Multi-Strain Flu Prevention & Correction with Homeopathy



:dropcap_open:O:dropcap_close:ver the past 200 years, homeopathy has developed a proven track record against the flu, ranging from the basic bug to the many epidemics and pandemics of history. In fact, the spectacular ability of homeopathy to outperform allopathic treatment of influenza has been well documented, even during the deadly Spanish Flu epidemic of 1918-1920. This epidemic resulted in 20-40 million deaths worldwide, with more than 500,000 deaths occurring in the United States. The alarming death rate of the Spanish Flu epidemic exceeded even the ravages of the Bubonic Plague of 1347, which killed a third of the European population. Fortunately, many patients in the United States had access to homeopathic care during this time. A report in 1921 documented the dramatic success of homeopathy in the worst flu pandemic in history. Of the 24,000 cases treated with conventional medicine, the death rate was 28.2 percent; of the 26,000 cases treated with homeopathy, the death rate was an amazing 1.05 percent!

With the intensity of modern travel, flu strains can move quickly across communities and countries, changing and mutating along the way. Traveling by jet, a new influenza virus from China could reach Tokyo in hours and arrive in New York City within a day. New viruses appear regularly, and flu vaccines are largely unsuccessful in managing this disease. Despite the availability of vaccines, 100,000 people died of the Asian Flu in 1957, 50,000 people died of the Hong Kong Flu in 1968, and each year, in the United States alone, 10,000 to 20,000 people die from complications of the flu. While the allopathic medical community struggles to manage influenza, homeopathic practitioners have been successfully preventing and treating the flu for more than 150 years.

The two most popular homeopathic flu remedies are Anas Barbariae (prepared from the Barbary duck, a known carrier of influenza viruses) and Influenzinum. From the years 1918 to 1957, homeopathic Influenzinum was derived from samples taken from patients infested with the deadly flu strain of the 1918 pandemic. Subsequently, remedies are now offered which use multiple flu strains chosen for each coming flu season by the Center for Disease Control (CDC).

There are several studies and clinical trials that reveal the efficacy of both Anas Barbariae and Influenzinum in the treatment of influenza. Recent double-blind, randomized, and placebo-controlled clinical trials published in the peer-reviewed British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and British Homeopathic Journal show that Anas Barbariae provides a statistically significant action in decreasing flu-like symptoms, including cough, runny nose, sore throat, and muscle pain, as well as in shortening the duration of the disease. In one study, full recovery from flu symptoms within 48 hours was 66.0 percent greater in the Anas Barbariae group than in the placebo group!

The survey documented the use of Influenzinum over a 10-year period in 453 patients. Results of the survey showed that, in approximately 90 percent of the cases, no instances of the flu occurred when Influenzinum was used preventively, no matter what the dosage protocol; and 98 percent of the patients expressed a desire to continue the preventive treatment.

The above studies, though conducted in different countries, during different flu epidemics, and involving a variety of participating treatment centers, show a striking commonality: homeopathic treatment of the flu is highly effective and welcomed by patients. Conventional antiviral drugs reduce the duration of the flu by about one day, if taken within the first 48 hours of illness, and can cause adverse effects, such as nausea, dizziness, disturbed sleep, and depression. Comparing the results of homeopathic studies with the meager effect of conventional treatment shows that homeopathy carries the potential to make a dramatic difference in any flu epidemic, without the risk of drug side effects.

The ideal homeopathic influenza formula should cover a broad spectrum of flu symptoms, including fever, chills, night sweats, exhaustion, aches, nausea, vomiting, headache, mucus congestion, runny nose, sore throat, swollen glands, coughs, bronchitis, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. Combination formulas of greatest efficacy should contain official homeopathic remedies proven for the flu, particularly those remedies that have a history of successful use during even the most difficult of epidemics, such as Gelsemium, Arsenicum album, Bryonia, Baptisia, Rhus tox, and Eupatorium perforatum. In addition to Influenzinum (made with the current flu season viral strains) and Anas Barbariae, the bird nosode Aviaire may impart additional efficacy to a dynamic formula.

Because homeopathy works on a bioenergetic level, rather than a biochemical level, it can work quickly and curatively, even with conditions previously thought to be difficult or incurable. Homeopathy offers the safest, most effective, time-tested resume when it comes to influenza, and the more intense the condition the more remarkable the results!

COLD vs FLU: What Is It?

Knowing the difference between a cold and flu can be most important for both their prevention and treatment. Because they share some similar symptoms in the same seasons, they often run together in our minds. Most of us have a vague idea they are different, but when it comes down to a differential diagnosis and explanation to our patients, we can be easily deluded.

The common cold is the most prevalent infectious disease with over 200 different types of associated viruses, such as Rhinoviruses (nose viruses), Respiratory Syncytial Viruses (RSV) and a host of others.

The primary symptoms of a cold are centered around the nose (stuffy, runny nose and sneezing) and can spread throughout the head. Throat irritation without redness can be involved. Adults and older children generally have minimal or no fever, while infants and toddlers can have a fever of 100 to 102 degrees. Depending on the virus, headache, cough, burning eyes, some muscle aches and decreased appetite can also be involved.

Children average 3 to 8 colds per year and occur more frequently in younger children. Parents get about half as many colds, with mothers getting at least one more cold per year than the dads.

Symptoms will occur within 1 to 5 days of exposure and last for about 7 days. If symptoms last longer, consider sinusitis or allergies.

Flu symptoms come on more suddenly, are more intense, and originate from a single family of viruses (Influenza Viruses). Tens of thousands of people in the United States die from the flu and its complications each year. Most deaths are by those weakened from advanced age and/or major illnesses.

Flu symptoms classically include fever of 102 to 106 degrees with children experiencing the higher end. Chills, muscle aches, exhaustion, flushed face, headaches, and vomiting or diarrhea may occur.

Symptoms will commonly appear in 2 to 3 days of exposure, usually from inhaling airborne droplets from coughs or sneezes.  Due to the short incubation period, the flu commonly infects a community within 2 or 3 weeks. The primary symptoms last 4 to 7 days, with a lingering cough and tiredness that may last for weeks.


For prevention during high-risk months: Take one dose every week.

For treatment of the flu: The flu can commonly be stopped in its tracks if treatment begins in the early stages. Afterwards, symptoms may be lessened by at least 50% in their intensity and length of time. Begin with 6 to 8 doses per day and cut in half as symptoms are lessened by half. Continue with one dose per day for one week after symptoms are negated, to help prevent the second wave of symptoms that flu is often characteristic of manifesting.

Frank J. King Jr., N.D., D.C., is a nationally recognized researcher, author and lecturer on homeopathy, and the founder and director of King Bio Homeopathics, a registered pharmaceutical manufacturing company. Dr. King offers ongoing CE seminars and a free copy of his turnkey procedural manual, which can be used with any homeopathic company’s product line. Call 800-543-3245, or email [email protected].


Neustaedter, R. FLU: Alternative Treatments and Prevention. North Atlantic Books, 2005.

Sheperd, Dorothy MD. Homeopathy in Epidemic Diseases. C.W. Daniel Company 1996.

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