News to the Profession


SPECIAL CALL FOR ACTION Health Care Reform AKA Politics 101

The honeymoon is drawing to a close for President Obama as he attempts to advance his plan for reforming the health delivery system in the United States. Phrasing like “Obama-care” and other clever plays on words are starting to raise their ugly heads. Remember, accomplishing something is infinitely more difficult than derailing something. The “derailers” are out in full force. This isn’t the Clinton era. The concepts of health care reform in the Days of Bill didn’t have the urgency that they have today. Many people are now beginning to appreciate that the train wreck ahead could make the current subprime mortgage debacle look like a walk in the park.

So…whaddayado? We need to mobilize the way Obama mobilized the electorate to become president. We need to get into the fray. We need to get everybody who has any concern about tomorrow’s health care into the fray. Start by writing the President, then your U.S. Senators and then your U.S. Representatives. Do it today. If you need help on what to say, how to say it, how to send it and/or where to send it, visit Do it today. If you don’t, you give up any and all rights to a legitimate bitch down the road.Source: “The Latest Stuff,” by Gerry Clum, President of Life West College, D.C. Sign up for the Newsletter on [email protected].  

Western States Chiropractic College (WSCC) Broke Ground on What Will Be Their New, 21st Century Anatomical Sciences Building!

Portland, OR: In 2004, WSCC’s Board recognized the need to replace the current Anatomy Lab and began to develop the vision of an exciting new, environmentally friendly, state-of-the-art Anatomical Sciences Building. This summer, construction will begin on the new building at the WSCC campus.


The Anatomical Sciences Building will provide a greatly improved environment that better cultivates the education of WSCC students and supports the latest advanced learning technology. Follow the progress and see the latest design renderings at

For questions or interview requests, contact Todd Loggan, Director of Communications, Western States Chiropractic College; phone 1-503-251-2836; or visit

 Summit to be Held at FCA in August

For the sixth time in eighteen months, leaders of the chiropractic profession will gather to pool resources, make plans and rally the chiropractic troops at the Summit, to be held at the Florida Chiropractic Association Convention in Orlando, Florida August 27-30, 2009.

Representatives of the American Chiropractic Association, International Chiropractors Association, Association of Chiropractic Colleges, Congress of Chiropractic State Organizations, and top chiropractic colleges, vendors and practice consultants will come together and develop a unified effort to spread the chiropractic message and encourage legislators to pass laws that support chiropractic patients.

At the past five Summit meetings, groundwork was laid to forge a new coalition among key players in chiropractic politics, business and academics, to work toward getting our profession on the same page. The goal is to improve public relations through education, and enlist the aid of influential senators and congressmen-and-women to champion the causes of millions of chiropractic patients, who depend on our unity to receive the benefits they want and need under the new administration’s plan to provide health care coverage for all.

For more information please contact the Foundation For Chiropractic Progress at or call 1-866-901-F4CP.

 Mexican University Names Library in Honor of Dr. Fabrizio Mancini,
President of Parker College of Chiropractic

Ecatepec, Mexico: The Universidad Estatal del Valle de Ecatepec (UNEVE) has dedicated a new campus building and library to Dr. Fabrizio Mancini, president of Parker College of Chiropractic located in Dallas, Texas.

The brand-new building which will house the library is currently under construction and is set to be completed by October 2009. The Secretary of Education for the State of Mexico, Licenciada Maria Guadalupe Monter Flores, represented by the Subsecretary of Middle and Superior Education, Licenciado Jorge Cruz Martinez, as well as academic and administrative directors from UNEVE honored Dr. Mancini at a special ceremony where they unveiled the blueprints.

“To recognize your generosity, an act which we are confident will provoke other donations from similarly generous people and institutions, we are naming our library Biblioteca Dr. Fabrizio Mancini,” said Dr. Ismael Sáenz Villa, Rector at UNEVE.

Dr. Mancini recently donated more than 1,200 books from his personal library to the university, understanding that “books are meant to be shared, not stored.

For additional information about Parker College of Chiropractic, visit the college’s website at

Source: Parker College of Chiropractic.

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