Editor´s Memo

It’s our Practice Coaching and Seminar Stars issue! And on the cover is one of the chiropractic profession’s biggest stars, Dr. John Demartini. First, a successful chiropractor, Dr. Demartini has since become a famous inspirational speaker. In his appearance on the DVD version of the highly acclaimed bestseller The Secret, he is one of the featured experts who shares his philosophy on the power of attraction. In his own books, Dr. Demartini teaches how to achieve love and balance in your life. If you were at the Parker Vegas seminar this past February, you had a chance to see Dr. John Demartini as one of their keynote speakers in action. Find out more about Dr. Demartini’s message and how it can help you, in our interview with him beginning on page 14. And, as a bonus to Dr. Demartini’s interview, you’ll find “The Magnificence of Chiropractic” piece which is, essentially, his “Thank You” to chiropractic. You may want to save this piece on page 20 for your own daily reference as a good tool and reminder for all that you have to be grateful for by being a part of chiropractic.

Next, in the “Practice Coaching and Seminar Stars” feature, you’ll find our exclusive interview with “America’s #1 Peak Performance Coach” Anthony Robbins! Having seen the infomercials and books over the years, I’m a bit star struck, so we’re thrilled to bring you this interview and happy to announce that you won’t be disappointed! Find our interview with Anthony Robbins beginning on page 26.

Finally, in our feature topic, you’ll find peak performance tips from eleven of the profession’s top practice management advisors. We asked each of them to tell us the most common problem and solution for your clinic to “Maximize Your Practice Potential.” Find out what they had to say starting on page 34. Also, columnists Dr. Rodger Murphree and Dr. Mark Payne both provide additional practice management related advice in their articles. If you’ve ever thought of working less hours and making more money, then find out what Dr. Murphree’s alternative practice solution is in “Calling from Tuscany” on pg 46. And, if you’d like to find better ways to demonstrate to your patients the efficacy of your care, then find out what Dr. Payne advises in his article, “Building Your Practice on a Strong Foundation,” on page 50.

Also, we have additional feature stories this month. Be sure to read D Fernandez’s article, “Get with the Times—Get Visual,” on page 32, in which he describes a great way to educate your patients while they’re in the waiting room. Next, in technique, Dr. Robert Goodman, gives us an update on the latest happenings with the NUCCA technique and association in his article, “Validating the Truth,” in which he describes some of the events and research they’ve been involved with in doing just that—validating the truth. Last, but not least, Dr. Jeffrey Slocum steps back to give us the bigger picture and to remind us of some goals we need to be setting to achieve chiropractic’s rightful place in the healthcare paradigm in his article, “Building Social Equity to Expand Your Practice”.

As always, there’s much more in this issue! Read on and let us know what you think!

Keep up the great work!


For Chiropractic,

Executive Editor / [email protected]

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