Your Present Technique Works Better than You Think it Does

Today we have a lot of procedures and techniques available to help our patients. As chiropractors, we try to figure out what is the best approach for each of our patients and apply our skills to assist the body in its natural healing process.

So, what is the best technique for your patients?

The answer, of course, is the one that helps the patient get better. And that could mean more than one technique if the condition is complex, compromised, and/or multi-layered. Most of the techniques available today are great, and many of them dovetail together in an incredible way to help us address other factors (… there may be more than one) that can contribute to a patient’s ill health.

Many chiropractors use a model called the Triad of Health, which lists the structural, biochemical, and emotional components of a patient’s condition.

D.D. Palmer, educated us with these principles when he said, “The determining causes of disease are traumatism, poison, and autosuggestion.”1 In D.D.’s time traumatism referred to the structural side, poisons referred to biochemical issues, and autosuggestion was how they talked about the emotional component of health.

It’s important to note that sometimes more than one side of the triad can contribute to our patients’ problems. A simplified analogy could be made using a plant in your garden that’s not doing too well. You know it needs good soil, water, and sunlight to properly grow. You notice it’s a bit root bound and re-plant it in a bigger container with good soil. However, this doesn’t seem to help very much. You give it the proper amount of water and, still, it fails to thrive. Finally, you decide to move it to a different location, changing the amount of natural sunlight it receives and, voila, it begins to respond and flourishes into the beautiful specimen it was naturally meant to be. In this case, addressing more than one factor helped the other elements work even better!

Finding the Techniques to Help Your Patients.

First of all, do what you normally do. If optimum health is restored, you probably don’t need to investigate the situation any further. However, if you find yourself doing the same thing every visit and the patient’s condition is stalled out, you may want to consider other techniques in the Structural-Biochemical-Emotional model of the Triad of Health.

I. The Structural Side of the Triad. As chiropractors, we are experts in this area. We’ve been highly trained in working with the structural side of a patient’s condition and know the results are usually dramatic when the patient’s only need is a chiropractic adjustment. Ongoing training and continuing education offer us new approaches and many excellent techniques to enhance our skills in delivering the miraculous and often life-changing structural correction that is the backbone of our profession. If you feel you need more structural support, check almost anywhere (this journal, the internet, conferences, talk to other practitioners, etc.) and you’ll most likely find more valuable tools to add to your healthcare toolbox. The good news is that the structural techniques you’re presently using are probably working better than you think, and they may only need to be “supercharged” by addressing another side of the Triad.

II. The Biochemical Side of the Triad. This is an area where many of us are very knowledgeable. We know good nutrition is essential and that the body’s vitamin and mineral balance is key in the overall natural healing process. We also know that toxins (internal and external) can influence our patient’s response to healthcare. Again, there are many seminars available that offer techniques that can help us address this side of the Triad. Sometimes, having your patients keep a nutritional diary of what they intake and how they feel can identify problem areas. Just taking a look at sugar intake/metabolism (blood sugar) and addressing vitamin B deficiencies can sometimes produce the miracle result that pulls what you’re already doing all together. Homeopathy is also often helpful in supporting stressed and toxic systems in the body.

III. The Emotional Side of the Triad. This refers to the emotional/physiological response or, said more simply, the mind/body component of health. Here, in chiropractic practice in the last century, is where the symmetry of the equilateral triangle often falls short. For most chiropractors, the chemistry of the aberrant emotional response and its physical manifestations are often difficult to diagnose. Left unaddressed, this can produce a Triad of Health that is grossly out-of-balance.

While the full process of the emotional/physiological response in the body is healthy, it can sometimes be interrupted and fail to reach full completion. When this happens, outside similar circumstances can trigger a conditioned emotional response.2 Just as Pavlov’s dog linked the sound of a bell with being fed, events and situations in life can trigger chronic mind/body responses in our patients. In fact, it’s very possible that those stubborn recurrent subluxations you see in your office (You know, the T4 you adjust on Mrs. Jones every time she comes in.) have a mind/body component. Neuro Emotional Technique® (NET) is one of the techniques available that can help the chiropractor quickly identify if there’s a mind/body component connected to a chronic subluxation, and offers a correction method (using a specific chiropractic adjustment) that can be performed in 3-5 minutes.

As an example, let’s revisit Mrs. Jones’ chronic T4. Using muscle testing, we start with a strong muscle in the clear. Then we contact T4, and the muscle test is weak, indicating there’s a problem in this area. Now, while still contacting T4, we add (2-point) the Emotional Neurovascular Reflex3 (located bilaterally, halfway between the eyebrows and the natural hairline, directly above the pupils) and retest to find the muscle test has now changed to strong. This is indicative of a mind/body component that is very likely re-triggering this chronic subluxation. We correct by first finding a liver meridian associated with anger (about her present-day job), and then we make a specific chiropractic adjustment that’s related to the liver.4 Retesting T4, we now find the muscle test is strong. Even more exciting, the next time Mrs. Jones comes in, T4 is holding fine, and she feels great physically, as well as doesn’t mind going to work now!

How does that work? NET dovetails many principles, including acupuncture, chiropractic, general semantics, muscle testing, neurology, and psychology, in a laser-like diagnostic and treatment approach that has benefited tens of thousands of grateful patients with better health and well being. NET utilizes the principle that muscles move bones, rather than bones move muscles. And emotions can move muscles. Science has demonstrated emotions are physiologically based (rather than psychologically) and have a pronounced effect on striated and non-striated muscles. When asked by Bill Moyers where emotion “is,” renowned scientist Candace Pert, Ph.D., provided a succinct answer: The old barriers between brain and body are breaking down.… The chemicals that mediate emotion and the receptors for those chemicals are found in almost every cell in the body.5

NET was has been taught to thousands of chiropractors around the world and is effective in a wide variety of conditions (see research at NET was never developed as a stand-alone technique, but rather as a supercharger for your present techniques. NET is a safe, effective, and natural way to quickly resolve long-standing physical problems that have an emotional component.

Supercharging Your Results

In the initial phase of using any technique, the practitioner has no choice but to have faith in its efficacy. If the practitioner puts his/her faith in a technique, learns how to do the procedure, and trusts the muscle testing, it will not be long until he/she will get the satisfaction of results. Results are the final standard!

The practitioner must keep in mind that medicine, nutrition, homeopathy, acupuncture, etc., have never healed one person; the only thing that ever healed anybody is the inherent life force. The practitioner’s art is to clear the way for this life energy by using whatever “tools” are available. This labor is a high calling, a high duty, a privilege. By honoring that which heals, then, and only then, the practitioner can be fulfilled in life. If each moment in the office is service-directed, without thought of monetary gain, intuitions may flood in, right words occur, and satisfaction will descend upon the healer.

Dr. Scott Walker graduated from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1965 and developed Neuro Emotional Technique® (NET) in the early 1980’s. Dr. Walker is also the developer of a line of homeopathic products, NET Remedies, and the co-owner of The Home Run Practice, a practice management approach that uses NET.

Dr. Deb Walker graduated from Los Angeles College of Chiropractic in 1978 and is the co-developer of N.E.T., Inc. Dr. Deb is the company’s CEO and one of the instructors for the NET seminars.

For seminar information, visit or call 1-800-888-4638. E-mail the Walkers at [email protected].


1. Palmer, DD, The Science, Art and Philosophy of Chiropractic, Portland Printing House Co., 1910, pg. 359.

2. Walther, D, Applied Kinesiology, The Advanced Approach in Chiropractic, Systems DC, 1976, pg. 5.

3. Reber, A, and Reber, E, The Penguin Dictionary of Psychology, Penguin Books, 1985, pg.142.

4. Walker, S, NET Basic Seminar Manual, N.E.T., Inc., 1988.

5. Pert, C, with Bill Moyers, Body and Soul, Spring 1993, pg. 48.


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