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The Pro Sport Package is the MR4 Ultra with a
TQ Solo in one package

http://www.theamericanchiropractor.com/images/MR4ultra.jpgMulti Radiance Medical (MRM), an international laser therapy company, is pleased to announce the release of the Pro Sport Package.  The industry’s most advanced technology is offered to sports medicine clinicians to reduce pain and accelerate healing to get athletes back in the game faster.

Multi Radiance Medical engineered the ideal solution for athletes and the clinicians that care for their injuries.  The Pro Sport Package includes:

• The MR4 in-clinic laser therapy device with effective LaserShower and LaserStim emitter options.  Use them separately or together to speed up application time.  In fact, up to three emitters can be used on the MR4

• The TQ Solo portable laser therapy device for in-the-field requirements. 

These products are bundled together and offered at a special introductory price that makes the Pro Sport Package even more appealing. More information about the Pro Sport Package can be found at: http://www.multiradiance.com/ProSportPackage.php

New Technique Relieves Radicular Symptoms Including
Burning, Numbness and Weakness

http://www.theamericanchiropractor.com/images/newtec.jpgMany doctors find it difficult to treat radiating symptoms, especially numbness. Radicular symptoms include burning or radiating pain, numbness, paresthesia or weakness. These symptoms are often thought to be from disc protrusions, arthritic changes of the facets, or other pathology. Surprisingly, many doctors using the Pain Neutralization Technique report these symptoms are often due to muscular involvement, not discs. A specific type of pressure on paraspinal muscle reflexes consistently resolves many radiating syndromes, often in days. For more information, see www.painneutralization.com, or call Dr. Stephen Kaufman at 1-800-774-5078.

PureDefense w/NAC and PureDefense
Kids (chewable tablet)

http://www.theamericanchiropractor.com/images/pure.jpg• Activates natural killer (NK) cells, part of the body’s innate immune response, for rapid, non-specific first-line defense.
• Supports the adaptive immune response
via secretory IgA, B cell and T cell activity.

• Features EpiCor®, which demonstrated support for upper respiratory function and overall immune health in two double blind, placebo-controlled trials.

Call 1-800-753-2277 for more information or visit www.purecaps.com.

Neuromechanical Innovations’ Impulse Adjusting
Instruments First To Receive UL Listing

http://www.theamericanchiropractor.com/images/ul.jpgChandler, Arizona, based medical device manufacturer Neuromechanical Innovations (NMI), received the prestigious UL-Listing for its two chiropractic adjusting instruments, Impulse® and Impulse iQ® earlier this month from Underwriters Laboratories®, Inc. (UL).  Neuromechanical is the first and only manufacturer or distributor of chiropractic adjusting instruments to receive the UL-Listing mark and among few in the chiropractic industry with such designation.  Underwriters Laboratories is the recognized leader in independent product safety certification that has been testing products and writing standards for safety for more than a century.  The safety giant evaluates more than 19,000 types of products, components, materials and systems annually with 20 billion UL Marks appearing on 72,000 manufacturers’ products each year.

For more information on Neuromechanical Innovations, or the Impulse® or Impulse iQ® Adjusting Instruments, call 1-480-785-8448, email [email protected] or visit  www.neuromechanical.com.

Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega™ First Fish Oil to
Participate in NFL/NFLPA Sports Nutrition Label
Certification Program

http://www.theamericanchiropractor.com/images/uomega.jpgNordic Naturals is honored to be participating in the NFL/NFLPA Sports Nutrition Label Certification Program with its Ultimate Omega™ 120 soft gels. By participating in the program, Nordic Naturals’ fish oil product will be offered to NFL players. The certification program ensures that NFL athletes can enjoy Nordic Naturals fish oil without unknowingly consuming banned or prohibited substances or their metabolites. The certification program also verifies that participating products contain the actual quantity of ingredients listed on the label of the Certified Product. 

Ultimate Omega is the first fish oil worldwide to be included in the NFL/NFLPA Sports Nutrition Label Certification Program, which requires rigorous testing by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and provides certified products with an approval symbol on the packaging. It will be sold exclusively to NFL players through a special toll-free phone number. To learn more about the certification, see www.nnathletes.com.

Nordic Naturals is the international leader in omega-3 fish oils and essential fatty acid blends. For information, call 1-800-662-2544 or visit www.nordicnaturals.com.

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