Adjusting the Holographic Body Part Three: Locating and correcting emotional subluxations

If the body is sick, the mind worries and the spirit grieves; if the mind is sick, the body and spirit will suffer from its confusion; if the spirit is sick, there will be no will to care for the body or mind. – J.R. Worsley

Posture of subluxation (POS)

In Parts one and two we discussed how some subluxations can only be accessed (and adjusted) when the patient is in a certain physical or emotional posture (the Posture of Subluxation or POS). We have already discussed locating the physical POS; here we are going to discuss how to locate the emotional POS.


A simple protocol

How do we locate an “emotional” subluxation? There are various protocols that may be used. Here is a simple one.

First, clear the patient of subluxations while they are in their typical physical and emotional postures (lying on a table and relaxed).

In order to access information from the body we need a biofeedback method. The body has many biofeedback indicators that various disciplines (AK, DNFT, Truscott, Activator, Toftness, etc.) use and any of them will work. Koren Specific Technique (KST) uses the occipital/mastoid drop (OD) as a binary biofeedback indicator to access information. The OD can be used when the patient is in any physical/emotional posture.

Let’s say you determine (using a biofeedback device) that a recent car accident was emotionally traumatic and is a priority for correction. How do we proceed?

 How do we locate an “emotional” subluxation?

First, put the patient in the emotional posture of the accident. Do this by asking the patient to think of the accident. You’ll be surprised to discover that the patient you “cleared out” is now subluxated.

Now, correct their subluxations while they are in the accident POS. KST analysis and correction does this quickly and easily.

Now, if you put the patient back in the accident POS and go through the same procedure—they should be clear, no subluxations.

Are you finished?

Probably not. Emotional traumas usually have more than one posture. For example, have them think about the pain the accident caused. This is a new POS and they are probably subluxated as they think of the pain. Analyze and adjust. Next, have them think about the financial loss from lost work; the medical bills; how the pain/disability interferes with their lives; the damage to the car, etc. You can even ask them to imagine or actually have them hold their hands as if on the steering wheel, remember the terror of the impending impact, etc. Was there an earlier car accident that needs clearing out? Are they blaming themselves for the accident? Check and correct.

So you see, we are trying to elicit an OD in as many different emotional postures as we can. The patient will probably have some suggestions of his/her own.


Another example

Let’s assume the issue is the patient’s divorce. Ask the patient to think about his divorce. He’ll be subluxated. Adjust him. Ask him to think about his divorce again. There should be no subluxations.

Now, ask him to think about his ex-wife. He’ll probably subluxate again. Adjust him. Next ask the patient to think of his ex-wife again. There should be no subluxations.

Are you finished?

Probably not. Tell the patient, “Think about what it felt like when you decided to divorce.” Chances are the patient will re-subluxate. Analyze and adjust.

Try other emotional postures. Tell him to think about how the divorce affected the children, how it affected him financially, his feelings of disappointment, failure, betrayal, shame, etc.


Surrounding the dragon

Events often have many emotional postures. Go through a number of them until you simply cannot elicit an OD (occipital drop or positive biofeedback response) from the patient. Dr. Scott Walker, developer of Neuro Emotional Technique (NET), has a procedure known as “Surrounding the Dragon” in which the patient repeats many phrases related to the emotional issue (neuro emotional complex) until the patient no longer subluxates when that emotional event is recalled.


Original event

Dr. Walker developed a comprehensive flow chart for locating “hot” emotional issues. He uses the meridian system of Chinese medicine to determine which emotion is the priority. Meridians are energy channels that are associated with various body organs and emotional qualities. For example, the kidney meridian relates to fear, the lung meridian relates to grief, etc.

After locating the specific event or person causing the emotion, Dr. Walker locates an “original” event associated with this emotion. As the patient thinks of the event or “snapshot,” he adjusts the spinal segments corresponding to the meridian.

With KST, we can use Dr. Walker’s flow chart to discover the original emotion and event that is causing the person to subluxate. We can use other protocols, as well, or make up our own. While the person thinks of the emotion/event that creates subluxations he/she is checked and adjusted. With KST we usually find the left and right greater wings of the sphenoid subluxate in various POS.


That’s it

It’s that simple. KST doctors are reporting great results using this simple procedure.


What’s next?

The posture of subluxation (POS) is not limited to physical or emotional states.

Being state specific, we find that many different and diverse health conditions will exhibit a posture of subluxation (POS). For example, KST doctors have discovered subluxation postures dealing with allergies. dyslexia, vision, weight loss, bad habits and other postures of subluxation.

We will discuss allergies, weight loss, smoking and other self-destructive habits in Part Four.


Koren Specific Technique, developed by Tedd Koren, DC, is a quick and easy way to locate and correct subluxations anywhere in the body. It is gentle on the patient and the doctor. KST practitioners can even analyze and adjust themselves. For seminar information, go to or call 1-800-537-3001. Write to Dr. Koren at [email protected].

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