Check Out Upcoming Seminars:
Bioderm Medical 1-727-522-2688 Learn Strategies to Expand Your Practice with LIGHT June 2008 Chiropractic Leadership Alliance 1-800-451-4514 The Masters Circle will jointly host a seminar with CLA and CLA’s sister company CWA March 28 & 29, Santa Clara
Convention Center Enzyme Formulations, Inc. 1-800-662-2630 June 7-8, Logan College of
Chiropractic, St. Louis, MO Dr. Peter Fernandez 1-800-882-4476 May 3-4, Orlando, FL “How to Boost Your Practice Revenues, Reduce Your Overhead & Attain Financial Independence” Foot Levelers 1-800-553-4860 Whole Body Family Care Dr. Laura Hanson April 5, Boston, MA ChiroPractical Rehab for Spinal Health and Wellness Dr. John Hyland April 26, Orlando, FL Spinal Disc Pathology—Imaging, Adjustive Techniques and Active Rehabilitation Drs. John Hyland and Margaret Seron April 12, St. Louis, MO The ASR Approach to Sports Injuries Dr. Kirk Lee April 5, Wilmington, DE SOT/Cranial Applications: Diagnosis and Treatment Dr. Kurt Larsen April 19, San Francisco, CA Practical Spinal and Extremity Adjusting Dr. Kevin Wong April 19, Colorado Springs, CO Freedom Awaits 1-866-662-2225 Take Your Decompress Practice to the Highest Level! Convert 95% Plus of Your New Patients and Get Paid 100%! Learn How to Transform Your Existing Insurance Based Practice into a Rewarding Cash Practice. You Can Have Total Practice Freedom. April 16-19, May 14-17, June 18-21, Fort Wayne, IN Matrix Repatterning 1-905-726-8770, Ext. 229 The Matrix Repatterning Intro course includes an introduction to the theory of cellular biomechanics, and a clinical workshop covering the assessment of the entire body, and treatment of key areas of injury. It will allow practitioners to begin to apply a basic level of treatment to help patients overcome many common structural conditions. Dr. George Roth, D.C., N.D. May 3, June 7, Sept. 27, Dec. 6, Aurora, ON, Canada Neuro Emotional Technique 1-800-888-4638/1-760-929-5980 NEXT April 10-11 & 12-13, Orlando, FL NET Advanced April 24-25 & 26-27, Chicago, IL April 30-May 3, Sedona, AZ Nutri-West 1-800-443-3333 Dr. Dan Murphy Nutritional Neurology April 5, East Elmhurst, NY Nutri-West Colorado 1-866-271-8888/
1-303-662-9997 Dr. Lynn Toohey Nutritional at Lunch April 17, Colorado Springs, CO Ulan Nutritional Systems 1-727-442-7101 Patient Management Secrets of a Million Dollar Nutritional Cash Practice Call for upcoming dates