Editor’s Memo

It’s our December issue…the grand finale of 2008 is finally upon us! What a great year it’s been!

With our emphasis this month on Technique, you’ll notice our cover feature of Dr. Scott Walker, the founder and creator of the Neuro Emotional Technique (NET). Dr. Walker characterizes his technique as a “supercharger” to current and existing techniques. As the name suggests, NET is most effective with your patients who suffer from recurrent subluxations due to unresolved emotional issues. Interestingly, through his studies, Dr. Walker found that emotions are actually physiologically based rather than psychologically based.

With the vast impact the nervous system has on physiology, the question begging to be answered is: “Who better to address these issues than chiropractors?!”

In support of Dr. Walker’s findings, NET has been validated through several research studies including a recent Randomized Control Trial Study on Low Back Pain through Macquarie University, which was presented at the International Congress of Complementary Medicine this year. Additionally, other studies demonstrate that the benefits of NET are realized throughout a range of ailments from mental disorders, such as phobias and depression, to physical manifestations such as polycystic ovary disease. Another great observation Dr. Walker shares in his interview is that many chiropractors “come with their own unresolved low back pain of twenty-plus years and are immediately resolved after a five-minute NET intervention.” As a matter of fact, TAC was introduced to Dr. Scott Walker and his work by Foot Levelers’ President, Kent Greenawalt. His father and the company’s founder, the late Dr. Monte Greenawalt, had achieved great results for his chronic low back pain after being treated by Dr. Scott Walker with NET. Find out what the buzz is about in our feature interview with Dr. Scott Walker, beginning on page 18.

Furthermore, in technique this issue, Dr. Dennis Woggon makes the observation, and provides the proof that “posterior to anterior thoracic spinal adjusting in the scoliosis patient is contraindicated by spinal biomechanics” in his article beginning on page 34. Also, TAC Columnist, Dr. Mark Payne makes a great case in his article on page 46, “The Crossroads of Rehab and Technique,” in which he discusses that many rehab exercises, when used to correct a subluxation, should be viewed as a technique, and through his experiences, are even better in some cases, than a typical adjustment.

Finally, in our features, Dr. Mark Studin blows the whistle on the latest threat to chiropractors…called “Retrospective Reviews”. It’s always a hot button issue when insurance companies try to go after money they’ve already paid out to Chiropractors. If their auditors find your practice has been operating out of line…they’ll take you to the cleaners. You can defend it, but remember, in most cases the court is in the corner of the insurance companies. Find out how to protect your practice from this latest danger in our one on one interview with compliance specialist, Dr. Mark Studin, beginning on page 26.

All this and much more! Have a very Happy Holiday Season and a Happy New Year!

Keep up the great work!

For chiropractic,

Jaclyn Busch Touzard, BA
Executive Editor / [email protected]

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