Welcome to a new year, and the January, 2013 issue of The American Chiropractor Magazine. On the cover you’ll see the hospital that recently acquired the practice of Dr. Gary Tarola, who now enjoys staff privileges at that very hospital. The majority of his patients are through referrals from within the hospital. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how, and why this came to pass, starting on page 42.
Continuing with the theme of a new year, we’ve got a great article on the concept of tonal neurology, and how it relates to the chiropractic subluxation complex, written by Fred Clary, DC, DIBCN beginning on page 20. Dr. Clary does a great job of laying out a completely new perspective on local and systemic neurology.
This year, look for a new magazine from The American Chiropractor, titled The Chiropractic Assistant mailing to you in March. This magazine is specially designed for you to give to your Chiropractic Assistant and will have articles inside that make the CA’s job easier to understand, as well as some of the instructional support necessary for a clinic that is always growing.
Please reach out to us today to learn how you can join up with us here at The American Chiropractor by sending an e-mail to [email protected].
Thank you for all you do, here’s to a great 2013!
For The American Chiropractor,
Joseph Busch, DC