Energize Your Practice with Active Release Techniques (ART)

How would you like to dramatically improve your patient outcomes and have patients enthusiastic about their treatment?  Would you like to see positive post treatment changes in range of motion, muscle strength, and pain in one treatment?  Well, thousands of doctors have discovered these benefits and more by utilizing ART in their practices.

So, what is ART?

ART is a hands-on touch and case management system, which trains the practitioner to accurately diagnose and effectively treat most soft tissue injuries.  It differs from many other soft tissue techniques in not only the principles and application, but also in the training.  It is so different that it has been granted a patent.  ART providers learn to use their hands to evaluate the texture, tension, and movement of tendons, ligaments, muscle, fascia, and nerves.  I often say that an ART provider is like a “soft tissue detective”. 

Who developed ART?

P. Michael Leahy, DC, developed ART by combining his knowledge and education in both engineering and chiropractic.  Dr. Leahy believed that professional education for the treatment of muscle, tendon, fascia and nerve had generally been neglected.  The early successes achieved with the treatment by Dr. Leahy propelled him to not only further his own understanding, but to train others.  Dr. Leahy also developed the Law of Repetitive Motion and the Cumulative Injury Cycle to describe the mechanism of repetitive stress or motion injuries.  The cost for treatment of these injuries in North America alone exceeds $200 billion dollars.  With the proper evaluation and treatment, these costs can drastically be reduced.  That is one of the goals of ART.

What kinds of patients or conditions respond to ART?

The highest profile is the athlete.  Many athletes suffer from repetitive strain disorders due to the nature of their training or competition.  The efficacy of ART treatment for sports injuries is demonstrated by the demand for ART by all levels of athletes.  Many professional teams have employed ART providers as part of their medical staff.  Athletes of all ages and levels of competition are able to return to play much quicker after an injury following treatment with ART.  In fact, ART is very often the only treatment that allows an athlete to return when all other interventions have failed.

How about work related injuries?

A large number of insurance carriers are contracting exclusively with ART providers to treat their worker’s compensation claims.  Why?  Better patient outcomes and reduced treatment costs.  One insurance carrier I work with shared their treatment savings of $440,000 on fourteen work-related cases of carpal tunnel symptoms.  And what about those chronic cases hanging around your office?  They will quickly resolve and be very appreciative of your new training.  Due to overwhelming telephone inquiries from potential patients to locate an ART provider in their area, the ART website has a provider locator.  This is also very useful for locating ART providers for your patients when they travel or move.

How can you train to become an ART provider?

The training involves three separate modules–upper extremity, lower extremity, and spine.  Each module includes a workbook and DVD with all the module protocols.  Each workshop runs from Thursday through Saturday with testing on Sunday.  Each module has its own written and hands-on practical examination.  There are two highly trained instructors for every 10-14 seminar attendees, which is necessary to provide and insure the quality of the hands-on instruction. By the time a practitioner successfully completes the training, they will be trained to treat over 300 muscular injuries and 100 nerve entrapments.  There is even an advanced level training program called Performance Care, in which providers evaluate the body in motion and treat sites preventing optimum performance.  Currently, there are two seminars per month presented in locations worldwide.  The seminar schedule is posted at www.activerelease.com.
How can I learn more?

By going to the official website— www.activerelease.com.

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