptions. Furthermore, when the facts in a precedent case do resemble those of a current situation but are distinguishable from it, there may be opposing arguments about how—or even if—the precedent applies, with corresponding uncertainty as to what the law is or should be for the current situation.

Unfortunately, the complexity doesn’t end there. When legal precedent does apply to a current situation, a determination must be made as to whether it is “binding precedent”—precedent that determines what the law is presently—or “persuasive precedent” that provides only guidance for what the law arguably could or should be. The distinction is pretty straightforward. Higher court opinions are binding on lower courts for disputes that arise within the same jurisdiction, but they serve only as persuasive precedent for other jurisdictions.6 This distinction can be critical. A court can rule contrary to persuasive precedent—against you—if it believes that doing so is the more just outcome in your particular case, but courts have no discretion to rule inconsistently with binding precedent. As you might well imagine, arguments favoring immunizations often have the legal advantage, so it may be helpful for those claiming a religious exemption to have binding precedent supporting their rights.

As it turns out, for the majority of U.S. residents, most of the precedent for vaccine religious exemptions is persuasive precedent, coming from New York federal courts and only a handful of state appellate courts. Don’t be too quick to discount the value of persuasive precedent, though. In many instances, it carries weight sufficient to clarify your rights under state law and the Constitution that can help get the exemption even when there are complicating circumstances. However, where persuasive precedent directly contradicts state law rather than serving merely to clarify it, its application can be more tenuous. For example, some state laws require membership in an organized religion with tenets opposed to immunizations in order to qualify for a vaccine religious exemption. Local officials are bound by such laws, despite the fact that opinions from courts in other jurisdictions (i.e., persuasive precedent for the local state) ruled that such laws were unconstitutional in those other jurisdictions. This can be frustrating for people with personal religious beliefs opposed to immunizations who do not meet their state’s church membership requirements.7 Curiously, rights under the U.S. Constitution pertaining to the exercise of a vaccine religious exemption can vary from state to state, despite all states being subject to the same U.S. Constitution.

The ease or difficulty of exercising an exemption can also vary according to the differences in the specific wording of laws from state to state. For example, some states’ laws allow the state to question whether or not a claimed religious belief in opposition to the immunization requirements is truly religious or sincerely held. Where this is the case, attempts to exercise a religious exemption may be scrutinized, and exemption claims allowed or denied accordingly. Of course, lack of legal authority to question religious beliefs in states that don’t permit such an inquiry doesn’t always prevent local officials from making such an inquiry anyway. In those instances, rights may ultimately be honored or denied according to claimants’ knowledge of their rights and willingness to stand their ground.

It is noteworthy for those with unorthodox religious beliefs that the U.S. Supreme Court has defined “religion” for legal purposes broadly, and that lower federal courts have applied that definition to vaccine religious exemptions specifically. So, don’t be too quick to assume you don’t qualify for a religious exemption—it just may be that the beliefs you assumed wouldn’t qualify for an exemption do. For example, personal religious beliefs or one’s unique personal interpretation of an established religion may qualify for religious exemptions in many states.

Other exemption concerns involve more practical matters. For example, even if you know your rights under state and federal law and understand the legal strengths and weaknesses of your particular situation, you still have to deal with local authorities who may or may not know your legal rights and who, respectfully, may or may not cooperate with you even if they do. Sometimes, exercising a religious exemption is very straightforward and proceeds without incident. Other times, local officials resist even valid legal exemption claims. Sadly, reports of rude, uncooperative, and even coercive and confrontational behavior from local officials are not uncommon. Most of the time these folks are probably acting out of a genuine concern for the health and safety of the community (they do, after all, have a contrary agenda) but, sometimes, they overstep professional boundaries in deliberate attempts to discourage people from exercising a valid legal exemption right. It is most unfortunate that this should ever occur. Anyone who disagrees with current laws should seek redress from the state legislature via the appropriate political process.

Finally, even those who successfully exercise a religious exemption may unwittingly leave themselves vulnerable to a future challenge. This occurs when a person’s inadvertent non-compliance with state requirements results in an exemption claim that is initially accepted, despite some flaws, but which flaws, nevertheless, leave it vulnerable to future scrutiny. Even authorities can contribute to the confusion.For example, one state’s Immunization Branch’s website lists requirements for exercising a vaccine religious exemption that appears to be inconsistent with statutory law. Residents of that state whose exemption letters contain only the Branch’s stated requirements may be vulnerable to a future challenge, even if their letters are accepted initially, as the religious exemption statute requires more.9

Given the legal complexities of vaccine religious exemptions, many people concerned with them wisely choose to consult a knowledgeable attorney. It’s a small investment for the resulting insight, protection and peace of mind.

This article was originally printed in Health Trek, the Official Publication of the North Carolina Chiropractic Association. September/October 2007 edition.



1.  Exemptions are sometimes referred to as exceptions or waivers.

2.  Federal laws do address vaccine requirements and exemptions for immigrants and the military. They also provide a possible means of avoiding vaccines in the workplace on religious grounds.

3.  As a practical matter, the federal government exerts powerful influence over state immunization laws and policies.

4.  Mississippi and West Virginia are the only states that do not currently offer a religious exemption to immunizations.

5.  The “lower” federal district courts and some state trial courts may also issue written opinions.

6.  For purposes of this discussion, jurisdictions may include a single state or group of states, depending on the court.

7.  Exercising a religious exemption may still be possible for people in this situation, but it may require the support of a local attorney.

8.  The author has twice e-mailed the Immunization Branch about this, but the Branch has not responded.

9.  When a state agency’s policy conflicts with state statutory law, the statute is the higher authority.

Alan Phillips is a graduate of the University of North Carolina School of Law, and a member in good standing of the North Carolina State Bar, and the North Carolina Judicial District 15B and Orange County Bars. Alan is one of few attorneys in the U.S. who handles vaccine exemption cases, and perhaps the only one with a website dedicated to providing reliable, authoritative information on this topic. Alan’s website features free information, and a low cost e-book, The Authoritative Guide to Vaccine Legal Exemptions, that provides in-depth information about vaccine legal exemption law, for lay people and professionals alike. For information about presentations and consultations, contact Alan at [email protected]; call 1-919-960-5172; or visit

A Breakthrough in Bringing Chiropractic to the Children of the World

Each year, children are getting sicker in our country and around the world. Every childhood disease is sky rocketing. The rate of asthma has doubled in the last ten years, up over 400 percent. In fact, 16 percent of all school-age children have asthma. Today, 8 percent of all children are being diagnosed with ADHD. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), one out of every 150 children is being diagnosed with autism. Sixteen million visits are made to pediatricians for otitis media every year. Allergies are rampant; diabetes, eczema and obesity are on the rise.

Why are children getting sicker every year in our country? We regularly witness confused, but well meaning, parents doing a few things right (with regard to their children’s health) and a lot wrong. For example, a Mom breastfeeds her baby, yet her five-year-old is eating cheese doodles, drinking soda, and becoming part of the statistics of chronically ill children.

Other parents are trying to improve their children’s health by giving them organic foods; yet, their children have vertebral subluxations which interfere with nervous system function. As another parent gets his children adjusted, he then vaccinates them, introducing chemicals and carcinogens into the bloodstreams interfering with their immune systems.

All of these contradictions and misinformation are leading to a generation of sick kids.

The statistics are shocking—even scandalous—and it is all happening under the recommendations of the pediatricians, advertising to consumers by the drug companies and as a result of the culture that we live in. Parents are desperately looking for new approaches and better solutions for their children’s healthcare. But, they don’t know where to turn or whom to trust. All resources, including women’s and mom’s groups, relegate chiropractic to a piece of the puzzle or a modality of alternative medicine.

However, we are not alternative medicine but mainstream wellness and doctors of chiropractic should be leading the wellness movement and now we can.

It’s not easy being a wellness mom. If you are choosing to get your baby adjusted, your husband may disagree with you. If you are varying from the recommended vaccination schedule for your child, your mother-in-law may be harassing you. If you are practicing extended breastfeeding, attachment parenting, home schooling, or doing anything unique from those around you, the pressure can be daunting.

So what are parents to do?

We saw the need to create a place where moms can come together, support each other, and say, “Look, I’m a Wellness Mom just like you, making similar decisions and I have happy healthy kids as a result.” We needed a place where expectant moms, new moms, and experienced moms can come together, fellowship and receive expert information and guidance on raising healthy children in the chiropractic wellness lifestyle. Additionally, mothers who have children with health challenges will be able to come and discover new and better approaches and solutions.

And this is why we created Wellness Moms America (WMA)/International. Wellness Moms is a nonprofit organization and movement, the foundation of which is a chapter meeting that takes place once a month. Moms come together and meet in libraries, community centers, whole food markets, and many other locations within your community, led by chiropractic. And what is unique about this group—there’s a very structured curriculum, so you leave with a lot of new information each meeting.

Every month, the mom’s learn about different aspects of living the chiropractic wellness lifestyle. At each meeting, members are informed about the latest in breastfeeding and nutrition, vaccination, natural birthing, parenting issues from the wellness consciousness, exercise, improving brain and immune function, chiropractic care, and current events. WMA meetings are welcoming to everyone, from those who are just learning about the wellness lifestyle, to those families who live it everyday. In general, mom’s are not racing to the chiropractor with their kids to get checked, but they will come to the Wellness Moms meeting to find out about what to feed their kids or ask about vaccination and then they find out about chiropractic. This is proving to be a huge influx of new families for chiropractors associated with the Wellness Moms chapters.

The WMA has everything to educate and nurture the whole family. Moms, dads and kids, alike, see that the other families are much like their own. They are eating the same types of foods, getting adjusted, and are living similar wellness lifestyles. Knowing that other parents and expecting mom’s are making the same decisions you are, and recognizing that you have a support system upon which to develop friendships, is essential. Soon every community in the world will have a Wellness Moms Chapter, a place where people can come together and support each other for living the Chiropractic Wellness Lifestyle.

And here is one of the best parts: There are millions of Wellness Moms like you throughout the world, but most of them feel that they have to be guarded and secretive about many of their decisions to avoid confrontation and rejection. Up until now, there has been no organization or leadership for them. Wellness Moms and Dads are powerful people and this has quickly become the most important, influential lay public organization in the world for children being raised in the Chiropractic Wellness Lifestyle.

People have been waiting for something like this to come along to gain the support and most updated information they need. As a chapter member (or leader), you become part of the solution. None of us can do this alone, and we shouldn’t have to. By working together, we will help our children reach their optimum genetic potential on every level for the betterment of our children and the world.


Drs. Theresa and Stuart Warner, leading experts in children’s health and wellness, have a private practice in Point Pleasant, NJ, where 75 percent of their practice consists of young children. They write articles and lecture internationally on raising extraordinary healthy children and are applauded for helping to bring the most new families into chiropractic offices. The Drs. Warner founded Kids Day America/International™ where 2,000 chiropractors and chiropractic colleges have screened nearly 4,000,000 children in thirteen years for subluxation. They also founded Wellness Moms America/International™, which supports moms in communities around the world in raising children in the chiropractic lifestyle. Drs. Warner’s company, Future Perfect Inc., has products, services and coaching to create pediatric practices for chiropractors worldwide. Through the World Children’s Wellness Foundation, they champion children’s causes. To contact Drs. Warner or to receive free weekly pediatric practice building and science emails, send your request to [email protected] or call 1-732-295-5437. You can get all the details on the information line at 1-512-505-6860.

The Armamentarium for Natural Pediatric Health

babyfirststepHomeopathy offers chiropractic a greater armamentarium than any other adjunct to quickly, safely, and naturally nip the potpourri of children’s health problems in the bud. It empowers chiropractors to broaden their scope of effective pediatric practice to include:

• ADD & ADHD, Appetite Enhancement, Allergies (Seasonal, Food, Environment), Appetite and Weight Control for Children, Bedwetting, Colds & Flu, Coughs, Colic, Earaches, Environmental Toxicities, Fever, Fears & Nightmares, Growth & Development, Heavy Metal Toxicity, Hyperactivity, Parasites, Teething, Tummy Aches, Vaccination Reactions.

Homeopathy works by correcting nerve interferences throughout the inner-workings of the body where the hands of the chiropractor cannot reach. It actually empowers the chiropractor to be a doctor of the whole nervous system and fulfills the vision of our forefathers, such as D. D. and B. J. Palmer. It is the essential key to complete chiropractic destiny.

The powers and potentials of our great profession exceed far beyond what we have seen. Our profession was positioned from its beginning to expand its power and influence, not to shrink back into mediocrity. To accurately set our compass toward the full potential of chiropractic, we must first align our vision with the vision of the founders who created chiropractic.

I am reminded of D. D. Palmer’s vision about how he had expected chiropractic to mature. In his book, The Chiropractor’s Adjuster, 1910, pg. 15, D. D. Palmer stated: “But as soon as the human mind is capable of absorbing a still more refined and advanced method and human inspiration demands it, it will be delivered to the denizens of the earth. A few years ago, it was thought impossible to send a telegram without using a stretched wire from post to post to convey it from one point to another. Today, by proper adjusting, messages are sent thousands of miles over land and sea without the need of posts or wire. Is it too much to expect a similar development, along chiropractic lines, to be awaiting our beck and call?”

I believe D. D.’s vision for chiropractic is fulfilled by homeopathy. It offers chiropractic the ability to go beyond the limitations of communication from the “stretched wire.” We will never fulfill the high call of chiropractic until we transcend the limitations of the spine and address the bigger picture involving the plethora of nerve interferences throughout the whole body. A more complete understanding of nerve interference and subluxation would encompass a combination of aberrant neurological dysfunctions, including reflex aberrations, abnormal reflex responses, dysfunctional memory patterns, pathological reflexes and inherited reflex anomalies that can occur anywhere from the brain to the most peripheral portions of our body. As we take steps to embrace a bigger picture of nerve interference, we will take quantum leaps towards fulfilling D. D.’s vision for chiropractic.

Homeopathy offers chiropractic a detailed and comprehensive approach to correcting the deeper dimensions of nerve interferences beyond the bone on the nerve. We are intimately interconnected to our world. We cannot survive more than a few minutes without the right relationships with the atmosphere from which we breathe, drink, eat and live. Homeopathy extracts the innate vital force from these substances through a comprehensive process called potentization. It offers chiropractic over 200 years of controlled studies, called provings, that are also backed by clinical outcomes to confirm its efficacy and safety. It provides us with a comprehensive compilation of our neuro-response relationships to the substances of our world. This information is recorded in various texts recognized by the FDA called homeopathic materia medicas and repertories.

Like chiropractic, homeopathy works to activate our body’s natural innate abilities to express optimal health. Homeopathy, with its serial dilutions and succussions beyond the molecular levels, works not bio-chemically but bio-energetically upon the nervous system to activate proper healthy functions of the body. The science of homeopathy offers the chiropractor a detailed network of tools to easily, safely and effectively correct the bigger picture of nerve interference.

Homeopathy understands that the body is designed to be healthy and overcome disease. The symptoms are the body’s innate attempting to heal and communicate. Homeopathy works to express health, not suppress disease. It activates the body’s innate vital force to heal and maintain optimal health. Hering’s Laws of Cure states that homeopathic healing occurs from the above, down and inside out and that retracing chronologically in this order is a sign of a true cure.

Sounds like chiropractic, doesn’t it? Yet these basic principles go back over 200 years to the inception of homeopathy. As you may have figured, these principles were established in homeopathy about 100 years before D. D.’s discovery of chiropractic.

B. J. Palmer’s vision was to empty the hospitals, insane asylums and jails and fill the churches. Homeopathy offers chiropractic the opportunity to expand its scope of practice to begin fulfilling B. J.’s vision. It has an exhaustive armamentarium to correct intimately intricate imbalances throughout the body, mind and emotions.

Science has finally mounted enough evidence to strongly recommend the avoidance of allopathic drugs during pregnancy due to the dangers to the infant. Even more so, should we not be more cautious from birth to adolescence when a child is still in the formative years of vital growth and development. During these stages there is no mother’s placenta or liver to filter and lessen the side effects and toxic effects of any drugs taken directly. Perhaps the child’s best protection is the safe natural alternatives we, as chiropractors, can offer.

Homeopathy has proven itself safe and effective over the past 200 years for treating both pregnant mothers and their infants. Because of homeopathy’s pure healing effects, we can safely say, when treating a pregnant mother, that we are actually treating two for the price of one. Homeopathy works so deeply that even genetic or inherited problems can be corrected through it.

From newborn to childhood, the average baby may experience five to ten infections per year. Under normal healthy conditions, infections are commonly fought off and barely noticed, causing the baby’s immune system to be strengthened and prepared for a healthy life. Under disease conditions, the fever will appear more intense.

The fever is said to be our friend. The fever kills and cleanses the body of pathological organisms and toxins that will cause harm or malfunction to our optimal health. Without the functions of the fever, we would all be eaten up by various harmful microorganisms.

When doctors attempt to take a genocidal attitude over microorganisms, we get into trouble. If we did everything for our children, such as cleaning up behind them, doing their homework and solving all their problems, they would never develop into healthy adults mentally and emotionally. Likewise, if allopathic drugs were used to suppress all our symptoms growing up, our bodies would not develop into physically healthy adults.

Homeopathy offers the opportunity to correct fevers in a very safe and healthy way. You may be thinking, “Why fix a fever when it’s our friend?”

Fever is actually the body’s later attempt to correct an imbalance. An optimally functioning immune system will nip these imbalances in the bud before we ever know it. Homeopathy activates the body to function optimally so that the fever is quickly eliminated by expressing health rather than suppressing disease.

A homeopathic formula can simply be given as often as every ten minutes for about an hour. Usually, within the first few doses, the fever is eliminated and everybody is happy. I usually follow up with four to six doses a day for a few days to assure the body fully corrects the problem.

Every parent should have fever, earache, influenza and head cold homeopathic formulas around to nip those moments in the bud that commonly occur during the inconveniences of the night. Your patients’ parents will be so thankful and will look to you first for their family’s health needs.


Frank J. King Jr., N.D., D.C. is a nationally recognized researcher, author and lecturer on homeopathy. In addition, Dr. King is the founder and director of King Bio, an FDA registered homeopathic manufacturing company dedicated to completing chiropractic destiny with the marriage of homeopathy. These procedures can be used with any homeopathic company’s product line and are so easy you can apply them in one day. Call King Bio Asheville, NC, 1-800-543-3245 or email [email protected].

The Practice of Pediatric Chiropractic

At the 2007 Annual Association of Chiropractic Colleges/Research Agenda Convention, in March, the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (I.C.P.A.) presented a survey paper titled: The practice of pediatric chiropractic. The survey was conducted by the I.C.P.A. polling from its international DC membership. The paper was written and submitted by Joel Alcantara, DC, Research Director, I.C.P.A., Inc.

From the paper:


To further characterize the practice of pediatric chiropractic, we undertook this survey study of chiropractic members of the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association, the largest free standing post-graduate training organization in the field of Pediatric Chiropractic.

Materials and Methods

A survey study characterizing the practice of pediatric chiropractic was e-mailed to 1500 chiropractors. Six hundred forty-six completed and returned the survey, 98 were duplicates, bringing the total to 548 respondents for a response rate of 71 percent.


Of the respondents, 332 were female and 216 were male. The seven most common techniques used in practice were Diversified Technique, Activator Technique, Thompson Technique, Cranio Sacral Technique, Gonstead Technique, SOT Technique and Chiropractic Biophysics (CBP) Technique.

Our responders saw an average of 133 patient visits per week with 28 visits from those less than 18 years of age. The average cost of an initial visit was $127, with a follow-up at $42. The sources of practice income were equal from insurance and cash practices with a large percentage of pediatric visits paid out-of-pocket. The most common types of care were spinal adjustments followed by wellness care, the use of herbs, exercise & rehabilitation care and prayer healing.

The five most common reasons for pediatric visits were for wellness, ear problems, digestive problems, musculoskeletal and ADD/ADHD. Some 55 percent of the responders refer to medical providers, while only 28 percent receive pediatric referrals.

To the best of our knowledge, this study provides the largest database from which to characterize the practice of pediatric chiropractic in North America. A significant number of visits to a chiropractor are from children and even if it is inconsistent with medical guidelines, it is consistent (at face value) with wellness and prevention. Further research is needed to fully examine the issues involved.

Another interesting finding with the survey results was that more than 50 percent of the respondents did not feel confident, coming out of chiropractic college, in caring for children. The International Chiropractic Pediatric Association was the first organization in our profession to offer a Certification Program in Chiropractic Pediatrics. Its founder, Dr. Larry Webster, noted the importance of pediatric care and launched the Certification program in the early 90’s. Since then, the I.C.P.A. has launched the largest, most successful Diplomate program in the world. Total hours of education are 360, including numerous research projects and technique classes. The program is co-sponsored and recognized with postgraduate credits by Cleveland Chiropractic College, Northwestern Health Sciences University, Parker College of Chiropractic and Life University.

It is important to note that the I.C.P.A. is an international, educational, non-profit, organization, independent from any national political organization. Funding from members supports a successful public educational program and a full time research department dedicated to the chiropractic family practice.

Dr. Jeanne Ohm instructs internationally on the topic “Chiropractic Care for Pregnant Women and Children.” She is Executive Coordinator of the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association: and can be reached at: [email protected].