There is a pressing national agenda that will affect every chiropractor and people of the United States for years to come. The issue is National Health Care Reform and it is so important that the ACA, ICA, COCSA and the ACC have joined forces putting politics aside. Once the debate is over and the vote is cast, it will dictate how the people of the United States will potentially look at Chiropractic and can dictate the ability to access chiropractic care.
Right now, is the time to take action! It will only take two minutes of your time. Go to and register to send a letter to your Federal Representative. The service is free and automatically selects your representatives by your zip code and e-mails a well written letter urging inclusion of chiropractic care in the national health care reform program.
This is an urgent call to action for you, your patients and families. Everyone in your world should be going on-line to protect the right of every American to receive chiropractic care to get well and to stay well.
On behalf of everyone at The American Chiropractor,
Jaclyn Touzard, BA