Seminar Circuit


Seminar Circuit



TAC Goes to the Palmer Homecoming Palmer Chiropractic College, Davenport, I

by Palmer Chiropractic College (PCC)


Nearly 1,500 attendees—alumni, their guests, students, prospective students, faculty and staff—enjoyed Palmer Homecoming 2009 on the Davenport Campus, Aug. 13-15. Alumni attendees earned up to 23 hours of continuing education credits, and there were special tracks for students and chiropractic office staff. A program packed with great presentations featured world renowned keynote speakers Bob Harper, fitness trainer on NBC’s The Biggest Loser, NCMIC Group Inc. President Louis Sportelli, D.C., and best-selling author and Wall Street Journal columnist Jeffrey Zaslow.

Attendees also took home leading edge advice from speakers such as Frank Sovinsky, D.C., presenting on “The Patient Centered Experience: A Plan for Thriving in Today’s Economy;” Thomas O’Bryan, D.C., with “The Neurological and Musculoskeletal Complications of Gluten Sensitivity;” Sarah Farrant, D.C., on “The New Wellness Care for Newborns, Kids and Pregnant Women;” Christine Goertz, D.C., Ph.D., about “Translational Research in Chiropractic;” and Jason Yusavage, D.C., on “Pediatric Adjusting.”

In addition, nine new members were inducted as Fellows of the Palmer Academy of Chiropractic during Homecoming.



Palmer-CampusThe three Palmer campus presidents, from left to right: Peter Martin, D.C., President of the Florida Campus; Donald Kern, D.C., President of the Davenport Campus; and William Meeker, D.C., M.P.H., President of the West Campus. (See ad on p. 70)









Palmer College of Chiropractic Board of Trustees Chairman Trevor Ireland, D.C. (left), Tracy Busch Pate, and Palmer’s Davenport Campus President Donald Kern, D.C., at the Saturday Night Festival.








Lora Tanis, D.C., D.I.C.C.P., is a 1989 graduate of Palmer’s Davenport Campus who practices in West Milford, NJ. She spoke on “The Effects of Intra-Uterine Constraint on a Developing Baby” during Palmer Homecoming 2009.








David Chubb, representing Neuromechanical Innovations, pictured with Tracy and TAC is among the 50+ vendors at the expo. The Impulse Adjusting Instruments® with three force settings set at 6Hz for a maximum duration of two seconds. With Impulse, faster and more efficient adjustments will be achieved!

(see ad on p. 15)







From Left to Right, Neil M. Peiman, C.E.O. CSSi, Tracy Busch Pate, TAC, Dr.John Davila, VP Corporate Compliance, CSSi, and Kathy O’Connor D.C. enjoy the festivities at Palmer College Homecoming Saturday night festival, along with other Alumni. (See ad on p. 70)





Davenport-CampusDavenport Campus President Donald Kern, D.C., introduces the Fellows in the Palmer Academy of Chiropractic who were inducted during Homecoming 2009. Seated from left are: Rolf Peters, D.C., M.C.Sc., F.I.C.C., F.A.C.C. (both he and his late wife, Mary Ann Chance, D.C., F.I.C.C., F.A.C.C., were inducted); Jerry Gerard, D.C.; Craig Gilbaugh, D.C., C.C.S.P., D.A.B.C.I.; Randy McCall, D.C.; Kirk Steketee, D.C., L.C.P. (Hon.); Kari Swain, D.C., D.I.C.C.P.; Mary Ann Zogg and Beth Zogg, D.C. (accepting the award on behalf of their late father and grandfather, Dr. J. Clay Thompson, D.C.); and Lance Vanderloo, D.C

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