From the Director’s Desk

C1 TAC Vol35No09 144xThe metamorphosis that health records have undergone with the development of various computer programs has been transformative for the modern chiropractic practice. With this progress, several companies have developed a broad influence across the profession, while using their leveraged, software based platforms, to create new opportunities  that enable the chiropractic clinic to succeed.  Take this opportunity to learn the ChiroTouch story, emerging as a dominant force in Chiropractic software in less than a decade. Flip to page 20
Remember the era when decompression tables were the rage in chiropractic?  Well, they still are in some highly specialized clinics, catering to patients suffering from acute symptomatology associated with a herniated disc, and even in some degenerative disc patients. Recently, Parker University unveiled a certification program for D.C.’s interested in earning a certificate to justify their expertise in this still, relatively young niche of manual therapy treatment.  Read Dr. Kaplan’s article on page 30.
As you’ll notice on the cover, this issue you may find The Chiropractic Assistant Magazine, located on page 1. The Chiropractic Assistant will be mailing bi-monthly next year, so be sure to go to, so that you don’t miss out!
All the best!

Joseph Busch, D.C. 

From the Director’s Desk

C1 TAC Vol35No08 144xOne of our cover features this month is an insightful account, written by Dr. David Dolberg, of a full day, following Dr. Bill Morgan, as he works at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.  What an inspiring story of how professions work together, for the benefit of our servicemen.  Flip to page 24 now to read more.
Considering the rapid rise of technology, and the influence that technology has developed into every facet of modern life, it’s important to give some thought as to how you are using technology to put yourself out there. Read some of the tips that the techno wizard David Marcarian believes you can do to instantly create positive infiltration into the lives of your patients, in his article “Time to Technologize Your Marketing”, beginning on page 44.
Glance to the right to see what else is inside! And if you prefer to read TAC on your ipad or digital reader, look us up at: to read this and many archived past issues online!   
Cover to Cover!
See you in September! 

Joseph Busch, D.C.

From the Director’s Desk

C1 TAC Vol35No07 144xEven though chiropractic has been around over one hundred years, there are still a handful of chiropractors out there that studied under the earliest chiropractic professors. These chiropractors, living bridges to the roots of the profession itself, have had a far reaching influence into what is considered modern day chiropractic. Read what Dr. Dick Versendaal has to say about his past, and present, celebrating 76 years of life, in this exclusive Q and A, on page 18.
Also this issue, Dr. Mark Studin presents a breakdown of the collections of personal injury practices by state, for 2010, versus 2012.  The results are sure to surprise you. Flip to page 32 to learn more.
This and much more, for your summertime enjoyment! As always, you may find this issue, as well as our archives, online at

Joseph Busch, D.C.

From the Director’s Desk

C1 TAC Vol35No06 144xAccording to the CDC, childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and tripled in adolescents in the past 30 years. Obesity is a problem that is not going away any time soon. A fresh perspective on the topic comes from none other than Functional Medicine expert Dr. Ron Grisanti. Read Dr. Grisanti’s thoughts on using a functional approach to fighting obesity on page 50.
Many weight loss programs include exercise. As we are entering summer, expect more athletes to be making their way into your clinic because of flawed exercise programs. Dr. Jeffrey Tucker makes his first appearance in the pages of The American Chiropractor, with “Integral Applications for Exercise Therapy”,  to explain some of the best practices in maintaining athletes health in their pursuit of superior fitness.
And what about all those vibrating machines we see all over the place.  Is there something to them? See what Josh Woggon, D.C. has learned, after his exhaustive review of the literature. Very interesting insights on the trials that have been done, including inconsistent interpretation of studies, as well as the possibility that some vibration machines may actually lead to injury. Read “WBV, EBP, and Y-O-U”  beginning on page 32.
No matter where you are, you may access all of our archives online at Best used with a tablet, or a pc, not a smartphone though.
Keep up the great work!

Joseph Busch, D.C.

From the Director’s Desk

C1 TAC Vol35No05 144xThe chain of structural effects as one subluxated vertebra interacts with another, thereby influencing head position, shoulder tilt, hip sway, amongst other things may be regarded as the most easily appreciated visual proof of the effect of an individual, and multiple subluxations.  
In this issue, The American Chiropractor interviews Dr. Tim Maggs. Dr. Maggs proudly presents the Structural Management® program which he has introduced to the folks at the Christian Brothers Academy. Please flip to page 18 to read how Dr. Maggs is changing the lives of the student athletes that would otherwise have to suffer the consequences of inefficient biomechanics.
In another interview with one chiropractic personality that has been a life long learner, Dr. Kevin Jardine expresses how his interpretation of chiropractic is that it is much more than simply “eliciting an audible click in a patient”. Read more about Dr. Kevin Jardine, the co-creator of SpiderTech tape on page 30.  
This issue is literally packed full, like always. You’ll find outstanding information on improving your patients’ posture from the likes of Dr. Dennis Woggon, as well as Dr. Jon Pettibon, and even learn the key to exploding your personal injury practice from Dr. Mark Studin. That’s not all! Glance to the right to see what suits your needs, and as always, read this one cover to cover.
All the best!

Joseph Busch, D.C.

From the Director’s Desk

C1 TAC Vol35No04 144xMalpractice Insurance.  It’s something we all need to comply with licensing laws, in most cases. We know we need it, so we get it, right?  When deciding who you’re hiring, it’s always best to get to know all your options.  Take a look at the profiles of the five most prominent malpractice companies that provide insurance for chiropractors, starting on page 11.
On the topic of risk aversion, Stu Hoffman has done a great job of detailing how the new healthcare laws that are being implemented will impact your ability to practice.  This includes a summary of old risks that you should still pay attention to.  Flip to page 50 to read what Stu, a long time expert on all things related to chiropractic malpractice insurance, has to say. 
Also this issue, don’t miss Dr. Mark Studin’s unique twist to the current dysfunctional medical model, as it pertains to the use of opiate pain medication, on page 32, in his article “Organized Medicine Considers Chiropractic as a ‘First Line’ Solution to the Opiode Epidemic”.  The title says it all, and this article introduces some unique perspectives.
As always, you may also find this magazine online at:  You will also find archives of the past fifteen years for your browsing, or referencing.  Enjoy!
All the best!

Joseph Busch, D.C. 

From the Director’s Desk

C1 TAC Vol35No03 144xIf opening a new practice, growing your existing practice or opening a satellite practice are areas that you’re embracing this year, then you’ve hit the jack-pot.  After reading this issue from cover to cover, the authors will have you prepared for a successful year, whether it be growing in the direction of medical integration, personal injury, or marketing.

Becoming associated with a large chiropractic network or even a franchise is one practice model that has become a hot topic recently, as there has been an absolute explosion in the amount of practices operating in this type of model.  Please keep in mind some of the tips that John Leonisio, co-founder of Massage Envy, and CEO of The Joint has for you if you are considering entering into this type of practice.  It’s a big leap, and knowing the pros and cons of each business model will help with your decision.  Read this analysis on page 56.

You may have already noticed the first issue of The Chiropractic Assistant inserted along with this issue of The American Chiropractor.  What a thrill it is for us to be able to serve this important part of your chiropractic team.  Be sure to pull out the insert, and give it to your CA.  Look for more issues of The Chiropractic Assistant every quarter.

Happy Reading, and Happy Planning,

Joseph Busch, D.C.

From the Director’s Desk

C1 TAC Vol35No02 144xApplying chiropractic adjustments to children has immeasurable effects on the trajectory of the child receiving care.  The impact of a fully functioning nervous system on a “damaged child” has an immediate effect, creating a “brighter” patient, as described to me personally in a conversation with Bobby Doscher, DC, in the recent Parker Las Vegas Seminar, at the Rio Hotel.  Bobby was there to receive another award for the work that she has done over the 30 years that she has invested her life in, with the Oklahaven Children’s Chiropractic Center. Please read the profile on page 44 to learn about her inspiring life.

Also this issue, renowned ADHD expert Edward Hallowell, M.D. returns to the pages, with Kira Bailey, DC to explain the Shine for Doctors protocol of dealing with the underlying risk factors of kids with ADHD, with the goal of creating a healthier child.  To review the Shine Protocol for caring for kids with ADHD, flip to page 32

That’s not all this issue.  Ground breaking articles on burst training, by Josh Axe, DC, on page 40, and Fascial Manipulation technique by widely known Warren Hammer, DC  on page 48, make this issue a treasure trove of information.

Don’t miss next issue, which will include the first ever issue of The Chiropractic Assistant, as well as a comprehensive analysis of the risks and benefits of being associated with being part of a Franchise.

Until next month,

Joseph Busch, DC

From the Director’s Desk

C1 TAC Vol35No01 144xWelcome to a new year, and the January, 2013 issue of The American Chiropractor Magazine.  On the cover you’ll see the hospital that recently acquired the practice of Dr. Gary Tarola, who now enjoys staff privileges at that very hospital.  The majority of his patients are through referrals from within the hospital.  Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how, and why this came to pass, starting on page 42.

Continuing with the theme of a new year, we’ve got a great article on the concept of tonal neurology, and how it relates to the chiropractic subluxation complex, written by Fred Clary, DC, DIBCN beginning on page 20.  Dr. Clary does a great job of laying out a completely new perspective on local and systemic neurology.

This year, look for a new magazine from The American Chiropractor, titled The Chiropractic Assistant mailing to you in March.  This magazine is specially designed for you to give to your Chiropractic Assistant and will have articles inside that make the CA’s job easier to understand, as well as some of the instructional support necessary for a clinic that is always growing.

Please reach out to us today to learn how you can join up with us here at The American Chiropractor by sending an e-mail to [email protected].

Thank you for all you do, here’s to a great 2013!
For The American Chiropractor,

Joseph Busch, DC

From the Director’s Desk

C1 TAC Vol34No12 144xA consistent, low cost, and effective method of analysis for delivering high quality nutritional recommendations is something that has been pursued by scores of doctors in their mission to deliver optimum health to their patients. One man who has actually completed this mission is Dr. Howard Loomis.  In this December issue, seize the moment, and learn about this unique method of evaluation, as well as the administration of nutritional enzyme supplements, beginning on page 18.
The common mission of executing and delivering high quality patient care is something that not only D.C.’s are interested in achieving, but also M.D.’s. With this sort of perspective on the healthcare system, Dr. William Owens is inviting family practice residents at the State University of New York Buffalo School of Medicine into his clinic to shadow him, as an elective course, so the residents may learn exactly what goes on in today’s chiropractic clinic. Read more on page 42.
This issue also features chiropractic technique. Although many of these techniques for manual therapy originated in chiropractic, they are in no way restricted to exclusive chiropractic use.  Students include PT’s, MD’s, DC’s, and other manual therapists. Most DC’s use a variety of techniques to get their patients back out in the public, to enjoy a better quality of life. Learn more about three current techniques this issue, Manual Neuroscience Method, Trigenics®, and the Pettibon System, by finding them on the table of contents, to the right.
Enjoy this December issue of The American Chiropractor! 
Season’s Greetings!

Joseph Busch, D.C.