Ask the Advisor Q&A with Lisa and Larry

Ask the Advisor Q&A with Lisa and Larry

by Larry Goodman, D.C.


Q: What can I do to bring more money into my practice?

A: Bringing more money into a practice usually means one of two things, possibly both: increasing the number of patients or increasing reimbursement per visit. If bringing in more patients is the answer, then new marketing programs would be effective. There are marketing programs out there anywhere from $50 to $3,000. There is a marketing program out there that uses the Internet search engines to bring you more patients, which ranges from $50.00 to $200.00 per month. There are also many companies out there that are willing to take you on a small term contract, just remember that when taking on a new vendor negotiate terms on every level. When talking to marketing companies, we feel that they are really quick to try and sell us something. Did you know that there are many companies out there that will do a complimentary marketing analysis? It is always helpful to see your practice through somebody else’s eyes. Allow yourself to get a free marketing analysis and ask what else the company offers.

Reimbursement per visit is usually not the same for every practice. It is important to understand the patients’ diagnosis’ and symptomology while keeping in mind what other services they may need. At the same time, it is important to keep in mind the payer mix that your practice has. There are some questions to ask yourself in order to determine what would enhance revenue for your office. Ask yourself how many types of products and services you send out to other doctors. Are there any of those things that can remain in house? There are a few things that you need to know:

You need to know how many patient visits you are doing a week

Insurance Plans that your patients are on (to make sure you are able to get on those plans)

Have you surveyed your patients to see if they would be able to utilize the services of an MD?

Q: I’m thinking of bringing an MD into my office. What are some things that I need to know before doing this?

A: Be aware of your cash flow. Be prepared to set up a budget, get information and do a cross analysis of how much a doctor is going to cost you. Know the hourly rate for a doctor and include the cost of malpractice insurance, and understand that the doctor will not be paying for him/herself for at lease 90 to 120 days.

Q: How can I cut my overhead without cutting service and efficiency?

A: There are a lot of programs out there that will actually increase efficiency and cut overhead. For example, one of the things that we recommend is an automated phone service that will actually confirm appointments for you. This alone will cut your administrative staff by 20 hours a week. This is also the time to look around your office and track your expenses so that you can try to save some money. Something that might seem very simple like changing a malpractice carrier can actually save you up to 25% to 30% alone.

Q: I am frustrated in my office because I am having a hard time with my collections and my colleagues have suggested that I search for a billing company. What are some of the things to look for in a billing company; they all seem so much alike?

A: First of all, the one question that everyone asks a billing company is what the percentage that they keep is. The percentage is important, but do not get fooled by a low percentage. Low percentage could mean low service. You want to know what the percentage is and if they collect, you have to make sure that they not only bill but they also collect. When you interview billing companies, find out what their appeals process is and if you are able to access that information at any time. Also, ask if they give you anything free, some billing companies will throw in an EMR system at no cost.


larry_goodmanDr. Larry Goodman is a chiropractor and a psychologist who has been doing consulting and practice management for 15 years. He also works for the University of Miami. He is also the clinical director of Physicians Choice Concierge, which is a company specializing in revenue enhancement for chiropractors, medical doctors, and multi disciplinary practices across the nation.

Lisa Goldberg is the executive director of Physicians Choice Concierge (PCC) and All Care Consultants.

Dr. Goodman is the lead advisor for PCC, a company specializing in revenue enhancement for chiropractors, medical doctors, and multi disciplinary practices across the nation. All Care Consultants specializes in physician staffing and placement. If you have a question you’d like Lisa and Larry to answer in an upcoming issue, email to: lisa@allcare

Editor’s Memo

You find how to identify and resolve scoliosis much more effectively and thoroughly as well as  many other extreme health challenges! On the cover is Dr. Gary Deutchman and Dr. Marc Lamantia who have written a book called A Home Educators Guide to Scoliosis, which is a book that helps teach parents how to screen their children at home for Scoliosis and Kyphosis. Tracy’s daughter, Marlaina, age 17, can be found on pp. 24-26, where you can read about her first case study with Dr. Dennis Woggon at the St. Cloud Clear Institute! Dr. Woggon is constantly using new techniques and strategies to improve the curve in young and old spines. Sometimes, when not used correctly, chiropractic can actually be contraindicative when Chiropractors have the best of intentions. Othertimes, Scoliosis and all health challenges take a lot of continued care and oftentimes many different techniques used together are the best solution! For this reason, in the next issue, TAC will also have some candid pictures of our visit to NY to see Dr. Deutchman and Dr. Lamantia, at Scoliosis Systems, who will be fitting Marlaina with a SpineCor Brace to further improve and stabilize the curve in her back between visits to see Dr. Woggon. See the fun pictures below of Marlaina and Tracy’s trip below to MN to see Dr. Woggon, on our second visit and while there we stopped in on Core Products and got an unexpected adventure with Phil Mattison!!

For chiropractic.

Tracy Busch Pate, BA

Managing Editor

Jaclyn Busch Touzard, BA

Executive Editor / [email protected]

The Scoliosis Care Foundation Calls on the Chiropractic Profession for Help

The Scoliosis Care Foundation Calls on the Chiropractic Profession for Help



Dr. Mark Lamantia (Left) and Dr. Gary Deutchman (Right)


THE SCOLIOSIS CARE FOUNDATION IS A recognized 501(c)3 organization dedicated to improving education, treatment and diagnosis of scoliosis. The Foundation is calling upon the chiropractic profession to become more involved with public education programs and is offering materials such as Slide Presentations, screening forms and continuing education opportunities for the treatment of scoliosis. New for 2009, the Foundation has created The Scoliosis Awareness Program. This 90 minute, parent-oriented slide show is available from your Chiropractic State Association, or directly from the website. The Foundation’s Science Advisor, Marc J. Lamantia, D.C., D.A.C.N.B., is currently seeking chiropractors who are interested in becoming regional representatives for the Foundation, as well as assisting in a multi-clinic study to document the chiropractic profession’s ability to co-manage cases, without the need for orthotist/orthopedist intervention. History: Dr. Gary Deutchman founded the SCF in 2001 because of his belief the watch and wait approach to early detection was harming the future well-being of our children. From a clinical standpoint, if chiropractors co-manage cases when curvatures are below 20 degrees (Cobb), “oftentimes we can keep that curvature from worsening and, in most cases, reduce the curvature in a signifi cant manner,” says Deutchman. With nearly 25 years of clinical experience and 10 years of full-time scoliosis care, Dr. Deutchman is confi dent chiropractors are the best providers to manage scoliosis. Currently, Dr. Deutchman co-manages 100% of his cases with other chiropractors in an attempt to offer the most appropriate care possible. Deutchman says, “I know I can offer patients certain aspects of their necessary care, like Spinecor bracing and exercise training, but I co-manage cases with other chiropractors who can offer things I can’t, such as Chiropractic Neurology, weekly chiropractic adjustments, cervical and pelvic realignment, things that need to be done day in and day out.” The Scoliosis Care Foundation is making available the Scoliosis Awareness Program in an attempt to make more families aware that chiropractors can offer comprehensive care to patients with scoliosis. To become more involved with the foundation or to make a donation, visit Doctors interested in becoming regional representative for the Foundation can email their CV’s to [email protected]. In the News: The Congress of the Chiropractic State Associations (COCSA) has announced it is adopting the Scoliosis Awareness Program as a National Outreach Project. COCSA’s board of directors voted to join forces with the Scoliosis Care Foundation in offering all chiropractic state associations access to educational materials from the Foundation. Dr. Gary Deutchman, Director and Founder, believes scoliosis is being mismanaged by the current healthcare system. According to the COCSA President, Dr. Jeff Fedorko, “COCSA supports this project because scoliosis curvatures are being missed by school systems that rely solely on the Adams test. Current standards of care do not include chiropractic management, and orthopedic approaches offer few options.” Commonly, children and adolescents diagnosed with scoliosis do not have pain and will only exhibit minor postural changes in the early stages of the condition. This makes better screening procedures essential to early detection. Furthermore, only 26 states currently mandate scoliosis screening in the public schools. According to Dr. Deutchman, “This leaves literally millions of children without adequate screening.” Although scoliosis progression slows after the pubertal growth spurt, curvature progression in adulthood is common. It’s also very common for adults with scoliosis to have chronic pain syndromes, dizzi ness, digestive problems, and early spinal degeneration. Dr. Deutchman and Dr. Lamantia teach CE accredited courses designed to help chiropractors offer better care plans to adults and adolescents with scoliosis. Chiropractors interested in taking these seminars can contact the Foundation to fi nd out when and where sponsored continuing education is available. Currently, both Dr. Lamantia and Dr. Deutchman are Adjunct Faculty at Life West Chiropractic College and New York Chiropractic College. Upcoming seminar dates can be viewed at either Colleges’ website or The Scoliosis Care Foundation is providing. at no charge, an Adobe Acrobat fi le format presentation to all chiropractic state associations to distribute to their membership. The slide presentation is designed for the chiropractor to present to parents in his or her own community. The presentation will help teach parents how to become better observers of their child’s posture. For more information, visit the Scoliosis Care Foundation website at www. or call the Foundation at 1-800-391-8837.

Whole Body Vibration and Scoliosis Treatment

Whole Body Vibration and Scoliosis Treatment

by Christian H. Reichardt, D.C.


OVER THE LAST CENTURY, CHIROPRACTORS HAVE COME UP WITH A variety of protocols for some of the milder forms of scoliosis as well as a number of stabilization therapies to prevent the catastrophic outcomes of severe scoliosis. This article will not concern itself with the discussion of the more severe form of the disorder, nor with the philosophical reasoning of whether chiropractic is the treatment of choice. However, I shall outline how Whole Body Vibration can assist the practitioner in the field and their patients in their efforts to treat scoliosis. Most doctors today agree that sensible Scoliosis treatment protocols are clearly geared towards mobilization, correction and stabilization.

Treatment Concepts

The concave side of the scoliosis pattern typically presents itself with shortened, tight and connective tissue fibers, decreased ROM, osseous fixation and hypo-mobility, often leading to chronic pain. The convex side, alternatively, often presents itself as hyper-mobile, with fi bers which are overstretched and lack integrity or strength, often causing the acute pain cycles. The primary goal of treatment, thus, should be to increase motion fi rst in the fi xated areas, then stabilize the hypermobile areas. Research by Prof. Vladimir Janda, MD, showed that a patient’s awareness of their position in the 3-dimensional room is of great importance in the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders. This falls under the category of proprioceptive training and occurs in the stabilization phase.

Whole Body Vibration (WBV)

Whole Body Vibration is a modality in which a mechanical stimulation is produced by an oscillatory motion of a platform. The user is then placed on the platform. The motion of the platform creates a rapid acceleration/deceleration motion of the body part aligned with the stroke motion of the platform. Any tissue directly in line with the motion of the platform is now exposed to a rapid loading and unloading. This creates a physiologic response in those tissues equivalent to exercising. Basically, WBV produces an adaptive response in tissues and this response is both morphological as well as neurophysiological. Forty years of research has clearly demonstrated that these adaptive responses can be utilized to either loosen tissues by lengthening muscle fi bers or to strengthen muscles. WBV drastically reduces the time required to achieve these physiological outcomes; a proper WBV work out routine requires as little as 12-15 minutes training per ession, at 2 to 3 times per week intervals.

Physics of WBV

The intensity of the vibrations is determined by 3 factors: amplitude, frequency and magnitude of the motion. The height of each movement determines the amplitude, generally expressed in mm. The rate of oscillation per second determines the frequency, which is usually listed as Hertz (Hz); i.e., 10 Hz represent 10 oscillations per second. The rise of each scillation determines the magnitude, typically expressed in g-forces. Most research studies have focused on ranges from 10 to 50 Hz, which is considered low frequency, low amplitude vibration. Mechanical platforms tend to displace anywhere from 3 to 10 mm and produce acceleration factors of 1.8 to 15g, depending on the manufacturer.

WBV and Scoliosis Treatment

A number of doctors around the country have already created specialized protocols incorporating various combinations of WBV, traction and rehab exercises in the treatment of scoliosis.1 As mentioned above, the purpose of scoliosis treatment is to

a) Improve the pliability in the areas which are too rigid

b) Reposition the osseous structures via manipulation.

c) Improve strength and power in the tissues which lack strength.

d) Stabilize the structures, and

e) Improve the patient’s proprioceptive abilities.

WBV can help limbering and loosening tight tissues.

The vibrating impulses stimulate the Golgi tendon apparatus in muscles that have become tight and constricted. This activates a stretch and release reflex similar to the mechanisms used in the PNF (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Technique), resulting in a high measure of muscular relaxation.2 Secondly, WBV helps to strengthen tissues. Vibration stimulates innate muscle spindle activation by increasing the load on the tissue. This rapid continual fi ring is known as the Tonic Vibratory Refl ex. It is regulated via spinal refl ex arc not unlike the Knee Jerk Refl ex. Years of  research of WBV have shown marked improvements in static, dynamic and explosive strength and power.3 Finally, the body responds to Whole.

  1. Clear Institute for treatment of Scoliosis- www.
  2. A-Acute Effects of Whole-Body Vibration on Lower Body Flexibility and Strength. Patricia A. Burns1; Kristina S. Beekhuizen1,2; Patrick L. Jacobs, FACSM1,2. University of Miami School of Medicine, Miami FL. 2) Miami VA.
  3. Effects of whole-body vibration and pnf stretching on the flexibility and range of movement in elite Australian Rules football players Ben Hinton1, John Quinn2, Michael Newton1, and Michael McGuigan11Edith Cowan University, AU.
  4. WILL WHOLE-BODY VIBRATION TRAINING HELP INCREASE THE RANGE OF MOTION OF THE HAMSTRINGS? ROLAND VAN DEN TILLAAR. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 2006, 20(1), 192–196q 2006 National Strength & Conditioning Association.
  5. Acute whole body vibration training increases vertical jump and flexibility performance in elite female field hockey players. D Cochrane and S Stannard, Massey University, Sport and Exercise, Palmerston North, New Zealand.  Br J Sports Med. 2005 November; 39(11): 860–865. doi: 10.1136/bjsm.2005.01995.
  6. Effect of WBV on musclestrength and propri ception in females with knee osteoarthritis.  Trans T, Aaboe J, Henricksen M, Christensen R, Bliddal H, Lund H.  Clinical Motor Function Laboratory, The Parker Institute, Frederiksberg Hospital, Denmark.

How to Relieve a Headache in Seconds on One Patient after Another!

How to Relieve a Headache in Seconds on One Patient after Another!

by Dr. Stephen Kaufman, D.C.


I HAD A CONSTANT HEADACHE FROM BIRTH UNTIL THE AGE OF TWENTY-THREE, SO I’VE HAD A LIFElong interest in this topic. My mother was also frequently incapacitated with migraines, and died at a young age, possibly of a stroke. (Female migraine sufferers with aura are seven times more likely to have a stroke than women who don’t get migraines.17)

Continue reading “How to Relieve a Headache in Seconds on One Patient after Another!”


In This Issue….

In this challenging time of our economy, it is of the utmost importance for all of us in theMemo chiropractic field to ensure that we are as educated and compliant as we can be to better the profession as a whole. For this reason, we have dedicated our March issue to this idea.Jaclyn and I grew in our understanding from our recent visit to the Homecoming at Northwestern Health Sciences University to learn more about what the incoming Tri I students require vs. the more experienced chiropractors coming back to renew their foundation! See the pictures below and on pages 50 and 52 of wonderful happenings and some of the people who celebrated this event with us!Turn to page 24 to read our feature interview with Jeff Fedorko, DC, the president of COCSA and then on pages 28 and 30, you can read about the perceptions of each of the chiropractic colleges and how they are thriving in spite of the down economy!

For chiropractic,


Tracy Busch Pate, BA

Managing Edito

Jaclyn Busch Touzard, BA

Executive Editor

[email protected]



Northwestern Health sciences university 2009 homecoming

Wearing red hats in honor of the late Bill Harris, DC, a long time benefactor of NW, who passed away in Nov. 2008, Mark Zeigler, DC , President of NW, delivered a speech thanking donors for reaching their goal of over $23 million, and cut the ribbon to dedicate the newly completed Wolfe-Harris Center for Excellence.


Dr. Charles Sawyer, NWHSU Senior VP, Dr. David Stussy, Ms. Shelley Cygan, Integrity Mgmt, Dr. Lee Hudson, NWHSU Board of Trustees, Dr. Mark Zeigler, President of NWHSU, Dr. Dana Mackison, Performance Health/BioFreeze/Theraband, Mr. Kent Greenawalt, President, Foot Levelers, Inc., Mr. Charles DuBois, President, Standard Process, Inc., Dr. Vivi-Ann Fischer, NWHSU Board of Trustees, Dr. David Foti, NWHSU Board of Trustees, Mr. James McDonald, NWHSU VP Administrative Services & CFO,(not pictured, Mr. Marshall Dahneke, President, Performance Health/BioFreeze/Theraband)


NWHSU President Mark Zeigler shows a warm welcome to  Tracy and Jaclyn at the start of the  Homecoming Banquet Friday night Brady Forseth, NWHSU Chief Development Officer, greets Tracy and Jaclyn at the Homecoming Banquet.

Your Letters, E-mails and Comments

Dear TAC,

Concerning the best strategy for dealing with an investigator whether it is from the insurance industry or the local D.A., most doctors will not have intimate knowledge and experience of dealing with the fine points of the rules and law. DJ Osborne suggests that a doctor rely on creating goodwill. By the time the insurance or D.A. investigator shows up at a doctor’s office, the most likely scenario is that the target has already been painted squarely on that doctor’s back. Trying to negotiate this mine field without proper defensive skills can easily lead to greater peril.

I always played straight down the middle when it came to insurance billing and when dealing with patients and their financial issues. Therefore I was completely taken by surprise to find my office full of people with badges and guns one day a few years ago. Since I was sure that I had done nothing wrong I figured I could explain the mistake and it would all go away. I didn’t realize that everything I said was going to be twisted to suit the job advancement opportunities of the investigator and had little or nothing to do with truth or fact finding. I was properly advised to quit talking and make them prove through legal channels that I had done something inappropriate.

What did I learn?

I had been using an electronic chart-noting system so my records were coherent and legible. Ultimately this helped make it difficult to make a case against me because those records were so clear and treatment dates, type of service and billing all matched. Had I been relying on hand-written notes, I am sure the investigation would not have gone away so easily.

Find the best lawyer you can and let him or her do the talking. A friend recommended an attorney who was very experienced with insurance and state board issues and I paid about $45,000 over three years. I consider this money well spent to have the issue go away with no charges ultimately being filed.

The system will be very impersonal and, like I said, needs to be fed. To avoid being prey, you can’t look like prey. That doesn’t mean a person needs to be rude, but politely let them know that this will not be easy for them and that, if they want to make a case, they are going to have to work for it.




Daniel Schlenger, DC

January 26, 2009

Seminar Circuit

Northwestern Health Sciences University 2009 Homecoming.

There are currently 15 members of Northwestern’s Board of Trustees. Members of the Board of Trustees serve as ultimate fiduciaries for the University in their oversight of institutional affairs in accord with the Bylaws of the University and as implemented through periodic statements of mission and purpose and institutional plans. Each trustee is elected to a three-year term.


The NWHS 2009, Board of Trustees, Kari Larson, BS, Richard Zarmbinski, DC, Lee S. Hudson, DC, DABCO, Tamara Timmons Taylor, L.Ac., Robert A. Servais, DC, FIACN, DABCC, Vivi-Ann R. Fischer, DC, Susan Marty-Eldridge, DC, Jay M. Greenberg, DC, David J. Foti, DC, David Valentini, Scott D. Munsterman, DC, Mark Zeigler, DC, Kenneth B. Heithoff, MD pose for a picture displaying The American Chiropractor Magazine! (not pictured David Taylor, PhD, Mr. Mahendra Nath and Kent J. Erickson, DC).






Northwestern Health Sciences University 2009 Homecoming

The American Chiropractor recently attended The Northwestern Health Sciences University 2009 Homecoming, in Bloomington, MN, this past February 6th through February 8th, 2009. Take a look and hope to see you next time!




Lloyd Steffensmeyier of the Lloyd Table Company, Tracy, Jaclyn and J. Michael Hunter enjoy meeting to discuss the 1st day’s happenings at the Homecoming.

Charlie Dubois, President of Standard Process, Inc., Randy Mages DC, of MN & winner of the George Goodheart AK Scholarship (SP funded) and Tracy Foley, Independent Sales Representative.

Tracy and Jaclyn met Rick Thuli, President of Thuli Tables at the Homecoming Banquet, Friday night when seated at the same table.



Loren Martin of Practice Opportunities, Inc. takes a photo opp with the girls of The American Chiropractor in the vendor hall! Dr. Michael Wiles, NWHSU Interim Provost, poses with Tracy outside of the Board of Trustees meeting

Chondromalacia Patellae

Chondromalacia Patellae

by Dr. Terry R. Yochum, D.C.; D.A.C.B.R.; Fellow, A.C.C.R. and Dr. Chad J. Maola, D.C.


History: This adult female patient presents with chronic knee pain.


Diagnosis: Chondromalacia patellae. Observe the loss of the retropatellar joint space, osteophytes, and sclerosis. Note the smooth, concave anterior femoral erosion (arrow), caused by mechanical extrinsic pressure of the superior patellar osteophyte.



Chondromalacia patellae is the term applied to the syndrome of pain and crepitus arising from the patellofemoral articulation. As a distinct entity, it was first described by Budinger in 1906. Plain film radiography is, for the most part, unrewarding and usually acts to exclude other underlying pathologic alterations.1


Clinical Features:

Considerable confusion exists as to the actual nature and significance of the lesion in the diagnosis and delineation of its true etiology. The term chondromalacia patellae is often haphazardly used to encompass a wide variety of patellofemoral syndromes, and this has contributed greatly to the confusion. Typically, chondromalacia patellae is a disease of the adolescent and young adult. Etiologic factors include trauma, patellar dislocation, malalignment syndrome, primary cartilage vulnerability, and occupation. Many consider it a normal part of patellofemoral joint aging. It is often confused clinically with symptoms arising from a meniscal injury.

The most often used clinical criteria for applying the diagnosis of chondromalacia patellae are anteromedial knee pain associated with crepitus, buckling, locking, stiffness, swelling, and tenderness. Pain is usually aggravated by sitting in a confined space with the knee flexed (“movie sign”) and by walking up stairs. A distinctive physical sign is retropatellar pain elicited by direct patellofemoral compression with the knee slightly flexed.

Measurement of the Q angle has received attention as a method to detect patellar malalignment which may predispose to chondromalacia. It is the angle formed by the line of the quadraceps muscle and the patellar ligament. Measurement is performed clinically by assessing the angle formed by two lines: (a) from the ASIS to the center of the patella and (b) from the tibial tubercle to the center of the patella. The normal range of this angle is 15 to 20º, with greater than 20º being considered abnormal.1


Pathologic Features:

Chondromalacia literally means cartilage softening. The pathogenetic sequence is characteristic and parallels that seen in degenerative joint disease. Initial swelling and softening of the cartilage produces a blister-type of cartilage lesion. Subsequently, fissuring and fibrillation occur, predominatly involving the medial facet of the patella. Involvement of the lateral facet has also been documented but rarely occurs.1


Radiologic Features:

Specific radiographic findings are characteristically absent. MR is the most accurate method of detecting focal cartilage defects. Bone changes are limited to occasional underlying osteoporosis of the patellar articular surface, particularly the medial facet. Loss of joint space denotes more advanced changes of degenerative joint disease and is usually present in advanced chondromalacia.

Malalignment of the patella can be assessed as a possible contributing factor to chondromalacia. A patella that is situated too high on the femur does not allow proper redirection of the quadriceps muscle and is termed patella alta.


Dr. Terry R. Yochum is a second generation chiropractor and a Cum Laude Graduate of National College of Chiropractic, where he subsequently completed his radiology residency. He is currently Director of the Rocky Mountain Chiropractic Radiological Center in Denver, Colorado, and Adjunct Professor of Radiology at the Southern California University of Health Sciences, as well as an instructor of skeletal radiology at the University of Colorado School of Medicine, Denver, CO. Dr. Yochum can be reached at 1-303-940-9400 or by e-mail at [email protected].

is a 1990 Magna Cum Laude Graduate of National College of Chiropractic. Dr. Maola is a Chiropractic Orthopedist and is available for post-graduate seminars. He may be reached at 1-303-690-8503 or e-mail [email protected]



1. Yochum TR, Rowe LJ: Essentials of Skeletal Radiology, 3rd ed., Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Maryland, 2005.lignant Differential Diagnosis: AJR 126:32, 1976.

Interview with the President of the Congress of Chiropractic State Associations (COCSA), Jeff Fedorko, D.C.

Jeffrey Fedorko graduated from the National College of Chiropractic in 1981 and has been an active member of the Ohio State Chiropractic Association (OSCA) throughout his career. He was first elected to office at the district level in 1984 and moved up through the ranks, eventually being elected President of OSCA in 1998 and Chairman of the Board in 2000. He was named Chiropractor of the Year in 1999 and 2000.

Continue reading “Interview with the President of the Congress of Chiropractic State Associations (COCSA), Jeff Fedorko, D.C.”