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Sherman College Receives Warning
from Accrediting Body

SOUTH CAROLINA: Sherman College of Straight Chiropractic is in jeopardy of losing accreditation from the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.

College officials were told in December at a SACS conference that the school had been denied reaffirmation of accreditation and was placed on warning for six months, but they are still waiting for official notification of how to correct the problem. Sherman is currently the only public higher education institution in the Palmetto State with a “warning” status.

A “warning” is a public sanction imposed by SACS’ Commission on Colleges for failure to comply on time with a particular component of accreditation.

In Sherman’s case, the college has yet to comply with the Quality Enhancement Plan, according to Belle Wheelan, president of the Commission on Colleges.

The Quality Enhancement Plan, or QEP, must be created to show how student learning will be increased or enhanced, Wheelan said.

In June, the commission will conduct an on-site evaluation to reconsider the accreditation status of the school. It will determine one of four options: reaffirm accreditation and remove the warning status, continue a warning, be placed on probation, or remove the institution from membership with the Commission on Colleges.


Law to Practice Chiropractic Enacted in Italy

ITALY: The Associazione Italiana Chiropratici (AIC) has announced that, 17 years after the presentation of the first law proposal for professional recognition, on December 21, 2007, chiropractic was recognized by the Italian Parliament as a primary health care profession. For more than three decades, the AIC has led a determined struggle to secure this vitally important legal recognition for chiropractic, in the face of equally determined medical opposition.

After years of unsuccessful attempts at professional recognition, an amendment concerning chiropractic, inserted into the annual budget law, finally opened the door of Italy’s nationalized healthcare system to Doctors of Chiropractic.

“The entire world of chiropractic salutes the Associazione Italiana Chiropratici on this historic milestone for chiropractic,” said ICA President Dr. John Maltby. “We at the ICA deeply respect and appreciate the efforts of all involved and offer our most sincere congratulations.

“Our colleagues in Italy can now move forward to build chiropractic to even greater levels in Italy with official recognition having been secured. Their efforts have added significantly to making chiropractic a truly global profession,” said Dr. Maltby.

ICA News


Chiropractor Loses License

MICHIGAN: The Michigan Department of Community Health (MDCH) has immediately suspended the chiropractic license of Rosemary A. Pushies, D.C., based on her felony conviction in the United States District Court, Western District of Michigan.

On July 12, 2007, Pushies was convicted of one count of health care fraud, a felony. As a result, Pushies was sentenced to imprisonment for a period of six months, followed by two years of supervised release with terms, and ordered, to pay fines, costs and restitution in the amount of $148,284.18.

On Dec. 10, 2007, MDCH issued an order summarily suspending Pushies’ license pursuant to the Public Health Code which provides for the mandatory summary suspension of a health professional upon the conviction of a felony. An administrative hearing will be scheduled to address the status of Pushies’ chiropractic license.


 Patients File Complaints about Flat-fee Contracts

KANSAS: Do a doctor and his patients have a different relationship than a gym and its customers?

The Kansas Board of Healing Arts’ legal staff says yes.

Wichita chiropractor Bradley Eck and his lawyer say no.

The difference of opinion has led to a 10-count petition against Eck, alleging unprofessional conduct that violates the state’s healing arts act.

The petition stems from the experiences of 13 of Eck’s chiropractic patients and the investigations that followed their complaints to the board. It asks the board to agree with the allegations and discipline Eck. Punishment could range from fines to license revocation.

The case likely won’t be resolved until early 2009.

The dispute centers on Eck’s use of flat-fee contracts, his refusal to cancel them and whether they’re appropriate in a doctor-patient relationship. The contracts set an up-front charge for a series of treatments. The charge is the same whether a patient ultimately gets no treatments or many.

Both sides say that, to their knowledge, this is the first time such a case has been considered in Kansas.

The Wichita Eagle

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