GROW Your Pediatric Practice with HOMEOPATHY: Safe Alternative to Drugs for Children

:dropcap_open:S:dropcap_close:cience has finally mounted enough evidence to strongly recommend the avoidance of allopathic drugs during pregnancy due to the dangers to the infant. We should be even more cautious from birth to adolescence when a child is still in the formative years of vital growth and development. During these stages there is no mother’s placenta or liver to filter and lessen the side effects and toxic effects of any drugs taken. The child’s best protection is safe, natural alternatives, such as those offered by homeopathy.
childplayingonbeachIt’s shocking to know that the current American medical system is this country’s leading cause of death and injury.¹ Conservatively speaking, almost 800,000 people per year die from properly prescribed and properly taken pharmaceutical drugs. This does not include deaths from accidental poisonings, purposeful drug abuse, or illegal drugs. Let that number sink in. Nearly 800,000 per year! Can you imagine the outcry and backlash if even 8 people per year died from natural remedies? Yet we accept this outrageous statistic of medical negative side effects without the blink of an eye, as if it’s just the price we must pay for medical care. A roll of the dice as to whether the drugs will help, injure or kill. As we in the field of natural health care know, it doesn’t have to be this way. There are safe, effective alternatives. And, in the case of homeopathy, this fact has been proven for more than 200 years – far longer than the modern pharmaceutical industry’s history.
What is homeopathy? Homeopathy is a scientific system of corrective healthcare that activates the body’s own healing processes in order to cure disease naturally, gently, and promptly. Homeopathy is a natural pharmaceutical science that uses very small or infinitesimal doses of substances from the plant, mineral, or animal kingdoms to activate the body’s nervous system to initiate the healing process.
The word “homeopathy” is derived from the Greek “homoios” meaning similar and “pathos” meaning suffering. The German physician and chemist Dr. Samuel Hahnemann founded the science of homeopathy in the late 1700’s. While performing research into the toxicological effects of the medicines of his time, Dr. Hahnemann discovered that a concentration of a substance that evoked symptoms in a healthy person, would, in its homeopathically potentized state, correct those similar symptoms in a sick person.  Potentization is the serial dilutions and succussions of a substance. Through numerous experiments, he advanced the theory that “likes are cured by likes,” and today it is a verified law of pharmacology, The Law of Similars.
For instance, ipecac in a large dose causes nausea and vomiting. An ill person suffering from the same or similar symptoms improves after taking a homeopathically prepared dilution of ipecac. 
Another example is the symptoms caused by being exposed to sliced onions. The eyes may burn and water profusely, and the nose, too, may water and sneezing may occur. These symptoms produced by sliced onions are very similar to those of hay fever. As you might expect, one remedy for hay fever is the onion, specifically diluted to exact homeopathic principles.
You also see application of the Law of Similars in genetics, physics, chemistry, and immunology. In physics, opposite poles of a magnet attract while similar poles repel. By placing similar poles next to each other, a weakened magnet will be recharged/regenerated or restored by the Law of Similars.
A basic principle of solvent chemistry states that a substance will be solvent to another substance when it has a similar type of molecular bond. It has to be either similarly polar or similarly apolar, and then like will dissolve like. Immunology, of course, crudely applies the Law of Similars to activate antibody responses with small doses of a similar substance that will evoke the allergic symptoms. 
:dropcap_open:Homeopathy, unlike symptom “suppressing” over-the-counter medications, works on the principle of “expressing” health.:quoteleft_close: 
Homeopathy works not so much bio-chemically, but more so bio-energetically, to correct nerve interferences throughout the whole nervous system, especially where the hands of the chiropractor cannot reach. Homeopathy is potentized with serial dilutions and succussions beyond the molecular level. And, through its provings, this over 200-year-old science offers chiropractic the detailed compilation of neuro-sensory reflex responses to the substances of our environment, better equipping us to attend to the whole nervous system. When the energetic control systems of the body (like the nervous system) work properly, everything else works better, and the body’s chemistry will balance out accordingly. Every chemical within our body has a very specific charge to respond and do what it is told by the energetic control system.

Homeopathic remedies focus on the whole person and the body’s own natural defense systems. Homeopathy activates the body’s own healing processes at both the physical and mental/emotional levels. The range of problems in which homeopathy can be effectively used is extensive and includes first aid, acute illnesses, and all manners of chronic conditions.

Homeopathy, the first alternative medicine to have ascended to recognition by the FDA, offers curative solutions with no known negative side effects, no potential for addiction, and no known negative drug interactions. This is a far cry from allopathic mediations with their plethora of possible side effects, toxic and/or allergic reactions, addictions, and even life-threatening negative interactions. These side effects simply do not exist with homeopathic solutions to pain or any other symptom.

We all want our children to grow fully, and live healthy, happy, and well-adjusted lives. Homeopathy works to help them accomplish just that. With children, beginning in infancy, homeopathy can proactively maximize their growth and health in the physical, mental and emotional arenas of life. Homeopathy activates the body’s innate vital force to heal and maintain the highest levels of health possible. Homeopathy has a proven track record of helping infants and children in many areas such as coughs, appetite and weight control, colds and flu, teething, helping nutrition work better, assisting healthy growth and development, fighting fever and earaches, colic relief, head colds, and many other areas.

For instance, what about a child’s cough? Generally a cough is caused by postnasal drip from colds, influenza, or allergies. Coughing is a symptom and is the body’s method of communicating that something is wrong. The key to dealing with symptoms is to understand and correct the underlying cause(s). With coughing, conventional allopathic medicines simply stifle and restrain, rather than allow the body to address the cause. Drugstore and grocery store shelves are lined with cough suppressants, and this temporary solution can be counterproductive. Homeopathy, on the other hand, activates the body’s natural healing potential and causes it to respond naturally to the underlying causes of the cough.

Any what about the flu? Homeopathy can treat cold and flu symptoms as well as stop a cold and flu in its early stages and prevent the resulting symptoms from occurring. Homeopathic flu formulas can break the grip of already advanced cold or flu symptoms, as we overcome a chronic recurring or long lasting cold or flu.

Have you ever had to deal with an infant suffering with colic? Colic is severe abdominal pain. The infant suffering with colic will usually have abdominal pain, gas, cramping, flatulence, bloating and irritability accompanied by very recognizable symptoms that distinguish themselves from normal infant crying. Once again, homeopathy has provings of ingredients that will help calm the infant and restore the baby suffering with colic to calmness.

Teething is another challenge that can be addressed with homeopathy. The symptoms of teething vary. Your baby may experience irritability, drooling and associated chin rash, coughing, biting and gnawing, cheek rubbing, ear pulling, and/or even diarrhea. Some children experience a low-grade fever, sleep difficulty, and cold-like symptoms. Homeopathy, unlike symptom “suppressing” over-the-counter medications, works on the principle of “expressing” health. Most OTC relievers for teething carry with them potential risks and side effects. There are commonly known dangers associated with giving medications such as aspirin or acetaminophen to children. Most of the commonly used OTC oral gels contain the drug Benzocaine, which can cause serious side effects in large doses, such as vision disturbances, dizziness, drowsiness, increased saliva production and excessive drooling, and even allergies. Since teething is natural, why risk your baby’s overall health with over-the-counter pain relievers when there are effective, safe and natural remedies available?

:quoteright_open:Homeopathy can help activate the body’s systems that keep infection in check.:quoteright_close:
Otitis media – inflammation in the middle ear – occurs most frequently in children. In fact, earaches rank second to the common cold as the most common health problem in preschool children. Earaches and ear infections occur when mucus secretions, usually from a cold or allergy, settle in the eustachian tube, causing it to swell and become blocked. This creates a vacuum effect, drawing the eardrum inward, allowing the infected fluid to seep into the middle ear. This, in turn causes the cells of the ear cavity to become inflamed and create infection and pain. Common medical treatments such as antibiotics, oral decongestants, tubes in the ears, and eardrum surgery are highly questionable. The good news is that, once again, homeopathy comes to the rescue with safe and effective natural remedies – quick-acting and NO known negative side effects!

And what about fever? From newborn to childhood, the average baby may experience 5 to 10 infections per year. Fever can be a bit scary, but we have to realize that is has a very positive purpose. It’s the body’s normal response to an infection it can’t deal with any other way. There is good scientific evidence that fever is a beneficial response to infection. The fever kills and cleanses the body of pathological organisms and toxins that will cause harm or malfunction to our optimal health. Without the functions of the fever, various harmful microorganisms would eat us all up. We can get into trouble if we take a genocide approach to microorganisms. If we did everything for our children, such as cleaning up behind them, doing their homework, or solving all their problems, they would never develop into healthy adults. Likewise, if allopathic drugs are used to suppress all our symptoms during development, a child’s body will not have the opportunity to develop a proper immune system. Homeopathy can help activate the body’s systems that keep infection in check.

“When you’ve got your health, you’ve got everything!” Even though that adage is true, we tend to understand it more fully as we mature and attach more importance to it when it comes to our children! In addition to maximizing physical growth and vitality, homeopathy can even enhance children’s mental and emotional maturity, as well, by helping with concentration and staying focused.

According to the National Institutes of Health, childhood obesity is now epidemic in the United States. The correct combination of homeopathic ingredients have particular emphasis on six key issues behind weight gain and difficult or impossible weight loss:

  • genetically inherited factors of obesity
  • appetite control
  • imbalances in the pituitary, hypothalamus, adrenal, and/or thyroid gland
  • aversion to mental and/or physical exertion
  • digestive disturbances or disorders
  • emotional factors that cause children or adults to overeat

Children suffer physically, mentally, and emotionally when they are overweight. With the deeper workings of homeopathy, the efforts to enhance the health of our children, as well as ourselves, becomes much simpler, as we first restore the communication networks within our body. As the inner integrity of our health and the health of our children is restored with homeopathy, recurring subluxation patterns will stabilize and correct, good eating habits become more effectual, herbal and nutritional supplements become more effectual, exercise efforts become more effectual, and even our efforts to manage stress and think more positively become more effectual.

:dropcap_open:We cannot survive more than a few minutes without the right relationships with the environment from which we breathe, drink, eat and live.:quoteleft_close:
Homeopathy offers chiropractic a detailed and comprehensive approach to correcting the deeper dimensions of nerve interferences beyond the bone on the nerve. We are intimately interconnected to our world. We cannot survive more than a few minutes without the right relationships with the environment from which we breathe, drink, eat and live. Homeopathy extracts the innate vital force from these substances through a comprehensive process called potentization. Homeopathy offers chiropractic over 200 years of controlled studies called provings that are also backed by clinical outcomes to confirm its efficacy and safety. Homeopathy provides us a comprehensive complication of our neuro-response relationships to the substances of our world. This information is recorded in various texts recognized by the FDA called homeopathic material medicas and repertories.

Like chiropractic, homeopathy works to activate our body’s natural innate abilities to express optimal health. The science of homeopathy offers the chiropractor a detailed network of tools to easily, safely and effectively correct the bigger picture of nerve interference. The earlier in life a person learns and uses the benefits of homeopathy over allopathic medicine, the healthier, happier, and more well-adjusted they will become.

Homeopathic formulas are designed to work powerfully at every level of life from infant to aged to:

  • Target the underlying cause to acute, chronic and genetic conditions
  • Detoxify and activate internal mechanisms for maintaining a clean and healthy body
  • Help restore and build a strong and healthy immune system
  • Help heal mentally and emotionally
  • Strengthen the inner constitution
  • Improve overall health and quality of life, regardless of age
  • Strengthen genetic weaknesses and predispositions to disease

Other benefits you and your patients, young or old, may experience include:

  • Increased vitality
  • Increased alertness
  • Better sleep and peacefulness
  • Increased sense of physical, mental and emotional well-being
  • Help with inherited problems or weaknesses

Homeopathic procedures help us get faster and more complete results without having to overload our patients with excessive products or potentially dangerous products. The protocol of chiropractic and homeopathy definitely helps the practitioner in the eyes of the patient. Everyone wants to go to the practitioner who helps children and adults with problems no other doctors could – especially when they are helped using less time, money, effort, and without drugs that cause potentially dangerous side effects! Safe, effective homeopathic medicine is always the logical first choice for health care.


  1. Death by Medicine, Gary Null, Ph.D., Carolyn Dean, M.D., N.D., et al.

Frank King, N.D., D.C., is a nationally recognized researcher, author, and lecturer on homeopathy. Dr. King is also the founder and director of King Bio, an FDA-registered homeopathic manufacturing company in Asheville, N.C., dedicated to completing chiropractic destiny with the marriage of homeopathy. His free training manual, C.H.E.S.S., may be used with any homeopathic brand, and outlines how to easily incorporate homeopathy into your practice within days. The free C.H.E.S.S. manual is available at:, or 800-543-3245, ext. 204, or at: [email protected]

Homeopathy: A Perfect Partner for Chiropractors Who Work with Athletes

:dropcap_open:S:dropcap_close:upported by new research studies, homeopathy is rapidly becoming one of the most sought-after therapies for sports injuries. Athletes who are looking for reliable treatments without unwanted side effects are requesting homeopathic care, and chiropractors are often the best professionals to offer this service. Both weekend warriors and professional athletes trust that DCs will only recommend therapies that have no side effects and that will get them back to their crucial training schedules in the shortest time possible. They know that spinal manipulations and individually prescribed exercises increase their performance. What is increasingly apparent is that their chiropractic care can be even more effective when coupled with homeopathy. 
homeopathy44Chiropractors who integrate homeopathy into their treatment plans are reporting increased patient satisfaction, more frequent referrals of friends, family members and teammates, and improved patient compliance. These DCs experience a reduction in the stress brought on by the challenges of complicated sports injuries and a significant growth in practice revenue brought on by increased patient visits and by the sale of the homeopathic medicines themselves.
Where to Begin: Topical Salves and Gels
One of the best-researched homeopathic medicines is Arnica montana. Available in both topical and oral forms, Arnica can be used for strains, contusions and muscle soreness. Although putting topical Arnica into open wounds must be avoided, the gel or cream can be applied to speed the healing of aching muscles following unaccustomed exertion or extreme exercise. Applied twice daily, it will provide relief for patients with muscle sprains and strains. It will also reduce healing time and minimize pain in athletes with fractures once the bone has been set and cast. For the best outcomes, apply as soon after injury as possible.
Zell and Bohmer’s double-blind studies (in 1989 and 1992) were two of the earliest research papers to reveal the effectiveness of topical Arnica applications in treating sprains and strains.¹-² Porozov and Chalon’s 2004 studies confirmed this when their report revealed the ability of Arnica products to affect the behavior of immune cells, inhibiting those that lead to inflammation and tissue damage. (Most of the pro-inflammatory agents were reduced by 54–70 percent.) ³
More recently, Schneider, Klein, and Stolt’s observational study compared the use of an Arnica-based ointment with a conventional drug, diclofenac gel (marketed more commonly as Voltaren and Dicloflex). Of the 357 patients included in the study, some received homeopathic treatment, while the rest received conventional care. Patients from both groups exhibited similar improvement, but those who received homeopathic care reported superior benefits and reduced pain from motion.4  
Oral Homeopathics for Sprains, Strains, Surgical Injury and Fracture
The anti-inflammatory effects of Arnica can be seen even more clearly when patients are administered the homeopathic medicine orally. Dr. Roger Morrison, international lecturer and author of three medical texts, writes: “Arnica accomplishes miracles in both acute and chronic conditions. In injuries, Arnica is most useful when there has been extravasation of blood. Therefore, it is especially useful in contusions, sprains or after surgical trauma when there is bruising.”5 A  2005 study illustrates this: Three randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, sequential clinical trials were conducted in a primary-care unit specializing in knee surgery (Schneider, Klein, Stolt, 2005). Patients were given Arnica 30X or a placebo before and after one of three different treatments: arthroscopy, artificial knee -joint implantation,or cruciate-ligament reconstruction. In all three trials, patients receiving oral doses of Arnica showed a trend towards less swelling. Patients with cruciate-ligament reconstruction experienced the most significant difference.  
:dropcap_open:In all three trials, patients receiving oral doses of Arnica showed a trend towards less swelling.:quoteleft_close:
When prescribed for the trauma of surgery, patients take two to three pellets of the 12C or 30C potency before the procedure. After surgery, they follow up with two to three pellets of Arnica twice daily for up to seven days to lessen pain, swelling and bruising. Once improvement is noted, the patient is advised to stop taking the medication unless symptoms return. 
Morrison goes on to describe other conditions that show improvement after treatment with Arnica: concussions following head-on collision, black eyes, epistaxis from blows to the nose, acute sprains with extravasation and soreness, muscle or tendon injuries after prolonged or unaccustomed exertion, and ecchymosis and pain following fracture. He recommends Symphytum as a follow up for the healing of broken bones. This medicine is derived from Comphrey, an herb called “knit bone” by the Native Americans who used it. After an initial day of Arnica to lessen bruising and pain, Symphytum is given to increase the formation of osteoblasts and to help “knit” the bone tissue together. It is prescribed in the 6C or 30C form four times daily for a week and then once weekly until full healing is documented by X-ray examination.
Rapid Treatment of Leg Cramps
For all that Arnica can do, there are other effective homeopathic medicines for cramping muscles. For athletes whose musculature responds to warm applications, the homeopathic medicine Magnesium phosphoricum will provide swifter reliefFor those who have muscles in the calf or sole of the foot that repeatedly spasm, Cuprum metallicum will be more useful. Prescribed in the 6C or 30C dilution levels, the athlete should feel immediate relief and be able to return to his or her workout or competition without worry.
Getting Psyched for the Game
As sports competitions get more extreme and training becomes fiercer, athletes do not just want to be physically fit, they want to be at their peak emotionally as well. For this the chiropractor can turn to several different homeopathic medicines that restore a sense of calm and equilibrium. Gelsemium sempervirens will bolster the timid athlete who reports a weak stomach or jittery knees before competition. Used for years by performers before entering the stage and by executives before proposing major business deals, Gelsemium can be recommended by chiropractors to athletes who get weak in the knees before the starting gun goes off. Chiropractors can prescribe Nux vomica to the competitive “Type A” athlete who is irritable and on edge and needs to “chill out” before climbing onto the racing block. For the intense, idealistic competitor who can only be “the very best,” setting impossibly high goals to obtain, there is Aurum metallicum, a homeopathic medicine that is also known for its ability to heal headaches that come on after experiencing loss or failure.
homeopathybluevialJonathan Davidson, M.D., conducted some of the first tests that revealed the usefulness of homeopathic medicines in treating anxiety, panic, and depression.6 Mathie and Robinson and 14 physicians in the UK followed up Davidson’s work at Duke University. There, too, homeopathy showed positive outcomes for the majority of patients (~75.9 percent) with a range of emotional issues including anxiety and depression.7 
The Time is Ripe to Jump on Board
The soccer star David Bekham used homeopathy for his broken foot before competing in the World Cup. James Ellingon, the British Olympic sprinter, used homeopathy for muscle and joint pain before his competitions. Skaters Jayne Torvill and Elvis Stojko used homeopathy for their bruises. Paul O’Neill, former right fielder for the Yankees; Arnie Kander, strength and conditioning coach of the NBA Detroit Pistons; and Pat Riley, coach of the Miami Heat, are all homeopathy advocates. They recognize that homeopathic medicines speed up healing and get athletes back in training speedily and with no side effects. 
This article presents some of the easiest medicines for a chiropractor to use in practice. With them DCs can improve their outcomes and offer their patients the care that will allow them to bring home the gold. 
As both a homeopath and chiropractor, I have seen the effect of homeopathy in helping thousands of patients to overcome both physical and emotional illness in my New York City private practice of 30 years, as well as through my work as the Project Coordinator for Haiti with Homeopaths Without Borders NA in 2010. I have taught homeopathy to health professionals in countries as diverse as France, Kenya, Tanzania, and Trinidad. Since the 1980s, I have helped other chiropractors integrate homeopathy into their practice by developing curricula in homeopathy for chiropractic colleges, medical schools and teaching hospitals around the world, including Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Columbia Presbyterian, and New York University Hospitals.

  1. Bohmer, D. Ambrus, P., ”Sports Injuries and Natural Therapy: A Clinical Double-Blind Study with a Homeopathic Ointment,” Biological therapy, 10,4 (October, 1992)
  2. Zell, et al., Treatment of Acute Sprains of the Ankle: A Controlled Double-Blind Trial to Test the Effectiveness of a Homeopathic Ointment,” Biological Therapy, 7, 1, 1989: 1-6
  3. Porozov S, Chalon L, Weiser M, et al. Inhibition of IL-1beta and TNF-alpha secretion from resting and activated human immunocytes by the homeopathic medication Traumeel S. Clinical and Developmental Immunology, 11(2), 143-149. (2004)
  4. Schneider C, Klein P, Stolt P, Oberbaum M. A homeopathic ointment preparation compared with a 1% diclofenac gel for acute symptomatic treatment of tendinopathy. Explore (NY). 2005 Nov;1 (6):446-52
  5. Morrison, Roger. Desktop Guide To Keynotes and Confirmatory Symptoms Hahnemann Clinic Publishing. Nevada City, CA. 1993.
  6. Davidson J, Morrison R, Shore J, et al., “Homeopathic Treatment of Depression and Anxiety,” Alternative Therapies, January, 1997,3,1:46-49.
  7. Malik, Nancy “Which Sports Persons Use Homeopathy and Why?” June 30, 2012

Dr. Lauri Grossman Dr. Lauri Grossman ( is both a homeopath and chiropractor. She serves as Chair of the Department of Humanism at the American Medical College of Homeopathy and serves on their International Affairs Committee.

How to Be a Superhero

homeopathysuperCalling all healing superheroes!

:dropcap_open:E:dropcap_close:very doctor wants to be a superhero – to relieve suffering and provide curative solutions to their patients’ health challenges that others have been unable to resolve. 

With today’s rapidly escalating levels of chronic disease and the growing crisis in health care, we need all the superheroes we can get. 
A superhero doctor doesn’t need to advertise, because patients sing his or her praises (even in social media) as the one who helped them when others couldn’t. This word-of-mouth PR is golden! It is not only more convincing than ads you place yourself, but also provides you with all the patients you can handle. The busier your practice becomes, the more convinced people are that they want YOU as their doctor. No one else will do.
If that makes you wonder if you can measure up to that superhero status, fear not.
I want to share with you an easy-to-implement plan that I believe will make you an even bigger hero to your patients than you already are. I will share with you a simple plan to increase your patient success and grow your practice with ease. 
The Health Care Crisis

It has never been a better time to be a natural health care provider. The public’s faith in the allopathic medical model has been shaken. The majority now realizes that the combination of a fast food lifestyle and “wonder drugs” has not created a better quality of life and health, but more obesity and cycles of illness. 
People now realize the typical allopathic model of drugs and surgery has significant drawbacks; namely, toxic and dangerous negative side effects. According to the meta-study documented in Death by Medicine, by Gary Null, Ph.D., Carolyn Dean, M.D., et al., conventional medications kill more Americans than diseases or accidents. Pharmaceutical drugs kill almost 800,000 people per year!  
Although this staggering statistic is not yet widely known, people are eager to learn how to take care of their own health. They want and need reliable guidance they can trust. 
Of course, many providers offer that guidance. As you know, competition is thick in the area of natural health. Many stores, websites, and practitioners claim to provide the answer to people’s health challenges. Many teach lifestyle tips and provide herbal and nutritional supplements. 
How Can You Stand Out in the Crowd? 
You can stand out by offering something most know very little about, but works so easily and well that people are astonished. It is natural, has no negative side effects, has no contraindications with other health conditions or medications, and has a 200-year history of safety. 
You can offer homeopathy. 
What’s So Great About Homeopathy?
Homeopathic medicine offers the best of all worlds:
  • It is recognized by the FDA as a pharmaceutical drug product that DCs can use! 
  • As a drug product, homeopathic medicine can make health claims to treat, cure, and mitigate disease. Nutritional and herbal therapies cannot.
  • Homeopathic medicine even works on children and pets – not a placebo effect!
  • Homeopathic medicine works quickly and deeply, even at the mind/body level, reaching and healing areas other methods cannot.
  • Homeopathic medicine has no negative side effects, no negative interactions with other medicines or nutritional protocols, and no contraindications with other health conditions. By contrast, nutritional and herbal therapies must be carefully cross-referenced for potential undesirable interactions. 
Some Things Are Just Better Together
Chiropractic care and homeopathic medicine are an unbeatable combination. Homeopathy, like chiropractic, works at the highest levels in the hierarchy of our health to re-establish and maintain homeostasis. 
Chiropractic and homeopathy work similarly. They both address the whole person, but homeopathy brings closure to many of the issues irresolvable by chiropractic alone. Together, they offer a deeper-acting therapy to better address the root cause of disease. 
Nutritional Therapy vs. Homeopathy
:dropcap_open:The public’s faith in the allopathic medical model has been shaken.:quoteleft_close: 
Many people are confused by homeopathy. They think any modality that is “natural” is part of homeopathy. Although homeopathy is natural, it is not the same as nutritional supplementation, herbal remedies, or any other natural treatment.

Homeopathic medicine is created from various natural substances that, when taken in concentration, cause specific symptoms in healthy people. After being prepared by traditional homeopathic standards of ultradilution and potentization, the substances become nontoxic remedies that heal those who are ill and exhibiting those symptoms. 
Supplements, like foods and herbal remedies, work on a biochemical level. They must first be broken down into chemical constituents in order to be used by the body. This takes a properly functioning digestive system (increasingly rare these days) and a certain amount of the body’s energy. Many patients have neither a strong digestive system nor extra energy. 
Homeopathic medicine, by contrast, works on a bioenergetic level. It can act very quickly to relieve symptoms by working, it is theorized, on the energy systems of the body. It seems to stimulate the body to overcome the physical problem or health imbalance at its cause and core, at the energetic level.
Revolutionary Medicine for Today’s Chronic Problems
This medicine is so revolutionary that sometimes the very first dose provides more relief than people have felt in years. What a wonderful feeling that is for both your patient and you!
As always, results rule, and when your patients realize the additional benefits you can provide through your newfound understanding of this powerful, yet gentle, healing method, your reputation will soar into the stratosphere (hero cape flying), as they spread the buzz. 
Dr. King is a noted researcher, author and speaker, and the founder and President of King Bio, a wholistic pharmaceutical company. Dr. King and his staff are committed to enhancing public health through research, product development, manufacturing, and education. Call 800-543-3245 for your complementary C.H.E.S.S.™ manual (Contemporary Homeopathic Enhancement Systems & Solutions). C.H.E.S.S. can be used with any company’s homeopathic product line, and can be easily and successfully implemented within a day. Dr. King can be reached at [email protected] or call  1-800-543-3245.

Faster, More Dynamic Results for Sports Injuries and Performance Enhancement Using Advanced Arnica Protocols

:dropcap_open:C:dropcap_close:hiropractors are often asked to assist their athletic and sport enthusiast patients who are seeking performance enhancement, rapid healing from injuries, inflammation and bruising, and pain relief. Whether pain is acute or chronic, it is important to utilize safe and effective methods to provide relief and speed the healing process. 

arnicaprotocolsNon-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen and aspirin are readily available for pain relief, but can cause damaging side effects.  Prescription pain medications offer temporary relief, but are typically accompanied by a list of contraindications, and have been linked to an increased risk of strokes, heart attacks, addiction, and other harmful side effects.  In these instances, the side effects of these medicines can be far more serious than the condition being treated.  In response, safe, effective alternatives to allopathic medicine are on the rise, as chiropractors, integrative health practitioners and their patients seek healthier solutions.

As a chiropractor, you take the whole person perspective in solving any health problem. This includes the physical, mental and emotional aspects of health. Nutritional supplements offer biochemical support. I encourage you to also include the application of the effective and safe bioenergetic approach that homeopathy offers.  I have found that homeopathic forms of Arnica montana offer safe and effective relief for trauma and pain associated with any injury, including those from sports.  The use of homeopathic Arnica can positively enhance your practice as you work with a variety of clients, from young children to professional athletes.

Faster results can be achieved using advanced homeopathic arnica protocols. They can dynamically:

  1. Increase your percentage and speed of results
  2. Proactively prevent injuries
  3. Proactively enhance sports performance
  4. Help with chronic recurring and degenerative conditions
  5. Eliminate the healing crisis


Arnica montana, or leopard’s bane, has been used since the 1500s for its varied healing properties. Arnica has been used for centuries in treating soreness, sprains, bruises and traumatic injury.   Specifically, homeopathic Arnica has gained attention in recent years for its pain-soothing and inflammation-reducing qualities.

Homeopathy has a history that goes back more than 200 years, and is based on the well-known Law of Similars: “Like cures like.” Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician and chemist, was the first to organize and expand upon this knowledge, developing a system now called “homeopathy.” He found that when natural substances from plants, minerals, or animals were taken in a toxic dose, which produced a set of symptoms in a healthy person, that the same substance, in an extremely diluted and potentized form, given to a person ill with those symptoms, would help the person overcome the illness quickly and safely. Arnica montana, for example, has been shown in various materia medicas to act (in its raw herbal form) on the muscular and cellular tissues and tendons, producing symptoms like those someone would receive from an injury. It also works on the capillaries and can stimulate their absorbent power. A feeling of being bruised or sore is one of Arnica’s main characteristics.

Therefore, following these indications, homeopathy uses the ultradilution and potentization of Arnica montana to treat the same symptoms of bruising, soreness and inflammation. When prepared homeopathically, Arnica has no negative side effects and is safe for anyone – from babies to seniors.  Because of its solid history, homeopathic Arnica has gained popularity as a pain reliever, which has spurred more clinical studies.

Positive Research Studies

Homeopathic Arnica formulations have undergone a number of studies and double-blind tests. These results have shown a measurable benefit in reducing pain and inflammation. Some of the studies involve the typical homeopathic solution that is taken internally via pill or liquid dilution, and some involve the use of Arnica as a topical cream or gel. However, there are two forms of topical Arnica on the market. One is the herbal form that is made with the herbal extract of the Arnica flower and mixed with a gel or cream. The other is the homeopathic form which is also made from the extract, but diluted and shaken (succussed) and then infused into a cream or gel for topical use. Neither of these topical forms should be ingested, as they may cause nausea and other reactions. However, studies on these topical forms have shown very positive results.

acutepainnewinjuriesOne trial used 53 patients to study whether topical Arnica montana cream would decrease subjective leg pain following calf raises. After applying the Arnica cream and the placebo cream to opposite calf muscles, the subjects were asked to use a scale to rate the pain at 24, 48, and 72 hours after exercising. The study showed that after doing the leg raises and applying the Arnica cream that the pain was significantly less up to 24 hours later.

Three placebo-controlled, double-blind, sequential clinical trials done on patients receiving three different types of knee surgery found that in all three trials homeopathic Arnica made a difference in postoperative swelling and pain.

Another study of 82 marathon runners found that homeopathic Arnica helped ease muscle soreness.

In one trial, both Arnica gel and homeopathic Arnica tablets were given to 37 patients with carpal tunnel release surgery. The 2002 study measured grip strength, wrist size, and pain levels. The conclusion was that although the grip strength and wrist size were the same as the placebo group, the pain levels were significantly less for those who ingested the homeopathic Arnica tablets in addition to using the topical Arnica gel.

A clinical trial conducted in 2008 treated 204 patients with osteoarthritis in their hands. One group used Arnica gel while the other group used ibuprofen 3 times per day. After 21 days it was found that Arnica gel was equally effective as ibuprofen in treating pain intensity, functionality, and stiffness of the hands.

In another double-blind, randomized study it was found that topical Arnica ointment reduced bruising in patients who had been subjected to a pulsed dye laser.

With homeopathic Arnica’s history of success, an increasing number of doctors are using it to relieve mild to intense pain and bruising following surgeries and injuries. It is helpful for inflammation, bruising, soreness and in speeding up recovery time. Arnica is an important first aid remedy, primarily for its ability to minimize pain, inflammation, bruising, and even bleeding. It is recommended to take the internal homeopathic form 3 times per day for chronic conditions. Acute pain and new injuries can be treated every ten minutes as needed, with the time period between doses increasing as the pain and swelling subsides.

I know many coaches and fitness specialists who rely on Arnica to help their team members ease pain, soreness, and aftershock from muscle strains or sprains. The use of Arnica is commonplace among weight lifters and runners.  Arnica can minimize sore muscles and stiffness, and reduce the discomfort of strained ligaments.

Given the evidence in studies and personal trials, Arnica montana has strong historical validation as a pain and inflammation reliever. More research may be crucial to help solidify the impact that Arnica montana can offer.  An FDA-approved drug since 1938, homeopathic Arnica has no reported negative drug interactions and has been deemed safe for patients who take other medications in addition to Arnica.

Recommended Advanced Arnica Protocols

1. Using the whole plant. Using an Arnica product that uses the whole plant has a significant therapeutic benefit.  The whole plant is the stem, the root, and the flower. Each of these parts of the plant provides a unique therapeutic benefit.

2. Using multiple potencies. In my research, I have discovered the significant benefit of using multiple potencies of each remedy being administered. The lower homeopathic potencies (3X, 6X, 3C, 6C) address the more superficial aspects of an injury. The middle range homeopathic potencies (12X, 30X, 12C, 30C) better address the internal or glandular support needed for healing. The higher homeopathic potencies (200X, 200C, 1M, LM1) address deeper weaknesses and even genetic predispositions to a disease or injury. These high potencies also address the mental and emotional components that are often associated with chronic and recurring injuries. An Arnica product with multiple potencies provides a broad and powerful spectrum of therapeutic benefits.

3. Using multiple deliveries. I use homeopathic Arnica orally, topically and olfactorily. With a spray, all three deliveries can be achieved with one product.  Your patient can use the spray orally, and then spray it topically over the affected area.  For added benefit, have the patient spray the air in front of their face and inhale some of the mist.  When inhaled, homeopathic Arnica directly impacts the frontal lobes of the brain and the limbic system, providing the deepest therapeutic actions upon the body.  Additional benefit can be gained by using homeopathic Arnica creams as topical complements to spray products.

By using these treatment protocols, you will experience the dynamic results that homeopathic Arnica can offer your chiropractic practice.  I encourage you to begin applying the many benefits of homeopathy by utilizing Arnica in treating your sports patients with pain or injuries.  The use of homeopathic Arnica will also improve your patients’ overall health and sports performance.


  1. Adkison, J.D., et al. (2010, October). The effect of topical Arnica on muscle pain. Ann Pharmacother, 44(10), 1579-84.
  2. Brinkhaus, B., Wilkens, J.M., Ludtke, R., et al. (2006, December). Homeopathic Arnica therapy in patients receiving knee surgery: results of three randomized double-blind trials. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 14(4), 237-46.
  3. Melzer, J., Saller, R., Suter, A., & Widrig, R. Choosing between NSAID and Arnica for topical treatment of hand osteoarthritis in a randomized, double-blind study. Rheumatol Int DOI 10.1007/s00296-007-0304-y.
  4. Tveiten, D. & Bruset, S. (2003). Effect of Arnica D30 in marathon runners.  Pooled results from two double-blind placebo controlled studies.  Homeopath., 92(4), 187-9.
  5. Ross, S.M. (2008, July-August). Osteoarthritis: a proprietary Arnica gel is found to be as effective as ibuprofen gel in osteoarthritis of the hands. Holist Nurs Pract, 22(4), 237-9.
  6. Alonso, D., Lazarus, M.C., Baumann, L. (2002). Effects of topical Arnica gel on post-laser treatment bruises. Dermatol Surg., 28, 686-688.
  7. Jeffrey, S.L., Belcher, H.J.. (2002). Use of Arnica to relieve pain after carpal-tunnel release surgery. Altern Ther Health Med., 8, 66-68.
  8. Brinker, F. (2001). Herb Contraindications and Drug Interactions (3rd ed.). Sandy, OR: Eclectic Medical Publications.
  9. Leu, S., Havey, J., White, L.E., Martin, N., Yoo, S.S., Rademaker, A.W., & Alam, M. (2010, September). Accelerated resolution of laser-induced bruising with topical 20% Arnica: a rater-blinded randomized controlled trial. Br J Dermatol, 163(3), 557-63.
  10. Schulz V, et al. (1996). Rational Phytotherapy, A Physician’s Guide to Herbal Medicine (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Springer.


Dr. King is a noted researcher, author and speaker, and is the founder and president of King Bio, a vertically integrated pharmaceutical company.  Dr. King and his staff are committed to enhancing public health through research, product development, manufacturing, and education.  King Bio produces safe, powerful and effective natural medicines, which are distributed in multiple markets. You can reach Dr. King at [email protected] or through the website at

Asthma and Homeopathy

“In all times, the old school physicians…have sought to combat and, if possible, to suppress by medicines…a single symptom from among a number in diseases…by it, not only was nothing gained, but much harm was inflicted. A single one of the symptoms present is no more the disease itself than a foot is the man himself.” – Samuel Hahnemann, M.D. (1755 – 1843) “Organon of Medicine”

:dropcap_open:D:dropcap_close:r. Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, died before D.D. Palmer was born, but the two shared common views of healing. D.D. Palmer (1845 – 1913) stated, “Disease is the abnormal performance of certain functions; the abnormal activity has its causes.” 
asthma14Both men understood the shortcomings of the conventional practice of medicine of their times. They both recognized the essential concept of working with nature, and the value of not suppressing symptoms the body was expressing. 
Symptoms are the language of the body. Symptoms alert us that all is not well. If we interpret those symptoms correctly, they point us to the proper homeopathic remedy that can restore balance quickly and more permanently than other holistic methods I have experienced in my 30-plus years of integrative practice. In my view, the body is meant to express perfect health, and we health practitioners are facilitators and educators who help others realize that. Homeopathy helps us express our highest health potential. We are designed to be healthy, live healthy, and even to die healthy.
In this article, I will present the facts surrounding the differences in suppressive drug therapy for asthma and the results homeopathy has produced.  
Asthma – a growing health concern
Asthma is the label we attach to this frightening symptomatic picture: difficult breathing, wheezing, coughing, tightness in chest, and inflammation and temporary narrowing of the airways that transport air from the nose and mouth to the lungs. 
This inability to breathe causes overwhelming feelings of panic, both for the one experiencing it as well as anyone witnessing it. A parent rushing his or her blue, oxygen-deprived, asthmatic baby or child to the hospital is an all-too-frequent occurrence. 

In the U.S., approximately 23 million people have been diagnosed with asthma, with at least 6.8 million of them children under the age of 18.
One-third of all childhood hospitalizations are due to asthma, and in 1995 severe asthma attacks resulted in 5,637 deaths. Globally, some 235 million people suffer from asthma. The statistics show an alarming trend: the numbers continue to rise, especially in children. 
Conventional medicine believes asthma has a strong genetic component, and teaches that there is no cure for asthma. Medical doctors generally treat asthma symptoms with inhalers and increasingly stronger steroidal drugs. Some of the negative side effects include nervousness, racing heart palpitations, anxiety, and heart attacks. These drugs are suppressive in nature. They do not claim to cure the disease, just to manage it.
Expression vs. Suppression
“Life is but the expression of spirit through matter. To make life manifest requires the union of spirit and body.” – D.D. Palmer 
The “Nature Cure” doctors observed certain things when chemical drugs became popular more than 150 years ago. They observed a phenomena they called suppression of symptoms. Their theory was that even though the symptoms of a disease may disappear after the use of strong chemical drugs, it did not mean the causes of the symptoms were cured. To the contrary, they observed the disease seemed to go “deeper” into the system, only to surface in more serious chronic conditions later. Often, those suppressive therapies seemed to drive the disorder deeper to the lungs.
:dropcap_open:One-third of all child-hood hospitalizations are due to asthma, and in 1995 severe asthma attacks resulted in 5,637 deaths.:quoteleft_close: 
Constantine Hering, M.D. (1800 – 1880) was called the father of American homeopathy. He observed that symptoms that were once suppressed with allopathic drugs, and then treated by natural methods once a chronic condition had manifested, went through a predictable pattern before true healing took place. 
His teachings on the topic became known as “Hering’s Law of Cure.” He taught that with true natural healing, symptoms that had been previously suppressed and were ready to be expressed (brought out and eliminated), the predictable pattern marked how the treatment was progressing. The process was from the head down, from the inside out, and in the reverse order as the symptoms appeared or were suppressed. 
The reversal process, when uncomfortable for the patient, is referred to as a “healing crisis,” and a skilled practitioner is invaluable for guiding a patient through it.

Asthma and suppression therapy 
Asthma sufferers often become psychologically dependent on their inhalers, because the thought of having an attack without one is so frightening. They consider it their lifeline.  
Using inhalers or steroids long-term for asthma symptoms, while they can be life-saving if a patient or practitioner doesn’t know any other options, can be as dangerous as the disease itself.
After time on these drugs, many asthma sufferers (just like athletes on steroids) die from their hearts becoming enlarged, as a negative side effect of the very drugs they are using to manage the disease! 

I feel this is a case of the medical profession “barking up the wrong tree.”  
It doesn’t have to be this way. Homeopathy offers a safe alternative, and because it is nontoxic, it can be used in conjunction with other medications without fear of negative side effects. In more than 200 years of clinical use worldwide, homeopathy has had no recorded negative side effects, no contraindications, and no known negative drug interactions. 
A holistic approach to asthma
A well-formulated, homeopathic asthma product can quickly provide results in approximately 50 percent of cases. Since homeopathy, like chiropractic, does not suppress symptoms but corrects underlying causes, look at homeopathic products to address the following. 
The three most common potential underlying factors to complement asthma treatment are:
  1. Allergies – to mold, chemicals, foods (particularly dairy and wheat), and pollens
  2. Candida – overgrowth causes excess mucus and allergy sensitivity 
  3. Stress – always lowers the immune response, increasing susceptibility
Homeopathy has proven very effective in balancing all of these factors, including asthma symptoms. 
I have found the most success through the years with homeopathy that uses multiple ingredients in multiple high potencies. This approach seems to allow the body to use exactly what it needs from the formula, with a vastly reduced chance of uncomfortable “healing reactions.” 
With homeopathy, the patient doesn’t have to give up their “security blanket” of the inhaler. If relief is not felt quickly enough from the homeopathy alone, the inhaler may be used as well. In my experience, homeopathy has worked just as fast, and without the negative side effects of nervousness and racing heart. Over time, the homeopathy seems to reduce the frequency and severity of asthma attacks. 
Samuel Hahnemann and D.D. Palmer had a great deal in common. They were both pioneers and fervent believers in the innate ability of the body to heal, once its interferences were corrected.
With proper correction, people can be restored to the health they were destined to express. 
I feel chiropractic and homeopathy are two powerful and complementary tools to target the correction of interference in our energetic control networks. Homeopathy works to energetically correct nerve interferences throughout the body, where the hands of the chiropractor cannot reach. 
The two disciplines together best help us be doctors of the whole nervous system and safely and effectively broaden our scope of practice with great results.
Frank J. King, Jr., N.D., D.C., is a nationally recognized researcher, author and lecturer on homeopathy. In addition, Dr. King is the founder and director of King Bio, an FDA registered homeopathic manufacturing company dedicated to completing chiropractic destiny with the marriage of homeopathy. These procedures can be used with any homeopathic company’s product line and are so easy you can apply them in one day. Call King Bio, Asheville, NC, at 1-800-543-3245 or email [email protected].

Hormones, Homeopathy and the Smarter, Safer, More Sensitive Solutions, Part II

Last month I shared the problems with Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and the values of homeopathic hormones and their unique modulating effects necessary for naturally and safely balancing hormone levels and minimizing the negative effects of both synthetic and natural HRT.

This article covers additional benefits of homeopathic hormone therapies and addresses how other homeopathic remedies can correct other underlying causes to hormonal imbalances.

Homeopathic potentizations of the associated glandular extracts (most commonly bovine), their related hormones and other associated homeopathic ingredients can:

1. Help correct the underlying cause of hormonal imbalances by activating and modulating the body’s inner control mechanisms to attain and maintain optimal hormonal balance. The homeopathic approach of activating the body’s metabolic control mechanisms to function more effectively helps regulate the normal hormonal shifts from progesterone to estrogen dominance during the normal monthly changes. The homeopathic approach also helps the hormonal regulation to its optimal healthy levels during various seasons of life, including puberty, pregnancy, menopause and the senior years.

2. Help compliment either synthetic or natural HRT to work safer and better by:

a. Activating the body’s ability to produce balanced levels of hormones in our various seasons of life.
b. Modulating hormonal balance to help prevent toxic levels and effects.
c. Eliminating dependency on long-term use of HRT, in many cases even including women with complete hysterectomies.

3. Help correct the genetic predispositions to hormonal imbalances. Homeopathy has discovered that the genetic weaknesses that we have inherited as far back as a thousand years into our family tree can be addressed and corrected with specific homeopathic remedies. There are proactive homeopathic procedures that can be employed to make these corrections and elevate the level of health for entire families.

4. Help correct the deeper mental and emotional issues that can cause oppressions of certain glands and imbalances in hormonal production. In some cases, the hormonal imbalances can cause the mental and emotional issues and, in other cases, the mental and emotional imbalances can cause the glandular and hormonal imbalances. Homeopathy has a long and well-researched history, found in the proving studies and Materia Medicas, for correcting very specific mental and emotional issues. Long-term emotional oppression can cause glandular and hormonal suppression. The roots to resistant hormonal issues are commonly found in the mental and emotional realm. There are simple homeopathic procedures and formulations to dynamically address this once elusive area of our health and wellbeing that can be easily implemented into every style of chiropractic practice.

Homeopathically potentized glands, hormones, neurotransmitters, nutrients and other associated substances, or what we call Nano-Potentiated™ substances, help with the body’s ability to recognize and utilize the related substances and correct the complex biochemical dysfunctions behind the deficiency, through activating the extensive cellular signaling processes and complex metabolic control networks.

Specific deficiencies occur not only because of deficiencies in diet or supplementation but, more so, because of the many possible and probable dysfunctions that can occur within the body in maintaining the delicate balance or homeostasis of the substances. Nano-Potentiated™ products activate the body’s natural abilities from ingestion through digestion, assimilation, transportation, liver metabolism, extracelluar, intercellular, and intracellular transport and utilization, proper storage and release from storage, metabolic waste elimination, lymphatic entrance, transport and elimination, along with the reabsorption and recycling of the related substances.

It is my hearts’ intention that, with the above information, we, as chiropractors, can begin to apply the many benefits of homeopathy. Utilizing homeopathy to aid in the functioning of our glands, hormones, neurotransmitters and nutrients associated with the bigger picture of hormonal imbalances, we can all improve the overall portrait of our patients’ health.

I encourage every practitioner to take the whole person perspective in seeking the solutions to any health problem. The whole person perspective includes the physical, mental and emotional aspects of our health, including the application of both a biochemical and bioenergetic approach homeopathy offers to help correct and coordinate our complex regulatory control networks of metabolism.

Dr King is a noted researcher, author, speaker and president of King Bio, a vertically integrated pharmaceutical company committed to doing “the greatest good” through health care research, product development, manufacturing, education and distribution into multiple markets with safe, powerful and effective natural medicines. You can reach Dr. King at [email protected] or through the website at

Hormones, Homeopathy and the Smarter, Safer, More Sensitive Solutions

Regardless if you’re male or female, the amazing healing powers of homeopathy offer an essential and unique modulating effect for the delicate nature of our hormonal balance. The homeopathic modulating effect works naturally to raise the level of a hormone if it is too low, as well as naturally lower the level if it is too high, ensuring the ideal healthy balance of these all important regulatory hormones.  Synthetic and natural hormone replacement therapies cannot achieve this incredible modulating effect.

In order to understand this phenomenal homeopathic approach, we must ask ourselves three important questions that reflect the basic nature of homeopathic healing:

1. Do we need to replace our hormones or do we need to restore our homeostatic functions required for accurate hormonal balance?
2. Do we need to manipulate the chemical levels in our bodies, or do we simply need to repair and restore the curative and corrective control functions already present in our bodies?
3. Do we need to intervene between our body and its ability to heal itself, or should we simply re-activate our body’s innate ability to heal?

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is based on the superficial assumption that the body cannot produce a healthy amount of the hormones necessary for the related phase of life we are in. There is a lot of hormonal hype in both the media and marketplace.  The results of this hype have been devastating to the health and well being of millions of people. Hormones play a significant role in nearly every health condition and are not simply related to sex. Our thinking, our moods, and our general physical health, all depend on our body’s ability to maintain a delicate hormonal balance.

Merely manipulating a few of our isolated hormones has proven to be extremely dangerous.  These dangers have been well documented, with unintended consequences, including cancer, blood clots, high blood pressure, liver disease, gallstones and cataracts. In a belated response to these dangers, the $2 billion a year HRT market is now shifting, and millions of women are changing to plant-derived synthetics called “bio-identical” hormones, including wild yam and soy based products. Although these are somewhat safer than the chemical HRT of the past, regular testing is recommended to help assure you are:

1. Taking the correct amounts of the right hormones,
2. Avoiding the creation of unhealthy or even toxic levels of hormones, and,
3. Not creating a relative deficiency or imbalance in other hormones, neurotransmitters and nutrients.

Any HRT—whether synthetic or natural—that is applied orally or topically can still cause the body to impair or slow down its own production of the related hormone. This is true of all hormones, including progesterone, phytoestrogen, testosterone, melatonin, DHEA, human growth hormone (HGH), and others, such as related neurotransmitters and nutrients. Even hormonal creams can create toxic levels of hormones, sometimes even over a hundred times the normal levels, which are stored in the liver, causing potentially serious side effects.

Now, I am NOT saying stay away from natural hormone replacement. If we use these approaches and they are helping our symptoms, we should understand that they are not correcting the underlying causes of the hormonal imbalance, in most cases. These underlying causes and their corrections usually include:

1. Disfunction with our complex regulatory control networks and the homeopathic activation and modulation of our glandular functions and their balanced production of hormones;
2. Mental and emotional oppressions and related correction and elimination techniques;
3. Lifestyle factors and finding our balance;
4. Diet and nutritional factors and finding our balance;
5. Toxic chemical accumulations and their proper elimination.

Homeopathy works through an intensive potentization process.  This unique potentization process creates both nano-sized ingredients that function within the cell as well as the sub molecular range of ingredients that function to balance our complex neuro-hormonal control networks.  The added therapeutic dimension of homeopathy functions more deeply to repair and restore our normal healthy functions for a safer more corrective and curative effect. 

Homeopathy, like any other health care approach, is not the only solution, but it is an essential complimentary solution necessary for a safer, smarter more sensitive and complete approach to correction. Homeopathy, in its time-tested 200-plus years, provides a safe, no-side-effect approach that has no known negative drug reactions, no contraindications, is non-habit forming, and produces a hypoallergenic result that targets the deeper underlying causes behind the problem.

Frank J. King Jr., N.D., D.C., is a nationally recognized researcher, author and lecturer on homeopathy, and the founder and director of King Bio Homeopathics, a registered pharmaceutical manufacturing company. Dr. King offers ongoing  CE seminars and a free copy of his turnkey procedural manual, which can be used with any homeopathic company’s product line. Call 800-543-3245, or email [email protected].

The Most Complete Approach to Appetite & Weight Control Correcting the Causes / Eliminating the Struggles

Homeopathy is the only healing modality that has a successful 200-year history and yet is still on the cutting edge of medical technology! Homeopathy is the absolute safest approach available for weight loss because it activates the body’s own natural healing processes to allow each individual to regain and maintain a state of optimal weight and health.

By working the body’s innate healing abilities, homeopathy can help with any cause behind weight gain, out-of-control appetite and water retention. It activates our healthy weight control networks and glands to function more completely, like those we know who don’t have weight issues.

Best of all, homeopathy has no side effects, no known negative drug interactions, is non-habit forming, with no contraindications and can be safely used with and compliment any other weight loss program or medication. Homeopathy works like no other form of medicine or supplement. It’s effective because it works to correct the seven key causes behind weight gain and not merely to stimulate a temporary response.


• Extreme, voracious, out of control, canine-like hungers that can overtake certain people.

• Those subtle hunger signs such as those empty, gnawing, sinking or rumbling feelings in the stomach that can drive us to the refrigerator.

• Those nervous stomachs, which are temporarily relieved by food or when eating seems to temporarily relieve our stress or discomforts.

• Peculiar craving we can get for certain foods like salt, sweets, starches, meats, cold foods, hot foods, eggs, etc. It’s even great for certain people, including children, who may crave indigestible things like dirt, chalk, coal, pencils, etc.


• Sluggish & slow metabolisms,

• General obesity,

• Children with the predisposition to obesity or retaining fat,

• Tendencies to deposit fat in certain parts of our body.



• Sense of dissatisfaction,

• Mood changes that associate with overeating,

• Introspection that can cause one to internalize issues, run from problems or go into denial,

• Silent brooding that can slow the metabolism,

• Melancholic tendencies,

• Sadness,

• Tendency to sensitivity (tearfulness, sighing, sobbing),

• Lack of self-confidence,

• Timidity,

• Discouragement,

• Feelings of hopelessness,

• The tendency to bottle up emotions,

• Indifference to the way we look or how we take care of ourselves.



• The abuses of overeating,

• Medications that can destroy our delicate healthy intestinal flora,

• Poor diets consisting of over cooked enzyme deficient foods.

7. It enhances healthy water metabolism and fluid flow, including improved circulation and purification of the body, and provides a safe natural enhancement of water metabolism, fluid flow, circulatory support and purification. It relieves edema, swelling and congestion commonly noticed in the hands, feet, ankles or around the face and eyes, generally associated with metabolic congestion excess salt intake or menstrual cycle. . It helps heal digestive disorders or weakened GI tracts that can occur from. It works deep within the control centers of the brain and body and activates neurotransmitters to help us overcome aversions to work, exertion or exercise! It helps us overcome those bad sedentary lifestyle habits that can overtake us.. It’s designed to address the many mental and emotional factors found behind excessive appetite or weight gain and works deep within the brain and nervous system to help heal emotions such as:. It helps activate the healthy balanced function of our glandular control networks we call the PHAT Axis. The PHAT Axis includes the dynamic communication relationships between the pituitary, hypothalamus, adrenal and thyroid glands (PHAT). There are many subtle dysfunctions that can occur in any of these glands that can cause us to gain weight and feel sluggish and tired. You do not have to have a diagnosed condition of these glands to experience the many problems they may cause. If you don’t have a problem with these glands, homeopathy will not have any negative effect on you.. It’s been proven to be effective with inherited/genetic or what homeopathic doctors call constitutional causes for obesity, and works directly on:. It corrects the broad spectrum of unhealthy aberrations in our in our appetite including:

Fast Acting: Immediate Feedback for Long Term Results

Homeopathy provides a special benefit of immediate results or feedback with a fast cessation of appetite. Results can occur within 30 seconds to 3 minutes. This is made possible through the sublingual nerve pathway around the tongue. Homeopathic medicines work directly upon the nervous system to activate our normal healthy functions. With our average nerve speed of 200 mph, we can notice results within seconds! These immediate results develop the motivation, endurance and desire necessary to stick with a successful program for the long run.

While these fast results are being experienced, the homeopathic weight control remedies are working to help those deeper-seated underlying issues associated with the more difficult and complex factors behind excessive weight gain.


Safe for CHILDREN!

Even children who are overweight can benefit from homeopathy. Being overweight not only affects the physical health of children, it also affects the self-esteem that can hold back a child from ever reaching his/her potential in life.

What has TOUCHED ME THE MOST is when I hear testimonies of the long-range effects homeopathic products have had on the lives of people—like children who were overweight, called names in school and turned inward. It’s a good thing to see the excess pounds go; but it’s a great thing to hear, five, ten and twenty years later, what these people have done with their lives. Many have become doctors promoting natural health, physical education teachers, and successful business people who have come out of the box and reached out in life to do special things they would never have thought they’d ever do. To see the great confidence, self esteem and positive overcoming attitudes displayed in their overall lives has been the most rewarding fulfillment a doctor can have!

Homeopathy has changed lives, relationships, careers and families. I have seen the curse of obesity literally broken off in entire families, including the genetic factors that are passed down from generation to generation.

Homeopathy is the perfect medicine to compliment any weight management program, including diet and exercise, and can be safely used with any medication.

Other drugs and even natural supplements are designed to temporarily force your body into weight loss by suppression and stimulation. This crude approach can cause us to become sicker rather than healthier over time and create more imbalances within the delicate control networks in our brains and bodies.

Frank J. King Jr., N.D., D.C., is a nationally recognized researcher, author and lecturer on homeopathy, and the founder and director of King Bio Homeopathics, a registered pharmaceutical manufacturing company. Dr. King offers ongoing CE seminars and a free copy of his turnkey procedural manual, which can be used with any homeopathic company’s product line. Call 800-543-3245, or email [email protected].


Homeopathy: The First Choice for Allergy Correction

April showers bring May flowers and May flowers bring ALLERGIES!  As the dormancies of nature spring back to life, pollen and other allergens increase dramatically.

Allergies are actually more widespread today than ever.  They cause a broader spectrum of symptoms, both physically and mentally, than commonly believed. Allergic diseases affect more than 20 percent of the U.S. population, and are the sixth leading cause of chronic disease in the United States.

Thirty-five million Americans currently suffer from recurring allergies and this number is growing at an accelerated rate daily.  Most people believe allergies are a permanent condition requiring regular over-the-counter or Rx treatment to suppress their symptoms. This is not true! Using homeopathy, allergies can be safely and effectively treated and actually cured in many cases.

The Healing Powers Resident Within

The truth is that allergies can be permanently overcome.  As we know in chiropractic, the body is incredibly made and has all the mechanisms built within that allow us to attain and maintain great health.  Our innate healing abilities are so powerful that we naturally overcome the majority of problems we encounter in life.

This is What I Share with My Patients

“Think about this for a minute: What if headaches didn’t come and go, they just came and stayed?  Or, imagine if you still had every cut, scrape and injury you had ever gotten; you would be a mess. Obviously, you naturally recover from many conditions because your body has internal healing capabilities.”

Symptoms are often mistaken as the cause of the problem, when really they are caused by the problem.  Treating a symptom instead of a root cause is like turning off a fire alarm instead of putting out the fire.  Take headaches, for example.  Say you choose to use aspirin or ibuprofen to control the symptoms.  Time and time again, you must take these pills. (Why do you think you get so many aspirin in a bottle?)  In most cases, the underlying cause of the headache is not changing and, therefore, the headaches keep coming back!  Wouldn’t you rather target the underlying cause and stop the headaches from returning at all?

Do you think that taking various over-the-counter drug products for symptoms is the best way to deal with allergies?  Why use temporary solutions over and over again?  Your immune system needs to be normalized and strengthened so you do not have to live with allergy symptoms.

Do you know about the possible side effects of antihistamines and decongestants, the primary ingredients in many over-the-counter allergy medications?  Many allergy products can cause nervousness, insomnia, dry mouth, negative reactions to other substances, stomach upset and over-sensitivity to sunlight.  Additionally, many of these products will cause a rebound effect, a worsening of symptoms when the drug is discontinued.  Homeopathy helps your body naturally overcome allergy symptoms with no side effects, while you stay fresh and alert.

The Purity of Homeopathy

Homeopathy is the purest form of natural medicine I have found. After over 200 years of clinical use, there are no negative side effects, no known reactions with other drugs, no contraindications for use and no addictive or habit forming properties.  These outstanding results are unprecedented in the history of medicine.


Homeopathic medicine has become the first of all the natural remedies to be registered by the FDA as a drug product. Homeopathy offers a safe, natural solution, backed by science, clinical experience, FDA registration and, most importantly, the test of time.

Fast, Safe, Natural Relief

Homeopathy is designed to work very quickly.  Most people will notice initial results as early as 30 seconds to 3 minutes after use.  Others may see results in a few minutes to a few days. Others experience a sense of lightness, accompanied by an emotional release.  The corresponding sense of well-being or an increase in overall energy, alertness and awareness indicates the healing response is taking place within you.  Another positive sign of the healing response being activated is that you will require less and less of this natural medicine as time goes on, not more and more.

Homeopathic natural medicines are powerful.  Homeopathy can be safely and effectively combined with nutritional and herbal products, as well as conventional drugs and procedures.  The end results of using an all-natural approach are well worth it!  Natural relief is a far healthier and often permanent solution.

Homeopathy is a very individualized healing art.  A single remedy for one person with allergies may not be the same as that needed for another.  Treating ten people with allergy symptoms may require just as many different homeopathic remedies.

A simpler approach would be to find a homeopathic formula with a number of these allergy relief ingredients in it.  Formulas with multiple potencies of homeopathic ingredients will also broaden the therapeutic spectrum and enhance your chances of fast results and an actual cure.

New Homeopathic Approaches Strengthen from the Inside, Acclimate for the Outside

Homeopathy offers formulas designed to strengthen you from the inside by activating your body’s natural response system to stimulate its ability to heal itself.  This approach offers relief of allergy symptoms, while formulas which work specifically on the immune system may even prevent future allergic reactions.  A second approach in homeopathy acclimates you for the outside by providing homeopathic preparations of the specific weeds, grasses, trees, molds and pollens found in your geographic region.  Over time, your body becomes less sensitive to the exposure of these allergens, reducing the severity and frequency of allergic reactions.  Using both of these approaches together provides the most complete approach to allergy correction.

This contemporary homeopathic approach is the only treatment method besides immunotherapy or allergy tests and shots that offers a chance for lasting relief or potential cure from allergies. Obviously, homeopathy offers the simplest, safest, least costly and time-invested approach.  Homeopathic allergy relief is applicable to anyone with allergies and should be the practical first choice for allergy care and correction.

After 27 years of clinical practice and research in homeopathy, I have become a definite believer in contemporary formulated multi-potency homeopathic products for the best approach to allergy care and correction!

Frank J. King Jr., N.D., D.C., is a nationally recognized researcher, author and lecturer on homeopathy, and the founder and director of King Bio Homeopathics, a registered pharmaceutical manufacturing company. Dr. King offers ongoing  CE seminars and a free copy of his turnkey procedural manual, which can be used with any homeopathic company’s product line. Call 800-543-3245, or email [email protected].

Anger Management & Homeopathic Corrections


:dropcap_open:I:dropcap_close:n the movie Anger Management, Jack Nicholson, the eccentric doctor, describes two forms of anger: the explosive and the implosive. Adam Sandler plays the patient that has the hidden implosive anger. The traditional medical options to address anger are not to correct the condition. The present conventional medical methodologies only help patients recognize anger and try to dance with it more gracefully. In a sense, we learn to dance with the devil better. Learning to dance with a disease may help us live with the condition better, but it also creates a more intimate attachment with the condition as our partner in life. The closer we attach our identity as a person with a disease, the more difficult it is to actually correct the condition.

The basic principle here is the body does what the brain tells it to do. Whenever my patients say, “my allergies,” “my sciatica,” or “I’m angry,” I gently share with them how important our words are and what we are saying to ourselves. To help my patients attain and maintain a higher level of health and life, I teach them about the power of our words and how we see ourselves. By saying, “my arthritis,” or “I’m angry,” we are identifying the disease with ourselves. It’s like saying, “I’m a failure,” or “I’m a loser.” These principles are true in every aspect of life. Can you imagine a sports team chanting together, “We are losers, yea!” or a business teaching its employees to say, “We are a sick or dysfunctional company”? Our health is no exception to these proven principles of life!

The other medical option is psychoactive drugs, sometimes called “happy pills.” This approach is being more widely applied for the more instant effects on the body, at least for a while. The problems are the temporary effects they have on the body as well as the continued use to further drain the already deficient neurotransmitters and nutrients, leaving the patient with a deeper, more difficult problem. Although this approach may be helpful for the short term, the long-term effects can be devastating. The underlying causes or dysfunctions must, ultimately, be addressed. Where are the interferences that are causing these dysfunctions?

Homeopathy, like chiropractic, works bio-energetically to correct interferences within the body that control and coordinate our normal healthy functions. Homeopathy helps correct nerve interferences throughout the brain and periphery of the body, where the hands of the chiropractor cannot, thus, empowering the chiropractor to be a doctor of the whole nervous system, helping complete our destiny as chiropractors.

Homeopathy has accumulated the most comprehensive research in the realm of natural care and cure for mental and emotional conditions. More than 200 years of very unique and complete research, called provings, are confirmed clinically for safety and efficacy. Homeopathy offers key cures to the broad arena of mental and emotional issues. By recording the detailed mental and emotional issues that humans have expressed in relation to our intimate connections with the many substances in our world, we now have an unparalleled ability to proactively correct these many issues within ourselves.

Homeopathy has discovered and developed remedies for over 100 specific expressions of anger. New contemporary applications of homeopathy have categorized this once complex and elusive healing art into an easy-to-use system. By applying streamlined therapeutic approaches, we can address the greater majority of anger issues in our society.

Our most effective results have come from creating highly potentized combinations of deep-acting homeopathic remedies, aromatherapy oils and flower essences from around the globe (Bach/English, American, Australian, etc.). All three of these remarkable healing arts, when homeopathically potentized, have provided the most comprehensive natural approach for the healing and restoration of our mental and emotional states.

The multiple potency approach is essential to more completely impact the individual at every level, providing the greatest good therapeutically. A broad spectrum of X potencies, 1M potency and, especially, the LM potencies, have provided the greatest results, including the highest percentage of results, percentage of cures, speed of response, and gentleness of results (minimum of healing reactions, retracing or crises).

Traditionally, in homeopathy, the mental and emotional symptoms are keynote symptoms that are measured as most important in finding the correct remedy to help the whole person at every level of life, physically, mentally, and emotionally. The mental and emotional formulations have been the key to correcting some of the most resistant or difficult physical cases.

Although these approaches are highly effective and essential for the enhancement of our mental and emotional health, they do not fully negate, but rather assist us, in our powers of choice, responsibility, and accountability in life.  Homeopathic mental and emotional formulas should always be considered to better help the whole person and more efficiently correct even general chronic resistant and recurring cases.

Anger Categories: Boiled down to their simplest common ­denominators

Physical Anger–rage, physically violent tendencies, volatile temper

Easily Angered–impatience, irritability, quickness to anger, discontent

Stubborn & Contentious Anger–disputatious, defiant temperament, stubbornness, irritability

Mood Changes–from extreme joy to sadness; manic-depressive, bipolar tendencies
Vindictive Anger–vindictiveness, resentfulness, contempt, excessive irritability, cruelty

Personality Shifts Anger–confused personal identity, split personality, maniacal impulses, absence of restraint, excessive irritability, impulsive desire to harm oneself & others

Verbal Anger–verbally abusive; curses, swears, uses violent language, scolds, insults, yells & screams, is insolent, rude &/or derogatory

Self Abuse Anger–internalized anger, self-contempt & blame, dissatisfaction with life, violent thoughts/actions, depression, self-inflicted violence

Criticize & Contradict Anger–fault-finding, insulting, censorious, taking everything amiss, complaining about others

Frank J. King Jr., N.D., D.C., is a nationally recognized researcher, author and lecturer on homeopathy, and the founder and director of King Bio Homeopathics, a registered pharmaceutical manufacturing company. Dr. King offers ongoing  CE seminars and a free copy of his turnkey procedural manual, which can be used with any homeopathic company’s product line. Call 800-543-3245, or email [email protected].