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Check out the Check in by TGI Solutions

http://www.theamericanchiropractor.com/images/monitor.jpgTGI Software has released the newest addition to their Autumn8 office management software, a patient check-in Kiosk system. The system utilizes a custom printed magnetic stripe card to identify the patient, allows them to physically sign the screen (proof without paper that they were in the office), and rate their problems for this visit. Additionally, the patient can report and rate new problems right at check-in. Once they finish the 15 second process, the information becomes a part of the EMR for that visit. In keeping with TGI’s reputation for full featured software at value prices, the entire check-in package, including hardware, adds only $1000 to the price of the software. With the addition of the check-in Kiosk, paperless, all electronic visits are now a reality with the Autumn8 system.

The company also announced that integrated credit card processing, and point of sale barcode scanning for supplements will be added to the system before the end of the year. For more information, call 1-800-645-4309, or visit
www.tgisolutions.com, or email [email protected].


Logan Clinic Hires Endowed Chair of Enzyme Nutrition

The Logan Internal Health Specialist Certification Program, taught at Logan College of Chiropractic in St. Louis, MO, by Dr. Howard F. Loomis, began its fifth successful series in July of 2009. Dr. Loomis continues to teach his work in this Post-Graduate program at Logan, his alma mater.

Because of the IHS program, the Loomis System is becoming quite popular with the students at Logan. For this reason, the Logan College Clinic brought on Rebecca Gould, DC, to be the Endowed Chair of Enzyme Nutrition. Dr. Gould will oversee the students as they practice the Loomis System in the Clinic. The Logan students will benefit from Dr. Gould’s knowledge and experience with the Loomis System. This is a tremendous opportunity for all involved. Call for more information, 1-800-662-2630, or contact Polly Fleming at
[email protected].


Why Does Back or Neck Surgery Fail?

http://www.theamericanchiropractor.com/images/book.jpg*Surgery not Included by Dr. Richard E. Busch III is the journey through the medical treatment pipeline that includes endless testing, misdiagnosis and, many times, ineffective, unnecessary surgery.

A must read–strong and balanced–for doctors committed to helping patients avoid surgery, or for those who have patients that have failed surgery syndrome. Call 1-888-471 4090 to order your copy for $29.95 + S/H or visit


Build or Elevate Your Nutritional Practice without Any Additional Nutritional Supplements Concentrate on Real Foods & Long Term Lifestyle Changes

http://www.theamericanchiropractor.com/images/supple.jpgFor 20 years, Lifestyle Nutrition has provided doctors with a metabolic analyzer and software so your assistant can provide custom nutrition & exercise programs for weight management, sports nutrition, or disease specific meal plans for patients based on lean body weight, height, age, sex and activity level and food preferences. Doesn’t this make sense?

Without having to purchase expensive supplements, doctors and patients find the program less expensive and more profitable, which markets extremely well in these times. We provide the training and materials, power points news ads & a TV commercial. The Lifestyle Nutrition Counseling Program builds happy, loyal patients that refer to your practice. For your custom meal plan or more information, call 1-800-699-8106 or visit

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